Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 278 The Reputation of Hosen Medici

Looking at the airspace arena that was broken into two halves by Hol Riggs's casual attack.

The expressions on the faces of those ordinary spectators became confused and sluggish.

Even Sao Rui, who had his butt tilted to Hol's side, couldn't say anything at this moment.

As a commentator, this silent silence told of his shock and confusion.

What's going on? Why does this attack have such power.

Everyone's face showed confusion.

In a corner of the arena, Anderson and Schiller were also puzzled.

As disciples of the Stark family, this kind of thing is very rare. They actually encountered this kind of martial arts moves that they were completely confused about.

Anderson murmured:

"From the soul power fluctuations of the attack just now, I can take Hol's attack head-on without using combat skills.

But why does this move have such destructive power?"

He said this, and it was the doubt in everyone's heart at this moment.

"I don't know. Is this some kind of new fighting skill that we don't know about?

But the attack just now didn't have a strong soul power fluctuation."

Just as the two of them were seriously discussing what happened.

Ke Yuya's cold eyes stared at the quiet man who looked like a king cobra about to pounce on its prey.

Hosen Medici.

"This is you and the family behind you. It's your fault."

"You took advantage of the loopholes in the rules of this world."

After hearing this, the expressions on Anderson and Schiller's faces changed horribly.

The two looked at Huosen Medici, their faces full of fear.

Taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules of the world?

To do this, it must be done by a strong person in the Free and Easy Realm.

For such a small matter, the Medici family actually mobilized a strong person in the Free and Easy Realm to come forward?

"Although the battle of the Almighty Martial God has a wide impact, it is just a small fight between the small warriors in the Xunwo Realm."

"What's more, in the virtual spiritual world, the martial arts arena area. The world laws here have become stable."

"If the strong men in the Xiaoyao Realm really want to influence a small area, they don't need to pay a big price."

At this point, Ke Yuya's tone has become a little grim.

"Let Hol, a recognized waste, quickly improve his strength in a short period of time, and after he is promoted to the elite stage, let him match the Almighty Martial God."

"All this is your arrangement."

"I really didn't expect you to be so shameless."

Huo Sen turned his head and looked at Ke Yuya, with a confused expression on his face, and said:

"I don't understand what you said. Shouldn't I do this?"

"The woman who will be with me in the future confesses to this man who I don't know who he is. Shouldn't I do something?"

Ke Yuya looked directly into Huo Sen's eyes and said:

"I should have said many times that I am sorry for you, People feel disgusted.

In my eyes, the difference between you and shit is that you can move and talk, so you are more disgusting. "

Faced with Ke Yuya's provocation, Huo Sen didn't care at all. He said calmly:

"Your feelings are not important. It will only be a political marriage between us."

"I am targeting the Almighty God of War, not because I love you so much.

I do this just for my own reputation.

My future partner once confessed to a strange man in front of the whole world.

This kind of thing affects my reputation. "

Listening to the other party's words, he has already regarded himself as his property.

The killing intent in Ke Yuya's eyes can no longer be restrained.

If it weren't for the virtual area restrictions, his attack would not have worked. I'm afraid a battle would have broken out here long ago.

Thinking of the Almighty God of War who is still below, confronting the inexplicably powerful Hol Riggs.

Ke Yuya gritted her teeth and suppressed her anger:

"What do you want to do? What is the power of that person?"

Hearing the other party's question, Huo Sen smiled slightly and said proudly:

"I just asked someone to help modify the subtle rules of this area of ​​the virtual spirit world martial arts arena."

"After all, this is a strange world formed by human network mutation. As long as it does not involve the will of those hidden martyrs, it is easier to modify the rules than imagined."

When Huo Sen began to get excited, the snake demon tattoo on his neck began to wriggle.

"After we modified the rules for this area, every attack by Hol Riggs with the intention of attacking will have destructive power beyond the S-level combat skills."

"Even if this attack was just a casual swing of his whip, he didn't even use his soul power."

"And Hol Riggs himself is a waste carefully selected by me.

With his mentality, if his family didn't have some money to force him to take medicine, he wouldn't even be able to become a warrior."

"Imagine what it would be like if the Almighty God of War was defeated by such a person in front of everyone."

At this point, Huo Sen showed a sadistic smile on his face.

When the three Stark family heard Huo Sen's words, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts when they thought about such a scene.

If this really happened, with the style of the Medici family, they would not let up once they set their eyes on the prey and bite it to death.

Once the Almighty God of War is defeated, I'm afraid that in the normal online world, he will be full of slander against him.

This kind of thing, for the Almighty Martial God who cannot exert influence in the normal online world.

I am afraid it will be a devastating blow.

Being ruined is the best way.

The man in front of him who is like a venomous snake will definitely do this.

"Ke Yuya, say goodbye to this man for the last time." Huo Sen said coldly:

"Be my woman in the future, even if you secretly support a few little white faces, I will not care about you."

"I am even willing to buy a few male models for you to play with."

"But don't tarnish my reputation."

Ke Yuya gritted her teeth and ignored Huo Sen.

She turned her head and looked at the Almighty Martial God in the arena, her face full of worry.

In the arena, Hol Riggs' pupils reflected the scene where the Almighty Martial God had just avoided his attack.

A sickly blush emerged on his face.

"I can do it. What that person said is true."

"During this period, I am invincible in the martial arts arena."

"I can defeat the almighty martial god!"

Thinking of this, he could no longer suppress the excitement on his face.

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