Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 123: Stand up!

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In the air, the golden eagle let out a long cry, went deep into the clouds, and disappeared.

Linglong raised his head and glanced at the back of the golden eagle, withdrew his gaze, waved his spiritual staff, and shed four or five psionic light **** one after another, hitting the machine gun car.

Take this man down first!

If you can get a powerful relic weapon, the second brother and the third brother will die.

Chen Wangping held down the steering wheel, and the Fire Bull Bracers in his hand continued to bless his strength. He quickly increased the speed to 180 miles and continued to rush forward.

"Boom boom"

Mercedes-Benz's machine gun car galloped on the blackstone mine **** like a tank, and when it encountered the stone piles blocking the road, it directly rammed into it, very overbearing!

At this time, the psionic light ball fell, and it fell on the ground in front of the machine gun car.

The shattered terrain makes the machine gun car sway from side to side as it drives.

The broken stones and clods fell on the body like rain, but they did not cause any damage, only a few points of durability were dropped.

Linglong saw that the machine gun car was not affected at all, and the speed was still very fast.

He was anxious, and shouted with energy: "Boy, you must not know the use of the beast's claw key, right? You are only second-level, and even if you get it by luck, it will not be of any use. It is better to leave it to the Spirit Hall, our hall. The Lord can accept you as a direct disciple!"

When Chen Wangping heard this, his foot on the accelerator didn't move at all, and he continued to accelerate towards the No. 7 mine.

The normal speed of this spirit dragon is definitely impossible to mention, otherwise it would not say such things.

Seeing that Chen Wangping's speed did not decrease at all, Linglong cursed, first took out a crystal ball full of psychic energy and swallowed it, and then summoned two spiritual slaves from the staves, shredded them with both hands, and opened his eyes. The arm melted in.

This is the way to consume one's own heritage!

But Linglong had to do this. He knew that he was relying on his spiritual energy and physical energy to support him, but the boy was relying on mechanical power, and the longer it dragged on, the worse it would be for him.

After consuming the information, his strength in a short period of time has been infinitely close to the fourth-level powerhouse, and he can even slip through the air in a short time while moving.

"Damn boy, I must make you a spirit slave!"

At this time, there was both anger and greed in his eyes.

Such a fast car must also be a relic product. As long as you kill this kid, these things will be yours!

Linglong's speed increased sharply, quickly shortening the distance between the two.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping quickly pulled out ten green steel grenades and threw them along the car window.

Under the cover of the sand and dust rolled up by the tires, Linglong couldn't find the blue steel grenade and plunged into the explosion range.

"bang bang bang"


But the spirit dragon reacted very quickly, and as soon as it received the shock of the green steel grenade, it immediately called out a half-meter-thick psionic shield, blocking all the remaining grenade fragments!

Although it failed to deal damage, the Azure Steel Grenade delayed Linglong for a few seconds.

Chen Wangping took this opportunity to distance himself again.

Keep chasing, I will kill you with grenades!


On the Blackstone Mine Slope, the momentum of one car and one person attracted many bounty hunters who were looking for the golden-backed beetle along the way.

They put down the golden-backed beetle detectors in their hands and turned to look at the spirit dragon and the car.

"That's the person from the Spirit Hall!"

"Blue striped black robe, this is the third-level protector!"

"Run! The spirit hall's methods are strange and unpredictable, be careful to be snatched by them as a spirit slave!"

"Damn it, the Wild Guns must have died in their hands!"

The small team of bounty hunters who were close by quickly dispersed.

On the other hand, the team of bounty hunters, who were far away, watched from a distance and discussed it with schadenfreude: "Looking at the speed of this person in Lingdian, it is faintly reaching the fourth-level powerhouse, and the kid driving in front has only a second-level breath. And the speed is already one hundred and seventy-eight, it must be at the limit, and I can't run away now."

"It's a pity that it's such a good car, why don't we wait for the kid to die and try to grab this car?"

"Wait and see."

After more than ten seconds, Linglongyan saw that he was about to catch up with Chen Wangping, and his heart was ecstatic, ready to hit him and not give him a chance to backhand!

But right now.

The machine gun car rushed up the **** and reached the great plain in the middle of the Blackrock Mine Slope.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping laughed and shouted: "Just your speed? You want to chase me too? Thank you for the treasures of your two broken brothers, I will accept it with a smile."

After that, Chen Wangping stepped on the accelerator hard, and the speed of the machine gun car instantly soared to 200 mph!


At this time, the machine gun car was the best on the plain, and no other car could match it!

Instantly get rid of the Linglong hundreds of meters away!

The bounty hunters onlookers were all dumbfounded.

"How, how is this possible? He can drive this car to 200??"

"This car is simply a strategic weapon!"

Some idiots immediately turned red and shouted anxiously:

"Captain, if we had this car, we wouldn't be walking sideways on the Blackstone Mine Slope!"

"That's right, let's keep up and grab this car."

The head of the regiment glanced at the two idiots with disgust, and slapped each of them on the head, scolding angrily:

"Walking sideways? Just be quiet if you don't want to be hit and fly by others! Can we catch up with this car? Can we beat it if we catch up? That's the person who will be chased and beaten by the third-level guardian of the Spirit Hall, so will his strength be weak? "

"Remember to stay away when you see this car in the future, and be careful that people will kill you!"

"Yes, the commander is right!"

In the air, Linglong, who was thrown away, was even more excited at this time.

This speed can even be lifted!

This kid must have a ruin entrance!

At the moment, he didn't care about damaging the foundation, he took out two psionic crystal **** and swallowed them into his body again, his whole body burned with psionic energy, his speed increased again, and he frantically chased towards Chen Wangping.

He is confident that as long as he catches up with this kid, he will definitely be able to take him down in one fell swoop!

In the car, Chen Wangping glanced at Linglong's appearance and relaxed a little.

That's it, you are completely powerless if you want to slip away.

After half an hour.

The fierce chase continues.

The attack power of the spirit dragon, which has burned psionic energy, is also much stronger at this time, and every smashed psionic light ball will knock down a lot of durability.

The car shell of the machine gun has long been covered with dents, and the durability has dropped to more than 500 points, which is only one-tenth of the original.

However, Chen Wangping looked at the No. 7 mine not far away and was looking forward to it:

After killing Linghu Lingbao earlier, Lingbao's trophy was with him, but Linghu's trophy was brought back by Jindiao, in order to give the high-purity psionic energy crystal in the spirit stick to Little Tiemu for absorption!

The spiritual power of plants is inherently weak. If there is no supplement of high-purity psionic crystals, I don’t know that the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can improve!

Little Tiemu, fight hard!

Let's try to kill all the ghosts in the spirit hall without injury!

At this moment ~www.readwn.com~ in the planting area of ​​the base.

Little Tiemu is holding the high-purity psionic energy crystal of Linghu with a branch, trying to absorb the energy inside.

Jin Diaofei was beside him, and he kept talking about his breakthrough experience. From time to time, he turned his head to look at the dust in the distance, saying that Little Tiemu, come on!

It was in a hurry, thought about it, and quickly pointed to the Yongjiang Grass Fish King at the root of the little Tiemu tree, saying: "Little Tiemu, have you seen that fish king!" After you become stronger, you can catch more fish kings by yourself to help you improve!

Later, the golden eagle also took out a lot of water chestnuts and smashed them into pieces, and sprinkled them near the roots of the small ironwood tree to help it relieve the mental pain.

As time passed by, the machine gun car was getting closer and closer.

At this time, the rain gradually fell, and thunder and lightning appeared in the clouds.

Xiao Tiemu felt the thunder and lightning in the clouds, and suddenly remembered the helplessness of being killed by lightning when he was weak.

Do not! I don't want to go through that situation again!

The branches of the little iron wood trembled violently, and the light green mental power lingered around its trunk!


The small iron wood exploded countless sawdust throughout its body, and with a rumbling sound, its roots slowly hardened, and the whole tree rose from the ground!

It just stood up straight!

The branches stood up straight towards the thunder and lightning in the sky!

Little Ironwood is proclaiming:

Died once, but I got up again!

Sooner or later, I will defeat the thunderbolt!

The golden eagle waited for it to pose for a few seconds, and then quickly urged it to say that it's okay, hurry up and kill the enemy with me!

Brother Ping is still waiting!


A carving and a tree quickly rushed to the battlefield.

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