Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 115: clear fire

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and grabbed one, and checked the properties:

【White Feather Quail】

【Second Class Exotic Beast】

【Space required: 1】

[Daily food intake: one feed]

【Animal products: white feather quail eggs, white feathers】

[Remarks: White-feathered quails have many feathers]


Chen Wangping was overjoyed.

This white-feathered quail is not bad.

Both animal products can be used as synthetic materials for first-class life crystals.

And the single-day output of feathers is definitely more than eggs. If only eight feathers are left, it may soon be possible to upgrade the technology of agricultural and animal husbandry series.

Besides live quail, he also found some small quail eggs from the nest.

Unfortunately, all of them are of the kind that cannot be hatched, so they can only be saved to eat later.

Chen Wangping put away everything, and in total he harvested [White Feather Female Quail] × 6, [White Feather Male Quail] × 2, and [White Feather Quail Egg] × 15.

Among them, the animal product of the white-feathered male quail has only white feathers.

Go back in the evening to build a chicken coop and put it in for two days to have a look.

After collecting these, Chen Wangping checked that there were no animals left, and walked to the icon mark with a shovel.

Walking around the area where the quail lived, he found that the plants marked by the icon were somewhat unfamiliar.

These plants are slender and slender, and look a bit like wild onions from a distance, but the stems are hard, and the area near the roots turns yellow.

The seeds and edible parts of this plant are all under water, from the position of the seed rays and the ray of food that can be picked.

Chen Wangping stepped on the mud, grabbed the plant and pulled it up.


On the roots of the uprooted plants, there are many black and smooth autumn oblate **** covered with mud, and there are two or three on each plant.

Chen Wangping took the plant and rinsed it in the water. He picked up the oblate ball at the root and looked at it.

After washing the mud, he recognized it.

This stuff is water chestnuts, also known as water chestnuts and ground chestnuts. When he used to eat desserts, he often ordered them, and they were crunchy and sweet.

He used a knife to cut off all the water chestnuts of this plant and checked the properties one by one.

【Water chestnuts】

【Uses: food, medicinal materials】

[Special effect - clearing the heart and removing fire: after eating, the recovery speed of mental power is slightly increased, and the pain of mental power consumption is relieved]

【Remarks: The effect of planted water chestnuts is better】

【Water chestnut seeds (tuberous vegetative propagation)】

[Plot required for planting: 0.5 paddy field plot]

【Mature time: 15 days】

[Result frequency: one time]

【Remarks: A tuberous stem can be divided into two seeds】

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, "Clear your heart and get rid of fire? Can you actually improve the recovery speed of mental power? Reduce the pain of mental power consumption?"

This property is good.

He looked around and found that there wasn't even a footprint nearby. It seemed that no one came to pick it.

Yes, this thing is hidden in the mud, and there are many other beasts nearby, if it weren't for the shock of the golden eagle, how could it be so easy to pick.

Except for what the alien beasts ate, the rest is here.

And the properties of water chestnut seeds are also very interesting. It is a method of asexual reproduction, just plant the water chestnut directly.

As for the paddy field, I have to go home and try it by the underground river.

Pull out all the remaining water chestnuts first!

Chen Wangping pulled the rope and tied five plants together. When they were tied, he shouted for the golden eagle to grab the rope and pull them up.

When the golden eagle was working, he expressed his doubts.

This thing is dark and small, can it be delicious?

Chen Wangping smiled, "I'll tell you when I give you a taste."

Water chestnuts are delicious, but it is too troublesome to peel them, so you need to be careful and try to peel them as close to the skin as possible.

Otherwise, a catty of water chestnuts can only eat two taels.

However, fortunately there are carved treasures.

Using water chestnuts to temper the control of wind-type abilities must be very effective.

Control is tired and can eat two water chestnuts before continuing to work.

Half an hour later, one person and one eagle plucked all the water chestnut plants that could be seen nearby, and harvested a total of [Water chestnuts] × 286, [Water chestnut seeds] × 42.

Enough to eat for a while.

Seeing that there was nothing to cut around, Chen Wangping washed his pants, took out the machine gun car, sat on the car and took out two water chestnuts, and tried to cut them with a knife.

After dozens of seconds, Chen Wangping silently took out two small white square pieces, and threw one into his mouth and the other into Jindiao's mouth.

Quickly set off the fire.

This wasteland version of water chestnuts has a very hard skin. If you use a little more force, you will cut the flesh inside. If you use less force, you can't get it off.

Fortunately, the sweetness of the water chestnuts on the tip of the tongue instantly calmed his mood after the entrance.

Gently chew it a few times, the crisp taste and the sweet juice make one's mouth full of fragrance, and there is no residue at all, it melts after chewing, and then turns into a spring-like subtle energy that melts into the body and relieves the spirit.


The golden eagle next to him was disgusted by how small this thing was, but after eating it, he found that the pain he left behind while tempering his spirit was much relieved.

Chen Wangping smiled, let the golden eagle sit in the co-pilot, and took out a dozen water chestnuts for a while.

Soon, the carving and peeling machine was put into operation.

Chen Wangping drove home, and his mouth was full of sweetness along the way.

Twenty minutes later.


Chen Wangping was driving, and seven or eight rock pillars suddenly appeared in front of him blocking the road.

He frowned, glanced at the radar, and twisted the steering wheel to get around these rock worms.

When he was mining before, he heard people say that these rock worms are best at disguising as rocks to block the road.

Once the prey passes by, they directly kill it with the help of rock debris on the skin.

As soon as I glanced at the radar, my dear, eight red lights the size of grapes were in front of me.

It's all rock worms!

But he wanted to hide, but those rock worms wanted to leave him behind.

As soon as the car turned, the rock worms chased and fell down one after another.

Dust scattered.

Chen Wangping stepped down on the accelerator, and the machine gun car flew off a slope.

Seeing this, the golden eagle, who was in good condition, immediately flew out from the co-pilot, waving his wings to condense an iron wind ball, and quickly smashed it towards the center of the rock worm.


The iron-skin wind ball exploded on the ground, and the huge impact of the blast was the nemesis of rock worms!


Two or three rock worms fell apart and fell to the ground, and their health was immediately emptied.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping shouted with joy, "Good job, Brother Diao, get rid of them all!"

The reason why he shouted is because Chen Wangping saw a faint system light on the head of the fallen rock worm.

This is a good thing.

When the golden eagle heard the words, its wings vibrated faster, and in the blink of an eye, two iron wind **** condensed.


The eight rock worms all cracked open in situ and shattered into a puddle.

Chen Wangping drove over without getting out of the car. He instructed the golden eagle to grab the white prismatic skull that glowed on the head of the rock worm~www.readwn.com~ and grabbed a prismatic skull. He curiously checked its attributes.

【Rockworm Skull】

【Use: to create materials】

[Special Effects - Drilling: Added when building equipment with drill bits, which can increase mining efficiency by 10%]

[Remarks: The rock worms that have been gnawing on rocks all year round have evolved special skulls]

Good stuff!

10% mining efficiency does not seem to be much, but it can be implemented on thermal mining machines, which is three more per hour per machine.

A day is 72 yuan more.

Chen Wangping patted the co-pilot, "Brother Diao, get in the car, let's go to sweep some rockworms, first save thirty or forty rockworm skulls."

Jin Diao got into the co-pilot and opened his mouth wearily.

Chen Wangping glanced at its satiety level, and the three iron typhoons dropped directly to over 20.

He took out a few light blue iron plates and put them on the co-pilot. While driving, he asked, "How long will it take to advance? Do you feel it?"

Jin Diao tore off a few iron plates and nodded, indicating that he already had a feeling, and he should be able to train his spirit for a few days. Now that he has water chestnuts, the training efficiency is even higher.

After eating and drinking, the golden eagle led the way in the air, and Chen Wangping drove over to seduce the rock worms to gather together.

After several times of cooperation, I successfully harvested [Rock Worm Skull] × 26.

After finishing these batches of rock worms, the traces of rock worms on the Blackstone Mine Slope suddenly decreased a lot.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the vegetation on the **** of the Black Stone Mine was sparse. If it was sunny, it would have been scorching hot by now.

Even on a rainy day, it is hot and sultry, and there is no wind.

Chen Wangping aimed hard at his home and opened it.

Go home for a quail dinner.

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