Just after the referee said this, three figures rushed towards Jiang Rusheng.

Sugu was surrounded by a triangle.

"Instructor Fang Jun, as well as instructors Liu Huimin and Liu An, these people actually came together."

Someone immediately exclaimed.

But among these exclamations, there were also some confused voices.

"Why are there only these three people? Didn't Sugu say we want 1VS20?"

Only three people in the formation on the mentor's side rushed forward and surrounded Sugu.

The other seventeen instructors either put their hands behind their backs, or sat on the ground, and some even closed their eyes to rest.

Obviously these people have no intention of taking action.

"Idiot." Regarding this question, someone immediately said with disdain:

"Think about it, what is the identity of the tutors in our school? Do they really want to swarm up and beat up a student?

If he really did such a thing, even if he won, it would only increase Sugu's reputation. "

"It is estimated that the dispatch of these three mentors is the number of mentors who can defeat Sugu without harming Sugu."

After hearing this explanation, the students who were watching nodded suddenly.

At the same time, some people who were betting that Sugu wouldn't last three minutes couldn't help but let out an angry curse.

"Damn it, if I do this, won't my credits be lost?"

When they thought of this, these people had angry expressions on their faces, and some couldn't help but stamp their feet.

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. Although the instructor has dispatched three people, Sugu may not be able to hold on for three minutes."

Some smiled and comforted.

As they spoke, terrifying soul energy erupted from the three instructors.

What is different from ordinary soul power is that in addition to the sense of oppression, these soul powers also have certain attributes.

For example, after Fang Jun's soul power was released, the surrounding temperature rose by more than ten degrees.

The air around him seemed distorted.

"Soul power has attributes?"

Looking at such a scene, the expression on the face of the person who was worried about losing money just now became slightly relieved.

This is the essential difference between the Self-Seeking Realm and the Soul-Shaping Realm.

The soul power in the Self-Seeking Realm is simply released as a kind of energy.

In the Soul Shaping Realm, every warrior's soul power will have special attributes. Even if you use your soul power to release it, it will give ordinary people a great sense of oppression.

"That's not all."

These students smiled and said:

"In the state of seeking me, no matter how talented a warrior is, no matter how special his physique is.

When outputting soul power, there will be peaks and valleys.

Generally speaking, the low level of soul power output is also the weakness of that warrior. "

“But once a warrior steps into the Soul Shaping Realm, this matter will be fundamentally improved.

Ignite the soul fire and the soul power will be inexhaustible.

Warriors in the Soul Shaping Realm can output their soul power at will before their own soul power is exhausted.

You won't feel exhausted, and there won't be any peaks or troughs during the soul power output process. "

"For the warriors of the Seeking-Me Realm, the warriors of the Soul-Shaping Realm are inexhaustible and have no weaknesses in the usual sense.

A monster whose soul power is even more special than its own. "

After everyone thought about the basic common sense of being a warrior.

The eyes of these people fell on Sugu, who was surrounded by three soul-shaping realm warriors and could not escape at all.

Someone couldn't help but say:

"Sugu will face three such monsters next."

After hearing this, the ordinary students took themselves in, and a suffocating feeling like drowning came towards them.

This kind of monster has no weaknesses, and there are three of them at once.

As an ordinary person, how can you fight?

Many people looked at Sugu with even a hint of sympathy.

Jiang Rusheng looked at this situation with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Everything was as he expected.

Sugu didn't have the slightest chance.

"Fortunately, I caught these people when they were about to swarm them."

"Otherwise, after tonight, Sugu will really become famous."

Jiang Rusheng said calmly.

If the twenty mentors really swarmed up and besieged Sugu, even if they won the battle, it would probably be considered a dishonorable victory.

Even the matter itself, even if he loses, can be regarded as Sugu's record.

Jiang Rusheng couldn't accept this kind of thing.

"Although the winner must be us, we must also win you with the minimum consumption." Jiang Rusheng thought silently in his heart.

And at the moment he thought so.

In the ring, four people have been facing each other in a triangle. At this moment, the balance is suddenly broken.

The three mentors surrounding Sugu, led by Fang Jun, began to attack.

Visible to the naked eye, the soul power with powerful attack and killing attributes is floating in the space.

"Senior Bai, I'm sorry, you're about to bleed profusely." The student who started the betting said proudly when he saw this situation.

Looking at the field, Sugu seemed to be intimidated by the power of the opponent, and he didn't even have time to release his soul power and form combat skills.

The famous student who opened the gambling market was still a little worried, but finally let go.

Sure enough, he had no reason to lose this battle!

"By the way, will students with 2,000 credits default on their debts?"

He relaxed and teased Bai Yujing.

Regarding this, Bai Yujing just smiled and said:

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

In the fighting arena,

The three instructors had already forced themselves within three meters of Sugu's body. For many warriors, this position was enough to kill their opponents.

The outcome has been decided.

Sugu's fighting talent and fighting characteristics are known to the whole school.

He has extremely terrifying combat skills. He can grasp the opponent's weakness in an instant and then complete the counterattack.

Due to the release of soul power, warriors in the Plastic Soul Realm have far fewer flaws than warriors in the Seeking-Me Realm.

And now that Sugu is so close, even if he wants to release his soul power and build combat skills to counterattack, it will be too late.

Is this the only way to be number one in the school today?

Fang Jun couldn't help but think.

And just after he moved forward another half meter, a smile appeared on Sugu's face.

An unpleasant emotion grew in Fang Jun's heart.


Before he finished speaking, a terrifying flame tornado rose with Sugu as the center.

call out!

The terrifying tornado seemed to rise from the earth and point towards the pillar of flame in the sky.

The three people who were approaching were involved, along with Sugu.

"A-level fire power!"

Jiang Rusheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

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