Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 108: breakthrough

After a while, Chen Wangping felt that the energy in his body was surging faster and faster, and it seemed that the energy inside the body could be released farther, and the control ability was greatly improved.


Suddenly, there was a clicking sound from the joints of his body, his momentum suddenly rose, and the current in the whole body was like a substance, condensing and not dissipating.

Chen Wangping knew that he had made a breakthrough.

[Congratulations on your achievement: Level 2 Ability User]

[Achievement Attribute 1: Permanently increase the damage of lightning attribute by 20%]

[Achievement Attribute 2: Lightning attribute damage is permanently paralyzed]

[Note: Lightning destroys everything! 】

After breaking through, it felt like breaking free from the cover, and it was extraordinarily easy.

Chen Wangping opened the property page and glanced at it, and found that his health value also increased by a large amount with the breakthrough.

Current HP: [200/1000]

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, closed the property page, aimed at the wall next to him, and tried to raise his hand to throw the lightning energy.


Accompanied by the sound, an electric arrow flew out from his fingertips and hit the rock wall five meters away, exploding a piece of charred black.

Chen Wangping continued to turn and aim at the farther rock wall, testing the farthest distance within his control.

Soon, he tried to find out that the farthest distance he could control the direction of the electric arrow was about fifteen meters.

As for the quantity, he can only throw up to 500 points of lightning energy at a time. These 500 points of lightning energy can be used to fly a large electric arrow, or it can be divided into two medium electric arrows and fly out, each with its own magical effect.

After testing the ability, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "I didn't expect that the energy could be controlled through the body at the second level. Although the distance is shorter, the lightning energy has its own paralysis property, and the effect is very good whether it is damage compensation or control. "

At this moment, the sound of wings flapping came from the entrance of the underground river.

It turned out that the golden eagle heard the movement in the underground river and rushed over in a hurry.


Chen Wangping said with a smile, "I've made the cut. You have to work hard, Diaobao. If I catch up, you won't be able to eat."

The golden eagle pouted to express disbelief.

Chen Wangping raised his hand and threw an electric arrow towards the rock wall next to him. The speed was fast and the accuracy was good.

The golden eagle's eyes widened after watching it. It was unbelievable. Brother Ping was able to release his energy?

Could it be that he is level three?

Thinking of this, the golden eagle hurriedly flickered its wings and flew home, holding the medium-purity psionic energy crystal, and was about to temper it. Take it, put it in a triangle, sit inside and work hard.

Seeing the golden eagle working hard, Xiao Tiemu, who was pulling a branch, was very encouraged and worked hard.

When Chen Wangping returned home, he saw that these two little things were working harder than each other, he smiled, walked to the secondary manufacturing station, took off the wall of the spear tip, and by the way threw the two spiritual staff into the steel furnace for recycling.

The style of the gunpoint wall still looked the same as what he had seen before. There were vertical gaps in the middle of the wall, and there were many sharp gunpoints on it, and they were still edged and gleaming with silver.

It's just that there is a place in the middle of the gun tip wall where a standard pistol can be placed, and there are two binding posts beside it.

Chen Wangping clicked on the properties to check:

【Spearpoint Wall】

[Blade end damage: 100 points + 20% impact]

[Gun damage bonus: 20 points]

【Durability: 10000/10000】

【Power: 500w】

[Remarks: The wall at the tip of the gun is the guarantee for your sleep]

"10,000 durability? That's forbidden.

Chen Wangping took out a standard pistol and installed it, walked to the sunny place in the planting area and placed it, and then connected the terminal to the electricity.

After the power was turned on, the standard pistol on the wall of the gun tip slowly turned, as if it were patrolling.

She simply took a shower, then lay on the bed and fell asleep.


In the early morning, Tang Xihe woke up slowly. She felt the changes in her body and clenched her fists in surprise.

"It turns out that bone strengthening can improve the time I can resist that kind of force?"

According to normal circumstances, Tang Xi and Yiyi had to sleep until it was completely dawn, and when they woke up, they were also weak all over and had to relax for a long time.

But now, she can feel that although her body is still weak, some basic movements are no problem, it seems that it is brought about by strong bones.

Tang Xihe turned to look in the direction of Heishi Mine Slope and smiled knowingly.

It feels so good to wake up early.

After thinking for a while, she quietly walked into the secret room again.


The next day.

Mine No. 7.

Chen Wangping slowly opened his eyes and stretched comfortably.

At this time, it was raining lightly outside, pattering, and the temperature turned a little cooler.

Fortunately, the stone furnaces in the industrial area are emitting a steady stream of heat, and the temperature in the residential area is very comfortable.


Seeing that Brother Ping was awake, the golden eagle beeped tiredly and said hello.

Chen Wangping followed the sound and found that the golden eagle's eyes were covered with bloodshots, it looked as if he had stayed up all night, and the psionic crystals placed around it had also turned a lot whiter, which was obviously a lot of consumption.

"Diaobao, take a rest when you're tired from training, don't rush it for a while."

Chen Wangping got up, and while walking to the kitchen, he knocked on the radio and listened.

【Weather forecast】

On a rainy day within 50 kilometers near Huo Niu City tomorrow, the wind is three to four.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Look through the inventory and you will find surprises.

【Indescribable Tips】

Attract, approach, catch.

【The sound of the wind】

"City Lord Fang, I really didn't expect you to be your own!"

"Quiet, I know about the disappearance of the spiritual source~www.readwn.com~ has sent someone to investigate. The three of you are waiting for my news in the outer city residence. Don't do anything, otherwise, I will report it directly to the second hall master."

"Okay, okay, I will listen to you on your site, remember to hurry up."

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping was shocked.

City Lord Fang? The square of the outer city of Huo Niu City?

He had seen this man from a distance before, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Unexpectedly, he is also a traitor.

Moreover, it was exactly what Chen Wangping had guessed before.

Once the spiritual source disappears, there will be a response from the spiritual hall.

This is also the reason why he has not moved the spiritual source of his home.

"Fang Bie is only the city lord of the outer city. Even if he investigates again, he can only investigate Tang Xihe. Plus we entered the mine and no one saw him. Even if he did, he couldn't find me. However, the three of them always It's a hidden danger, and we have to find an opportunity to kill it."

Chen Wangping turned his head to look at the golden eagle, and now his strength has improved. As long as the strength of the carving treasure is improved a little more, with the rest of the weapons, even three people in the hall will have no problem.

Looking back at the content on the radio, tomorrow will be rainy again.

The information in the wasteland tips was a bit interesting. Chen Wangping called out the storage compartment and turned it over carefully, only to realize that he still had a thunder bamboo seed that he hadn't planted.

He walked to the planting area to have a look, and just happened to see the rain outside flowing along the cracks of the rock onto a piece of improved land.

That piece of land is very humid, and it should meet the requirements of the humid environment for the seeds of Thunder Bamboo.

Chen Wangping picked up the shovel, dug up the soil, and carefully planted the Thunder Bamboo seeds.

As soon as it encounters a humid environment, the Thunder Bamboo seeds wake up instantly, and the epidermis quickly absorbs the surrounding water, and it seems that it will absorb all the moist water on the land.

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