"A-level fire power?!"

Looking at the flame tornado rising into the sky, Jiang Rusheng said in a voiceless voice.

As for the fact that Sugu had acquired supernatural powers, Xingwu Dazhong only knew about the few survivors who had participated in the Star Force brigade.

As well as senior officials such as Lan Qing, Cheng Ziwen and Yin Jun.

The former, many of whom have received favors from Sugu, will naturally not spread his information around.

The latter also tacitly helped Sugu keep the secret secret.

Therefore, not much is known about Sugu's fire power to the outside world.

At this moment, it was the first time that Sugu showed his superpower in front of everyone.

“Didn’t Sugu’s original superpower increase learning speed and concentration, but not have any combat effectiveness?

What's going on with this high-level fire power? "

“Probably he joined the Star Force Brigade and mutated by bathing in alien blood.

I am afraid that with Sugu's ability, many members of the Star Force brigade have been bathed in the blood of aliens. "

"The ability to improve learning ability has become a fire ability. The magnitude of the mutation is too great, it has simply changed into a different species."

"Actually, it's understandable. Sugu's abilities were even rated as inferior before. The level was really too low.

However, because of its low level, its abilities are extremely malleable.

No matter what powers are awakened, there seems to be no need to feel strange. "


The mentors who were standing on the opposite side seemed indifferent to this battle.

Looking at the situation in front of them, they couldn't help but exchange analysis with each other.

As for Jiang Rusheng, who was standing at the front of these instructors, his lips could not help but tremble at this moment.

"Damn it, stop talking, you guys."

"Can't you feel that Fang Jun's situation is getting worse and worse?"

Jiang Rusheng roared angrily.

With his reminder, everyone noticed that Sugu's energy was gradually increasing in the flame tornado.

In contrast, the auras of Fang Jun and others were becoming weaker.

"Quickly find a way to interrupt Su Gu's use of supernatural powers!" Jiang Ru said angrily.

Only at this moment did these instructors react.

The instructor, who had abilities related to ice and water attributes, quickly released his abilities.

People whose abilities have nothing to do with this aspect are searching for effective combat skills among the combat skills they have mastered.

For a moment, the remaining seventeen instructors swarmed in and threw their own powers at the flame tornado crazily.

Countless water-blue energy poured into the flame tornado, trying to suppress Sugu's ability with the opposite energy.

But something unexpected happened.

The ice-blue energy that was involved in the flame tornado failed to suppress Sugu's fire power.

Instead, it was like oil thrown on the flames, making the flame tornado more and more intense.

"What...what's going on?"

Some people dare not set up a passage.

Such a scene has even exceeded the cognition of some instructors.

"Sugu's flame seems to be able to use the enemy's soul power as fuel to burn."

After hearing this, everyone felt horrified.

A flame that can use other people's soul power as fuel? Is there such a kind of superpower in this world?

If this was really the case, ordinary people wouldn't even be able to use their soul power to defend themselves against Sugu's flames.

You can only resist with your body.

Otherwise, it will just help Sugu increase the power of fire.

"Even if the superpower mutates, the direction of the mutation is too damn perverted."

One of the instructors muttered.

Only the six people with water and ice attributes were still using their powers to stop Sugu's flames.

The remaining people could only stay where they were, watching the scene in front of them helplessly.

There is no way, Sugu's flame is too special. If they throw away combat skills randomly, they will just add fuel to the flame in vain.

"Damn, this flame alien is so high."

"I'm afraid the only ones that can directly suppress it are S-level powers."

One of the instructors stopped reluctantly.

S-level powers.

After making these judgments, the expressions on the faces of these instructors showed despair.

In a university like Xingwu University that only accepts civilians, it might take three to four years for a student with S-level powers to appear.

This year, although there is one student in the school.

But that person's name is Yue Yuzhong.

He is Sugu's best friend.

It seems that the ability to suppress the fire attribute has been continuously released, and finally has a certain effect.

The flame tornado began to gradually become smaller.

Soon, the flame tornado dissipated.

Sugu stood in the center with a calm face, looking around.

And beside him were the three mentors who were caught in the flame tornado.

At this moment, they were thrown aside casually like dead dogs.

"Do you want to do it one by one again?"

Sugu looked at the instructors around him and asked lightly.

Compared to Sugu's condition, the instructors who had not cared about him at first were completely tense at this moment.

It looked like a frightened cat.

The two sides confronted each other and neither took action rashly.

The situation in front of them completely stunned the students who were watching.

No matter what, these people could never imagine that such a thing would happen.

The expression on the face of the student who was opening the market just now froze.

No way,

The expression on his face was uglier than crying.

No way, if the tutor really lost, he would lose more than two thousand credits.

The two thousand credits bet by Bai Yujing will be returned at a ratio of 1:2.5.

He must take out at least five thousand credits to pay off the debt.

Five thousand credits!

After this string of data emerged in his mind, he felt that he was going to faint.

These credits are probably more than the total credits he used in two years of school.

If he really lost, he would probably be a refugee in Xingwu University for the next two years.

"Don't worry, as the president of the student union, I still have this gambling quality."

"But as the president of the student union, if you want to owe me credits and don't pay them back, the end will be miserable."

Bai Yujing smiled at the man and said.

Looking at the smile of the beautiful woman in front of him, the student who opened the gambling felt a chill all over his body.

He pinched his thigh hard, hoping to wake up from the nightmare.

But even if he pinched his legs to black and blue, he got nothing except pain.

"Why am I so cheap?"

He cursed in his heart.

He had to open a bet so high-profile in front of Su Gu's teammates and use him to make money.

As a result, he offended someone he couldn't afford to offend.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to slap himself in the face.

He looked at the situation on the field and unconsciously put his hands together, praying.

But after a moment, he still gritted his teeth and said:

"I haven't lost yet."

"Now Su Gu has only solved three mentors."

"And now there are still 17 mentors who are still fighting on the field."

"Now Su Gu's biggest trump card, the fire ability, has been exposed. He has only won the momentum now, but the balance of victory and defeat has not tilted towards him."

After hearing this, Bai Yujing said with a smile:

"In that case, let's wait and see."

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