Warship of Great Power

Chapter 969: Xuelong 2 is about to be launched

"Mr. Qin, it's as you predicted." Xu Zhengyang reported excitedly to Qin Tao with the latest information: "When the Admiral Razaev returned to China, it encountered an interception by an island nation's warships, and they directly collided with it. In the past, King Kong-level damage resulting in interceptions has been severe.”

"Really? It's ridiculous that a small insect shakes a big tree." Qin Tao said, "It's a pity that we didn't sink them!"

“Now, the islanders are crying to the US Navy, and they have decided to hold joint military exercises in the near future.”

“Well, after suffering a loss, you have to show off your muscles. Didn’t they protest to Da Mao?”

“We protested, but were bitten back by Mao, who claimed that the entire responsibility lay with the island country’s warships, which caused heavy losses to the Razarev, and demanded compensation of US$100 million.”

This is the style of Big Mao. If I do it, I still have to ask you to compensate me. Although I have no money in my pocket, I will never give up in terms of momentum.

“Well, now we have reached our expectations.” Qin Tao said: “Next, we can continue to develop quietly.”

"Yes, although the size of our fleet has expanded, we are still weak to others." At this moment, Wu Shengli's voice sounded outside.

“Dad, aren’t you coming tomorrow?” Qin Tao was very curious.

The Xuelong 2 icebreaker will not be launched until tomorrow, but the navy leaders are here today?

 “There is no ticket for tomorrow.”

 Do you still take civil airliners? Aren’t you all on a special plane? Qin Tao sneered at this answer, but didn't say anything.

  What my father-in-law says is whatever he says, can I refute it myself?

“I’m here early today. I have nothing to do. How about discussing the island nation’s fleet? If the conflict between the island nation and Mao escalates, who can defeat whom?”

 Does this need to be said? Even if the island country has a fleet of ninety, it won't work, because Lao Maozi has mushroom bombs on hand and can grow mushrooms for the island country at any time. But if we analyze it now, it is possible.

"Although the navy of the island country is called the Self-Defense Force, it has long exceeded the need for self-defense. For a long time, their naval power was the strongest in the entire Western Pacific region." Qin Tao analyzed: "In 1907, At that time, their Minister of the Navy proposed the concept of the 88th Fleet, which consisted of eight battleships and eight armored cruisers less than eight years old. In the 1980s, they once again launched the 88th Fleet, which was designated at that time. There are eight main warships and eight carrier-based helicopters, including 1 helicopter destroyer, 2 anti-aircraft destroyers and 5 general-purpose destroyers, coupled with 8 helicopters. But by 1986, their four such The frigate group each received a King Kong-class destroyer, equipped with the Aegis system, and has been expanded to a fleet of ninety. Especially the King Kong-class destroyer, with a displacement of nearly 10,000 tons, is a main warship."

The island country is an island and relies heavily on sea transportation lines, so they are also the most urgent to protect these sea transportation lines. They have built a huge fleet, enough to dominate this region.

"Moreover, the island country is still building helicopter carriers. After the completion of the three Dayu-class ships, it is preparing to continue building a new class of helicopter frigates. Although they are called helicopter frigates, we all know that these are quasi-aircraft carriers. Even the Dayu class is already a quasi-aircraft carrier."

The Dayu-class transport ship is an attempt by the island nation, and it is the beginning of the direct-to-deck aircraft carrier. They keep saying that it cannot become an aircraft carrier without a hangar, but it is just a rhetoric. There is a garage for vehicles below, and an elevator to the deck, which can be used at any time. It can be transformed into a quasi-aircraft carrier.

 When it comes to the Hyuga class, it will not be installed at all. It will be a helicopter carrier, and the displacement will be increased to 17,000 tons.

"Currently, the total tonnage of the island country's Maritime Self-Defense Force is already that of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain and other countries combined, and the ships are very new and have very strong combat effectiveness. The old Maozi on the opposite side currently has no conventional strength at all. It cannot be compared with island countries." Qin Tao said.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, the island country's maritime power is still very strong, especially with the support of Americans."

“Therefore, our navy must seize the time.” Qin Tao said: “All construction work cannot be delayed. We must expand our maritime power as soon as possible. While Lao Maozi attracts the attention of the West, we can develop our own strength.”

 Although we are rushing troops, after all, it takes time to accumulate. Now is the process of accumulating time.

“Well, we came early today and have just enough time to go and have a look at the slipway.”

 What are you looking at?

  The 052DL is of course under construction.

At present, the navy's ships are still in the stage of running fast. The largest number of 052Cs is only four, and only one 052D was built before turning to 052DL.

 After Mingzhou Group submitted the design plan of 052DL, the construction work began. At present, the construction of this warship has almost been completed on the slipway and will be launched soon.

  If the construction of 055 starts later, it may be possible to catch up with the launch of this warship.

 From 052C to 052D, and then from 052D to 052DL, this kind of main naval warship has finally matured.

 A group of naval officers came to the slipway and looked at the warship under construction, filled with emotion.

The warship still has a traditional stealth shape. The superstructure is tilted inward, and space is exposed in front of the bow and the helicopter hangar to install the vertical launch system. Phased array radars are installed around the bridge.

 Everything looks familiar, but the stern part of the ship has been elongated. This is in preparation for the domestically produced Z-20 to be put on the ship.

 “Our warship looks longer.”

“Yes, the displacement is large enough. The British have always boasted about how good their Type 45 destroyers are. After our 052DL enters service, the displacement is no less than their Type 45!”

The original 052 had a displacement of only more than 4,000 tons. By 052B, the displacement was less than 6,000 tons. By 052C, it was more than 6,000 tons. By 052D, it had increased to about 7,000 tons. Then to the 052DL in front of us, the displacement had further increased to 7,000 tons. Five hundred tons.

 The displacement of naval warships is getting larger and larger, which is also a development trend. After all, to install more and more equipment and to improve the living standards of the crew, they must become larger and larger.

“The engine was installed last month.” Qin Tao introduced to everyone: “This engine is a further improved model, with the power slightly increased to 28 megawatts. But the thermal efficiency has been increased to 38%.”

Initially, UGT15000 was installed on Navy warships, but UGT25000 was installed only in recent years. This engine could only output 26.7 megawatts of power initially. As the displacement of warships increases, the output power must also increase, otherwise the speed of warships will increase. The target cannot be reached.

 28 MW is only a slight increase, after all, the ultimate goal is to increase to 30 MW.

 However, if you only increase the power, it doesn't make much sense. The improvement of thermal efficiency is more important, which means it is more fuel-efficient. After all, this product burns diesel, and burning diesel is money.

"Well, it's a pity that the power system does not use electric propulsion." A naval leader looked at the gleaming propeller at the rear of the warship and said: "If we can use all our advanced technologies, the performance of this warship can still be greatly improved. "

“Do you think this kind of warship is technologically backward, so why not give up on building the 055?” Qin Tao asked.

“Mr. Qin, what do you mean?”

"Our navy must not only have a quality advantage, but also a quantity advantage. Our maritime rights and interests are becoming more and more important, and the navy needs to take care of more and more places. We can't just let the expensive 055 go, right? Our 052DL, It wants to pursue quantitative advantage and become the main warship, so cost control must be in place. If all the high-end technologies are used, can the navy afford it?"

“Yes, 055 is high-end, and 052DL is for quantity. Can your Mingzhou Group further reduce the cost?”

"This will have to wait until the Qiongzhou Shipyard is completed. If the Navy places more orders, for example, eight at a time, we can set up an assembly line to produce them, and the price will definitely be reduced a lot." Build eight at the same time?

Ships generally work alone and rarely follow the assembly line, but there are cases in history. During World War II, the "Casablanca" class **** aircraft carrier built by the United States used the assembly line shipbuilding concept of American industrialist Henry Kaiser, which was widely used. Welding, prefabricated components and segmented construction are common modes of construction that greatly improve the efficiency of shipbuilding.

Before building this kind of **** aircraft carrier, the "Freewheel" project contracted by his shipyard used this method. The average construction time was reduced to 42 days, and the fastest Robert E. Peary only took 4 days15 Hours and 30 minutes!

 This is shipbuilding, not car building, and that’s how attractive the assembly line is.

The same is true for **** aircraft carriers. Built using this method, the total delivery time for all 50 "Casablanca" class ships is 365 days, which means that 50 ships are built in a year. Among them, the fastest CVE-100 "Bougainville" is only It took 76 days to complete the project successfully.

Next, the Navy will definitely need a large number of warships. If enough orders are placed at one time and an assembly line is produced, and the entire shipyard builds the same model of warships, the construction speed will definitely be very fast, and the cost can also be reduced.

“Okay, let’s give it a try.” Wu Shengli nodded: “When the Qiongzhou Shipyard completes construction, our navy will place a batch of orders for 052DL!”

 With abundant national treasury and support from superiors, the navy will inevitably usher in a period of great development!

The navy already has modern warships in terms of quality, but the number is too small, and construction must be accelerated!

“The ship over there is big. Is it the Snow Dragon II?” After looking at this ship, the big guy looked at the other one.

“That’s right, that ship is the Xue Long 2 which is undergoing finishing work and waiting to be launched.” Qin Tao nodded.

 Xuelong 2 nuclear-powered icebreaker, currently the largest icebreaker in the world! The second largest icebreaker in the world has only half the displacement!

 Looking at the ship, everyone was shocked.

The behemoth with a displacement of 50,000 tons looks extremely spectacular. Its upper level is similar to a cruise ship. There are many superstructures that can accommodate many people. There are also many living facilities inside, which are designed to carry a certain number of passengers. These people can be Tourists can also be scientists.

Underneath it is a thick hull, which is different from the sharp front and flat rear of ordinary ships. It is pointed both front and back, and the front and rear are the same. This is of course to break the ice both front and rear, and it can also break the thick ice when reversing. Layers dry.

Since it is about to be launched into the water, propellers and the like have already been installed. The propeller installed on the V-shaped bottom of the boat looks a bit weird, and the drive shaft is slightly long, extending into the hull.

"Actually, we originally planned to install a shaftless electric thruster on this ship, and put the motor and propeller directly outside, which would be more efficient. However, we don't know what unexpected situations the nuclear-powered icebreaker will face. What if the tail end In the event of a collision, damage to the motor may have catastrophic consequences, so for the sake of safety, a solution with a transmission shaft is adopted." Qin Tao introduced to everyone.

 For ordinary ships, collisions are only rare accidents, but for icebreakers, they have to hit ice every day and the motor is exposed, which is always dangerous, so they still have to ensure reliability.

“That’s right, this kind of icebreaker can’t have an accident. If this kind of icebreaker gets trapped, it will cause big trouble.” The big guy nodded.

“Has the nuclear fuel been installed?” asked another leader.

"Yes." Qin Tao nodded: "The nuclear reactor has already been installed when it is installed. It is impossible to wait until it is launched into the water before loading, otherwise the ship will have to be cut open."

In Qin Tao's time and space, after the 003 aircraft carrier was launched, some black rods were hoisted from the back. Then many people became excited: Our 003 is nuclear-powered and nuclear fuel is being hoisted!

 In fact, the nuclear fuel is installed during construction. To replace the nuclear fuel midway, you have to cut a large hole inside the aircraft carrier while it is being overhauled. It is definitely not something that can be solved by simple hoisting.

"Our nuclear reactors use highly enriched uranium." Qin Tao said: "The Linglong 1 nuclear reactor can ensure a continuous supply of power throughout the entire life of the ship, without the need to reload nuclear fuel midway. However, this thing It’s really expensive!”

The fuel rods in the nuclear reactor also burn less and less. When the fuel rods are burned to a certain level, they must be replaced. The higher the enrichment of the fuel rods, the longer their lifespan. Ever since Mingzhou Group started to develop these things, they have been using them. Retired nuclear weapons can be used as fuel, which greatly increases their lifespan. If they are burned cleanly, they will be fine for fifty years.

Of course, other devices in the nuclear reactor may have problems, and the actual lifespan will not be that high, but thirty years will be no problem. For a nuclear-powered icebreaker, thirty years is enough.

Such a nuclear-powered icebreaker is also quite expensive to build, especially the nuclear reactor. Fortunately, although the entire ship was paid for by the Mingzhou Group, the nuclear reactor was paid for by the Navy.

At this time, when Qin Tao said that this thing was expensive, Wu Shengli immediately said: "Yes, of course it is expensive. How much does this nuclear reactor account for in the entire icebreaker cost?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Tao reacted instantly: "Nuclear reactors are expensive, but the construction of the entire icebreaker is even more expensive. The nuclear reactor does not account for much, not even one percent."

The Navy should not think that it can have the right to use this icebreaker by giving it a nuclear reactor. If it were not for the strong request of the Navy, there would be no need for Mingzhou Group to build this big thing. Mingzhou Group also paid a large sum of money for this ship. Of course it's your own.

“Mr. Qin, a guest has arrived. Secretary Zhao is receiving the guest and asked if you would like to meet him.” Xu Zhengyang suddenly said next to Qin Tao.

 “What guest?”

 “Mr. Chen.”

 “Which Mr. Chen?”

“Chen Qi, Director of the National Oceanographic and Polar Expedition Office.”

Qin Tao smiled helplessly: "Our Xuelong 2 has not even been launched yet, but someone is already interested in boarding our ship. Dad, do you think I will see you or not?"

“Lao Chen is the veteran of polar expeditions in our country. He came here with great enthusiasm. Can you not see him?” Wu Shengli said: “Let’s take a look here. You don’t need to worry. You go and meet this old man.”

“Okay, then you can take a look at it. Yang Gong, you can take the navy leaders around and report the details of our 055.”

Yang Dawei nodded and took over the task, and Qin Tao returned to the shipyard office building.

 A thin old man stood in front of the window, looking at the large ship on the slipway, his eyes full of expectation.

He was wearing a Mao suit that had turned white after washing, with white hair on his forehead, but he was in good spirits. At this time, he was muttering to himself: "With this Snow Dragon 2, our polar expedition work can be completed It's better deployed, we can ride it to the Pole, and we can also use it to build Arctic research stations."

Behind him stood a smiling Zhao Ling. At this time, Zhao Ling was looking at a glass jar on the table, inside which was a strange-shaped stone.

There is also a brief introduction on the outside of FRP: "Antarctic Stone", honeycomb rock, also known as Antarctic rocks, comes from gneiss during the Cambrian period and has been tempered for 530 million years.

This stone is of great significance. In 1997, Chen Qi, who was the captain and chief scientist of the 13th Antarctic Expedition at the time, mined it at the Rasman Hills of Zhongshan Station in Antarctica and kept it at home. Now, he keeps it at home. Take it out and present it to Mr. Qin.

“Hey, why is there a stone here?” At this moment, Qin Tao walked in. After seeing the stone, he asked curiously.

"Mr. Qin, this is a strange stone from Antarctica. I give it to you." Chen Qi turned around and saw Qin Tao, and immediately said enthusiastically: "I know you don't care about it, but..."

"I like it very much. This stone is the pride of our polar scientific expedition team." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Chen, are you here to make plans for our Snow Dragon 2? Don't worry, as long as you need it, our Snow Dragon No. 2 can be rented to you for free at any time!”

 Mr. Qin is actually so generous?

 Zhao Ling was a little curious.

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