Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 114: new farm animals

After pulling enough distance, Chen Wangping stopped.

It's cool to be fast!

He pondered while breathing heavily.

"People in the fishing club also want Fish King? I don't know if it's because of interest or if they also know that Fish King has special effects."

"No, taking advantage of the current low level, it is easy to disguise as a 'soft persimmon', so I have to come back and find other fish kings to try."

"I'll go home and try the melting effect of freshwater squid later. If the effect is good, I'll go in and catch it when I can't catch it."

After he made up his mind, Chen Wangping felt much better.

To be honest, now that there are machine gun cars and submachine guns, just like the strength of the man just now, he is completely capable of fighting.

After the fight, you can run.

However, Chen Wangping felt that he still had to continue to work hard to upgrade weapon technology and get better armor as soon as possible.

Everyone is an old-fashioned powerhouse, and their research on supernatural powers must be deeper than their own, capable of attacking and defending.

Now that his attack speed has increased, his protection should also be improved.

However, after the explosion of speed just now, Chen Wangping felt that his physical strength was still a bit poor and he had to continue to improve his physique.

Thinking of this, he changed his clothes, even disguised his height, and looked at the radar, there was no one nearby.

He took out the seed searcher, pointed it at the river bank and started searching to see if any new seeds appeared.

Eat enough to grow strong.

Light and shadow flickered, and two icons appeared after a while.

Chen Wangping looked at it in surprise, and found that there was a familiar Chaotianjiao icon on it, and the other was an unfamiliar icon.

However, judging from the icons, the newly appeared seeds are dark and huge.

Chen Wangping is not picky either, no matter what kind of seed it is, as long as it can be planted!

He gestured towards the sky and called down the golden eagle.

The golden eagle flew down, a little puzzled: "Beep?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Let's go, go to work, and find Chaotian pepper again. It's an old rule, you blow me off."

After listening, the golden eagle nodded, but shook his head again and flew towards Chaotianjiao's position proudly.

Chen Wangping smiled and chased after him.

One person and one eagle arrived at this place where Chaotian pepper grows.

This time, the Chaotian pepper grows on the bank of the river, which is better than the last time, and the plant is taller, which is a full 1.8 meters.

Looking at the substantive red pepper mist on these Chaotian peppers, Chen Wangping took out his gloves and prepared to wear them.

At this moment, the golden eagle pressed his wings and motioned Chen Wangping to step back.

It's about to show!

I saw the golden eagle waving its wings one after another and rolled out three winds. One wind turned into a breeze and blew the red mist to the other side. The fallen peppers were sent to the lawn in front of Chen Wangping.

The palm-sized Chaotian peppers flew to Chen Wangping as if lined up.

"Awesome, Brother Diao! This hand is absolutely perfect!"

Chen Wangping did not hesitate to praise himself. While praising, he packed all the Chaotian peppers in a bag, cut them open, took out the seeds, and handled them directly.

The golden eagle was very happy to hear it. While controlling it, he said that these are the effects brought about by the improvement of spiritual power. The precision and measurement of its energy control are now much higher than before.

Chen Wangping also guessed it, thinking that it seems that he has to deal with the three people in the spiritual hall as soon as possible to see if they have any psionic crystals suitable for him.

Physical energy and mental strength must be grasped.

Soon, the golden eagle picked all the nearby Chaotian peppers, and harvested a total of [Chaotian pepper seeds] × 32, [Chaotian peppers] × 41, and [Blue Chaotian peppers] × 22.

Chen Wangping patted the head of the golden eagle with satisfaction, "The thirty-two seeds of Chaotian pepper, combined with the 28 seeds of Chaotian pepper at home, make a total of 60 plants, which is enough to surround the planting area."

Withdrew his hand, he took out the seed searcher, and continued to walk for a few hundred meters, and found that the location pointed to by the icon was a muddy field by the river.

There are many aquatic vegetation on the silt ground, perhaps because of the waste soil, all the vegetation leaves are very large, and they grow up on it desperately.

Similarly, various riverside animals are also hidden under the leaves of vegetation.

As the golden eagles approached, many insects and riverside animals fled.

Chen Wangping took a closer look, and suddenly found six small birds, smaller than the yellow croaker and without a crown, flying low and far into the distance.

Although there is no systematic light on them, Chen Wangping still recognized what this thing was at a glance.

This is a quail.

This stuff is particularly exciting whether it is grilled or fried.

Chen Wangping pointed to the distance and shouted, "Brother Diao, catch those six quails back, it's delicious."

When the golden eagle heard that this thing was delicious, he suddenly became energetic, and even started to mobilize his energy, turning it into a wind.

In the blink of an eye, it flew to the vicinity of six quails and shot it with its claws. Then it simply found a blade of grass, bundled it into a bundle and flew it back to Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping: "..."

The efficiency is quite high, and it was dealt with on the spot.

He put away the six quails and prepared to go home and slowly scald them.

Chen Wangping took out the shovel and was about to dig out the seeds of the two kinds of plants, but when he bent over, he happened to find a bird's nest with eight rays of light through the gap between the leaves of the plant.

He carefully changed the angle~www.readwn.com~ Judging from the body shape and head, the bird's nest should also be quail.

Compared with the previous six quails, these eight quails are very smart, each holding a huge leaf to block them, and they are very concealed.

If it wasn't for Chen Wangping to dig mud, he really wouldn't have found the traces of these eight quails.

Well, since I found it, I have to take it back.

He also hasn't eaten quail eggs for a long time.

This stuff is a must, whether it is spicy and salty, or thrown into a hot pot and cooked.

In the past, when he was a child, he always heard adults say that eating quail eggs had freckles too much, but when he grew up, he realized that it was just a word to fool children.

It's like eating pig tails and being afraid of the future, eating chicken feet and writing ugly, and so on.

Chen Wangping quietly pressed the golden eagle's head, pointed to the quail nest in the distance, and handed it a large net: "Brother Eagle, go and catch those eight quails back, remember, catch the live ones, this is what we want to raise. laying eggs."

The golden eagle nodded. It had caught chickens before, and was very experienced. I saw it mobilized the wind energy to wrap its body and circled around the quail. Along the way, it used the wind energy to control the surrounding plants and prevent them from making any noise.

After getting close, the golden eagle threw out the big net with its wings, and then controlled the wind energy to press down the big net, and instantly pressed the eight quails into the quail nest.

Chen Wangping also arrived and gave Jin Diao a thumbs up.

This guy is getting more and more skilled at catching birds.

After getting close, Chen Wangping saw that the feather colors of these quails were completely different from those of the previous ones.

Before the six were just gray, but these eight feathers were all snow-white, and their demeanor and body were much larger than those.

Right now, under the shock of the golden eagles, they all curled up timidly and turned into little white balls, looking very cute.

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