No matter how much the Almighty Valkyrie fans in the audience hate Hall Riggs.

The matching system of the martial arts dojo is operating normally and moving forward according to the process.

Both sides of the battle began to choose the weapons they would use next.

As an all-powerful god of war, Sugu chose random weapons and random battlefields without any surprise.

Seeing the iconic two roulette wheels spinning around it, ordinary viewers, as fans, had smiles on their faces.

Compared to the beginning, I thought Brother Wu Shen was doing this deliberately to show off.

This scene before the battle begins is already a symbol of the Almighty God of War.

"Hey, are you still using this kind of random weapon in front of me?" Hall Riggs said:

"Actually, the first time I got to know you, I was very curious about a question.

If you are so obsessed with random weapons, you are not thinking about giving yourself an acceptable psychological comfort after losing the battle. "

Sugu looked at the rotating turntable and ignored Heer.

Veins began to pop out on Hel's temples.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the Almighty Martial God has not responded to his provocations.

This kind of silent contempt for treating him as a dispensable little person disgusted him the most.

After provoking for a long time, Heer couldn't help but said angrily:

"I was right, didn't you! Almighty God of War, you are just a clown."

"In the next battle, I will prove this to everyone in the world."

Sugu glanced at him lightly.

What happened to my opponent? He can't even handle his personal emotions before a battle. Is he really a warrior?

Heer stared at Sugu, his face showing a sickly red color

Then he said in a passionate tone:

"You must have been stabbed in a sore spot by me. It seems that you really care about this matter. Later I will strip off the skin you used to disguise yourself!"

After hearing these words, Sugu couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Those who are close are not inferior, and those who are far away are resentful. This is the kind of person I am talking about.

Sugu didn't want to pay attention to this clown anymore.

His weapon has appeared, a weapon common to assassin warriors - a three-edged thorn.

Sugu held the weapon and gestured casually, getting used to the balance and weight of the weapon.

When he was about to see what weapon his opponent would choose, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Around Hor, a turntable of random weapons also appeared, spinning at high speed.

This man was actually imitating Sugu and chose a random weapon before the battle began.

"Almighty Martial God, if you lose next, you won't have any excuse!"

"I will defeat you, destroy you, and your reputation belongs to me!"

Hall said crazily.

Looking at the high-speed rotating roulette wheel, listening to what Hall said. The spectators in the arena who were watching once again broke into heated discussions.

"This man is so disgusting. The Almighty God of War didn't bother to pay attention to him. He just broke through the defense on the spot. He's still there, giving others a thumbs up."

"This guy is also worthy of having random battlefields and random weapons?

I think he is just a clown internet celebrity who wants to take advantage of Brother Wushen’s fame to gain his own position. "

"Brother is so right, this kind of person is really disgusting."


In the midst of the discussions, Saori, who was the commentator, suddenly said:

"Friends, why are you doing this to Hall Riggs?"

"Aren't the things he did done by your idols?"

"And he is just recreating the things the Almighty God of War did."

"Why, the Almighty Martial God can use random weapons, but others can't? I've never heard of such a thing being able to apply for a patent."

Sauri said these words that deserved a beating in a smiling tone.

Undoubtedly, he poured a basin of oil into the already enthusiastic audience.

In an instant, as fans of the Almighty Martial God, the ordinary viewers began to curse angrily:

"Sauri, are you really a disgusting person?"

"Fat brother is not here, no one can cure you, right?"

"I want to trick you into eating and drinking again."

Seeing what ordinary people said, Sao Rui still had a smile on his face, without any sign of anger.

Still standing by, he continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Fans of Almighty God of War, you have double standards..."


Although the atmosphere in the audience was a little too enthusiastic, deep down in the hearts of those fans, it was still extremely reassuring.

After all, this Hall Riggs is just a clown in the final analysis. There is absolutely no comparison with the opponents that Brother Wu Shen met before.

Although the battle process must be a bit boring, the Almighty God of War will definitely not be defeated.

And in this warm but relaxed atmosphere, somewhere in the audience, the atmosphere was slightly depressing.

Keyua frowned and stared at Hall Riggs.

No matter what angle she observed from, she could not feel the energy fluctuations in Heer that were enough to attract her attention.

Fighting such a person against the Almighty Martial God?

This is completely useless.

This person even chose the option of random weapons.

What did he take himself to be? Is this a choice anyone can make?

"If nothing happens, this battle will be over in ten seconds."

Keyua frowned and said.

Then she turned her sight to Huo Sen Medici, who was sitting beside her with a relaxed look, as if he was on a leisure vacation.

If, nothing unexpected happened...

The turntable stopped,

And Hol's weapon was a soft whip.

The battlefield environment rotated to the airspace arena.

"Hehe, both sides of the battle this time used unusual weapons."

"And one is long and the other is short, the difference is huge."

"I am really looking forward to the direction of this battle."

At this time, Sao Rui seemed to finally remember his identity as a commentator, and calmly introduced the advantages and disadvantages of the weapons of both sides.

And while he was talking, the battlefield environment had been transformed.

In the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, shoulder to shoulder with the clouds, there was a floating and falling air arena.

Without any protective measures, in the disc-shaped arena, as long as you fall, you will definitely die.

"This environment without any obstacles is very suitable for the use of soft whips.

In contrast, the three-edged thorns in the hands of the Almighty God of War are very disadvantageous in this environment."

"It doesn't matter. With the strength of Brother Wushen, it's easy to beat such a thing."

"That's right."

The fans of the Almighty God of War in the audience laughed in a relaxed tone.

And at this moment, the system prompt sounded.

The battle began.

Su Gu rushed forward quickly, he also wanted to end this boring battle.

And Hall Riggs raised the soft whip in his hand high.

With a whoosh, he whipped towards Su Gu's position.

It was just the simplest whipping action, and there was not even much soul power blessing on it.

In the past, Su Gu could just rely on his physical strength to bear it.

But this time, looking at the plain attack, Su Gu's combat intuition that he had developed over the years kept reminding him of two words.



Su Gu chose to believe in his combat intuition that he had developed over the years and avoided Hall's attack.

At the same time, the whip hit the ground.


It was as if two huge high-rise buildings collided.

The airspace arena, this air arena that would not fall, was directly split in half by Hol's blow.

At this moment,

the whole place was silent.

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