Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 109: machine gun car

Chen Wangping hurriedly grabbed the kettle and continued to replenish the water source.

"My dear, all these plants in the house are big water consumers. If it weren't for the underground river below, I really couldn't afford it."

After adding dozens of liters of water, the Thunder Bamboo seeds finally stopped absorbing water and slowly began to germinate.

Chen Wangping looked at the little iron wood next to him, and then looked at the Lei Bamboo seeds, thinking that these two goods have something to do with Lei Zhan, will there be any linkage effect when looking back?

Come out and have a look.

After planting thunder bamboo, the egg patty in the pot is also ready.

Chen Wangping first sent these to the golden eagle, and then cooked another pot for himself.

When making meat patties, he took out the fossils he had picked up from the Golden-backed Beetle King, and prepared to peel off the outer shell to see what was inside.

Chen Wangping put this thing on the soft ground, picked up a small iron drill and carefully peeled it off layer by layer.

The stone shell was peeled off layer by layer, gradually revealing a dry lotus pod.

Chen Wangping carefully swept away the stone powder on the gap of the lotus pod, and was surprised to find that the lotus pod was still soft.

After sweeping away the stone powder, he discovered that there were still six lotus seeds emitting a faint glow on the lotus pod.

"This fossil storage is interesting. The effect is so good."

Chen Wangping gently squeezed out the lotus seeds with his fingers, took them out, and placed them in the palm of his hand to check the properties.

【Gulian Seed】

【Resuscitation Condition: Water Rich in the Charm of Life】

【Mature time: 30 days】

【Effects of lotus: clearing away heat and detoxifying】

【Effects of lotus root: strengthen the body and muscles】

【Special effect of lotus pods: attracting fish and healthy water】

[Remarks: Ancient lotus pod and ancient lotus species complement each other]

"Gulian seeds? Does this thing have so many special effects?"

Chen Wangping immediately became interested.

"Lotus can clear away heat and detoxify. It can be used when you go back to explore the ruins. Lotus root is a thing that is connected to each other and can be used to strengthen tendons. As for the special effect of lotus pods, it can attract fish and water?"

Combined with the information in the remarks.

Chen Wangping understood why the people from the fishing club wanted to buy the golden-backed beetle head.

Co-authoring the collapsed caravan is the fishing club. The reason why they bought the golden-backed beetle heads is to reduce the number of them, so that they can re-enter the golden-backed beetle's nest to regain the ancient lotus pod, and then use this thing to catch the carp king. Miao?

Fortunately, I have cleaned the battlefield before, leaving no traces.

Even if they find it, they can't find themselves.

After clearing his thoughts, Chen Wangping put away the ancient lotus pod and the ancient lotus seeds, and guessed while eating:

Since ancient lotus pods and ancient lotus seeds complement each other, the water rich in life flavor that the ancient lotus seeds need to germinate may be created by the fish attracted by the ancient lotus pods?

Looking at the series of special effects on the ancient lotus seeds, Chen Wangping decided that he had to try the depth of this king carp seedling.

The ancient lotus flower is so big, breaking it into small pieces is enough to try it many times.

Of course, you still have to build a machine gun car before going out.

With this thing, you can fight if you can, and run if you can't.

Before building, Chen Wangping walked straight to the steel furnace.

The two Spirit Hall Spirit Staffs that were placed before the meal have now been recovered. The alloy plate icon that appeared on it was very interesting, it was a blue swirl.

【Recycled alloy plate】

[Special effect - energy absorption: after adding to energy-consuming equipment, it can absorb escaping energy and reduce energy consumption by 20% (reduction limit of 100kWH)]

[Remarks: The Spiritual Hall Spirit Staff can absorb the escaping psionic energy in the air to replenish itself]

"The special effect recovered by the spirit rod is energy absorption? Reduce energy consumption by 20%?"

Chen Wangping took it out in surprise.

This is good stuff.

Energy savings can never be too much.

Chen Wangping looked at the No. 112 blue iron mine from a distance.

Three people, at least three spirit rods, right?

Maybe the more you put in, the better the recycling effect!

Next to it, in a stone furnace, five iron plates made of pure blue iron ore were also released.

【Pure blue iron plate】


[Special Effects-Conversion: The energy conversion efficiency of items made with pure blue iron plates is increased by 25%]

[Note: The sooner the better! 】

"A full quarter increase? It's worthy of being a mining center."

Chen Wangping happily walked to the secondary manufacturing platform, took out a lot of materials needed for the machine gun car and placed it on it.

After putting away the basics, he took out the pure blue iron plate and the spirit staff recycled alloy plate just released and added them in, and clicked the forge button.

[The machine gun car is being built, it is estimated that it will take an hour]

"The build speed is quite fast."

Chen Wangping was not idle, and told the golden eagle to look after the house, while he poured energy into his legs and quickly rushed towards the thermal mining machine in the mine.

Now that the lightning energy has increased to more than 6,000 points, it is not as stretched as before.

"Whoosh whoosh"

Chen Wangping was very fast. He put away all the mines that had been dug, changed the place of the thermal mining machine that had no mines, wrapped the bite marks of the cables, and finally went to the magnetite mine to dig magnetite for half an hour.

Back at home, he looked at the more than forty first-level mechanical crystals in the storage compartment, thinking that if he went back and upgraded other technologies, maybe there would be something new to change the busy status quo.

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, a miniature machine gun car icon appeared on the secondary manufacturing platform.

Chen Wangping took it down expectantly, walked to the industrial area, and released it at the open space.


The machine gun car landed heavily on the open space, and the sound of falling attracted the attention of the golden eagle. It flew over in a hurry, and after seeing what happened, it showed a relieved look.

Brother Ping has a car, now it's easy to go out, and you can take a ride yourself!

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Diaobao, you also sit in when I'm driving, save your energy."

The golden eagle nodded vigorously~www.readwn.com~ expressing his anticipation.

Who wants to fly if they can lie down?

Chen Wangping turned his head to look at the machine gun car. The car was desert yellow and looked like a four-wheeled off-road vehicle. The cab was surrounded by solid steel plates, which was very solid.

On this car, the most conspicuous thing is the long machine gun above the cab. The long, pure black fuselage will give you a sense of oppression. It can be stretched up and down and is usually hidden above the cab. Time to go up to the roof.

The bullet chain attached to the machine gun hangs down to the cab, and he is obviously a big gun eater.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to enter the cab and check the properties.

【Machine gun car ☆☆】

[Storage space: 8]

[Maximum moving speed: 160km/H+40km/H (conversion effect)]

[Combustion power: 40kW-8kW (energy absorption effect)]

【Durability: 5000/5000】

[Physical damage resistance: 30%]

[Included Weapon: Standard Machine Gun]

【Effective shooting distance: 1000m】

【Ultimate shooting distance: 3000m】

[Special Effects - Burst: Continuously fire all bullets in the chain]

[Negative special effects - Anti-shock: When the strength is insufficient, using the machine gun for a long time will cause damage to the shoulders and elbows]

[Damage bonus: 70-100 points]

[Remarks: Its impact is extremely strong! Please drive carefully! 】

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping had only one feeling.

So much material and money is really wasted.

With the support of the pure blue iron plate, the maximum movement speed has been increased to 200kM/H!

This thing is not to run fast.

It's flying slowly.

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