Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 124: Ray Wei!

The Linglong flying in the air stared at the machine gun car in front of him, raised his hand again to condense a few **** of spiritual explosion, and smashed it at the only way in front of the machine gun car.

Chen Wangping didn't mean to slow down at all, and continued to rush forward against the ball of light.


The durability of the machine gun car is only more than 200 points.

The foot of Mine No. 7 is right in front of you!

Linglong grinned and said, "Damn boy, the car is about to be destroyed, but I want to see what other means you have! Die for me!"

He waved his spirit staff, ready to aim at the machine gun car and smash a blast of light, completely blowing out the car's tires.

Just as the two entered the foot of Mine Cave No. 7, Chen Wangping suddenly stepped on the accelerator to death, immediately put away the machine gun car, jumped out of the car and rolled into the nearby cave, took out the submachine gun and shot it at Linglong.

“Da da da da”

When Linglong saw Chen Wangping shoot, he was not surprised but delighted.

Does this kid run away? Then die!

He raised his hand and waved out a wall of spiritual energy that looked like a substance, clanging to block a series of bullets. At the same time, he waved his spirit staff, calling out two spirit slaves with fangs and claws, and rushed towards Chen Wangping.

Seeing that the winning ticket was in hand, Linglong breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment when Linglong's spirit was relaxed, dozens of tree roots covered with soil suddenly broke out from under his feet, rushed into the sky, and strangled towards Linglong.

Intentional recklessness!

The roots of the tree wrapped around the spirit dragon in an instant, and together with the shield on his body, it shrunk wildly.


A toothy squeezing sound rang out.

at the same time!

There was also a loud eagle cry in the clouds, and a figure roared down, aiming at the spirit dragon that was tightly wrapped around the roots of the tree and charged down.

Seeing that the golden eagle was about to rush, a hole was split in the root of the tree, exposing the head and shoulders of the spirit dragon, which just matched the golden eagle's attack.


The golden eagle seized the opportunity and smashed the personal shield of the spirit dragon with one claws.

Seeing that there is still a special layer of protection on the head of the spirit dragon, the golden eagle seized the opportunity and grabbed it heavily on his shoulder blades!

A paw scratched the stubble!

At this time, Linglong felt that he could no longer breathe, and the pain from the crack in the shoulder made him unable to move the spirit staff.

For the first time, he felt that he was about to die.

If it weren't for the transparent crystal helmet given by the elders on his head, he might be dead by now!

Do not! I am the Dragon of the Spirit Palace, the elder is the candidate! How can you die here!

Linglong desperately mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, condensed it into a knife, and tried to cut off the roots of the tree that entangled him.

But this psionic sword failed to leave any traces on the roots of the tree no matter what.


Immediately afterwards, Linglong spit out two spiritual slaves from his mouth, and controlled the spiritual slaves to search for the body of this alien plant along the root of the tree, giving it a mental blow.

He has also killed Xenophyte before. He knows that Xenophyte has a strong physique, and physical damage is difficult to kill, only mental damage!

However, before the spirit slave could find his body, he was shoved by four or five sharp branches.

Linglong sneered in his heart.

it's useless.

How could the branches hit the spiritual body?

But in the next second, the branches fell, and the figures of the two spirit slaves instantly became illusory.

Linglong's eyes suddenly widened.

What, how is it possible?

How could this branch beat the spirit slave?

Before he could think more, countless sharp branches stabbed towards him wrapped in the roots of the tree, penetrating his body instantly.

At this time, Xiao Tiemu had come out from the side, and controlled countless branches and roots to stab the dragon.

There is protection on the head, right?

Then it will smash your body alive!

"puff puff"

Linglong vomited blood, and his body was like a sieve.

He couldn't understand how he was about to die in just a few seconds!

Just when he felt the frantic flow of energy in his body, he suddenly showed joy and laughed frantically, "Hahahaha, it's not broken, it's not standing, the energy is pouring out, level 4, so that's how it is!"

When Chen Wangping heard Linglong's laughter, he looked suspiciously, and found that the blood bar on Linglong's head was only a **** skin, but it no longer decreased.

Suddenly, Linglong's head sank to the side, and the whole person seemed to be dead.

But at the same time, the two spirit slaves that rushed towards Chen Wangping suddenly merged in the air, turning into a spirit body with the exact same height and appearance as a spirit dragon.

The spirit dragon that was reborn as a spirit body also quickly rose in momentum, and the energy surged, but it seemed to be stronger.

"Jie Jie, boy, thank you for helping me find the way to the fourth level! I will leave you a whole corpse."

Chen Wangping's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, "You're welcome, there will definitely be more rewards for killing level 4."

Linglong didn't understand Chen Wangping's words, and quickly scratched at Chen Wangping with his teeth and claws. His re-consolidated body was extremely fast, and he faintly made a sound of breaking through the air, completely surpassing the speed of Linglong at the third level.

Chen Wangping was in no hurry, his figure retreated and rushed towards the cave behind him.

Xiao Tiemu, who was originally tying the Linglong corpse, felt this scene and became anxious in an instant.

Don't hurt Brother Ping!

At this time, the rain has been getting heavier and heavier.

It was dark and the clouds were thick.

The little ironwood branches rose up, and it felt it!

I saw Xiao Tiemu suddenly cut off the first slender branch he pulled out from the root, grabbed the branch with other branches, and threw it away from the spirit dragon spirit body.

In the air, a fine electric light suddenly appeared on the slender branch.

When the slender branch flew near the spirit dragon spirit body, the thunder and lightning in the clouds in the sky seemed to get a signal, and instantly split a pure white dendritic lightning towards the position of the slender branch!


The dendritic thunder and lightning hit the spirit dragon's spirit body heavily, causing its spirit body to sway like an electric shock, with a painful expression, and its entire body collapsed.

This blow instantly destroyed Linglong's confidence.

"Yes, a tree that can attract lightning, how can such a strange thing appear here!!!"

Linglong endured the severe pain, turned frantically and chased after Chen Wangping.

That kid is not very strong!

As long as he can get on his body, everything can be saved!

Linglong firmly chased into the cave, trying to take down Chen Wangping.

But as soon as he entered the cave, he found that the surrounding rock walls were like giant drums, continuously transmitting fluctuations towards his spiritual body, instantly suppressing one-third of his energy.

Linglong glanced around and subconsciously wanted to quit.

"This! This is the land of annihilation! How is it possible? How can the terrain here form the land of annihilation!"

Linglong is naturally knowledgeable, but today he found that his cognition was completely subverted by this kid.

"This is the grave I dug for you specially! Do you like it?"

Chen Wangping surged up bloody, his body covered with lightning, his figure flashed to block the entrance of the hole, he took the initiative to rush in front of Linglong's phantom, and punched Linglong's head with a punch.


This electric light punch instantly knocked Linglong's head into an illusion.

"Thunderbolt, are you a Thunderbolt power user? The second child and third child died like this."

Linglong's voice became much smaller, and looked at Chen Wangping viciously.

He knew that since Chen Wangping was a lightning power user, he would definitely not be able to solve him and integrate into his body.

The thunderbolt power user is the biggest nemesis of the spirit body.

"Lightning strikes wood, thunder and lightning abilities, and even relic weapons, you must be a big worry in my spiritual hall!"

Linglong suddenly stopped running, turned and hugged Chen Wangping, his body energy surged and he wanted to explode.

"Go away! Don't hug me!"

"Blow yourself up? Are you worthy of it!"

Chen Wangping took out the submachine gun and stuffed it into Linglong's mouth, pulling the trigger hard.

“Da da da da”

A shuttle of spider leg bullets poured into Linglong's body, and the accompanying pain and mental shock immediately interrupted the process of his energy condensation.

Seeing that there was no hope of self-destruction, Linglong said viciously: "The second hall master will avenge me! You wait to die!"

"Second Palace Master? Find me and talk about it!"

"Zi La"

Chen Wangping's hand was surging with electric light, and he hit Linglong's head with five punches in a row, smashing Linglong's head away abruptly, and smashing Linglong's blood bar into the air.

Seeing that there were no more red spots on the radar, he loosened his body and rested against the rock wall.

At this time, the dissipated spirit dragon spirit body turned into a strong red light, and it was injected into the lightning sprouts with a whizz.

A hint of red electric light emerged:

[Lightning Seed Energy Storage Upper Limit +5%]

Based on Chen Wangping's current upper limit of lightning energy of more than 6,000, this 5% increase instantly helped him raise the upper limit of lightning energy by more than 300! Save countless hard work!

Chen Wangping glanced at the property page, and secretly said that he was at a loss.

Knowing that they could become spirit bodies, they should have forced the spirit tigers and leopards to become spirit bodies before killing them.

However, he also thought that it seemed that the Spirit Dragon had this ability after breaking through to the fourth level, and even if the spirit tiger and the leopard were forced to die, it might not be able to force it to become a spirit body.

"bang bang bang bang"

Little Tiemu dragged his heavy steps to the front of the cave, stretched out seven or eight branches and handed the body of Linglong.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Let the corpse go outside first. Xiao Tiemu has done a great job today, and even led the thunder down. I'll pour you a drop of the fire source water essence at night."

Listening to the compliment, Xiao Tiemu shook the crown of the tree proudly, but at this time its branches were weakly hanging down and could not move.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping quickly opened a few bottles of diluted fire source water and poured it on, telling him to go back to the base to take root and rest.

To be honest, the small iron wood works harder than the golden eagle. It absorbs light during the day and develops its root system at night, and it grows almost all the time.

It is just so much effort that it can quickly absorb the nutrients of such treasures as the essence of fire source water, century-old stalactites, Yongjiang grass carp king, high-purity psionic crystals, and successfully break through to the fourth level!

[Planting Pet: Thunder Fire Iron Wood]

【Type: Ironwood】

[Quality: ☆☆☆☆ (The Fire of Friendship bonus has taken effect)]

【Stage: Growth period】

【Level: Level 4】

[Attributes: Thunder, Fire, Wood]

[Hunger and Thirst: 15]

[Basic skills: whipping, piercing, binding]

[Attribute Skills: Lightning (Have Mastered), Exorcism (Have Mastered), Twig Binding (Have Mastered), Fiery Slap (to be learned), Thunder Fire Fruit (to be learned)]

[Racial Skill: Indestructible]

[Preferences: growth, revenge, fighting side by side]

[Remarks: It likes the feeling of fighting side by side now]

Chen Wangping closed the property page and smiled slightly.

Little Ironwood, I will help you defeat the thunder and lightning again.

He also saw just now that the small iron wood can indeed attract thunder, but it consumes a lot of energy. It not only consumes a long-standing branch, but also consumes a lot of physical energy.

After arranging the little iron wood, Chen Wangping walked to Linglong's body and checked the spoils.

The most conspicuous is still the high-purity psionic crystal on the wand.

However, after he put away this high-purity psionic crystal, he turned over and found that there was a crystal similar to a high-purity psionic crystal in the spirit dragon bag.

It seems that this crystal has been processed later. The lines and marks on it are faintly similar to those of the medium-purity psionic crystals that have been transformed into spiritual sources, and their properties are also very special.

【High-purity spiritual source ☆☆】

[Use: to convert iron ore]

[Special effect - radiation conversion: high-purity spiritual source can convert nearby ordinary iron ore into special iron ore]

[Remarks: It can carry out small-scale radiation transformation by contacting iron ore]

As soon as he saw this thing, Chen Wangping became excited, "A higher-level spiritual source? The iron ore transformed by radiation must be higher."

I'll try it when I get back to the base!

At present, the three people in Lingdian have a total of three high-purity psionic energy crystals, one of which is used for Xiaotiemu's breakthrough, and the remaining two are enough for Chen Wangping to use for a while.

Putting away the high-purity psionic energy crystal and high-purity spiritual source, Chen Wangping found that the shape of the head lying on the dragon's head was very strange, as if there was something on the neck for support, and there was a faint system light on it.

He reached out and grabbed it, and was surprised to find that this thing turned out to be a transparent cover, which could protect the entire head when worn on the head.

But now this thing is not complete, looking at the light can see that there are many cracks on it.

[Broken Crystal Hood ☆☆☆ (broken, unusable)]

【Use: head equipment】

[Special Effects - Concealment: The Crystal Hood can cover up the breath]

[Special Effects-Protection: The crystal hood can protect the head and provide physical protection]

[Special effect-energy gathering: crystal hood can increase energy control by 50%]

[Remarks: The crystal hood material is very cherished]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping secretly sighed that fortunately he had enough means.

This spirit dragon is too laborious to kill, but fortunately, the harvest is also rich.

In addition to the crystal hood and high-purity psionic crystals, he also has more than one hundred Fire Bull City gold coins, eight medium-purity psionic crystals filled with psychic energy, twelve crystal **** filled with psychic energy, fifteen An empty crystal ball and the identity of the guardian of the spiritual hall.

This crystal ball, Ling Leopard also has six, the shell of the crystal ball is crystal clear, some are filled with spiritual energy, and some are obviously used up and empty.

View properties:

【Psionic Crystal Ball】

[Use: Supplement psionic energy]

[Special effects - instant use: the original psionic energy in the crystal ball is not purified, it can only be used immediately in battle, and cannot be compatible with other energies]

[Remaining spiritual energy: 100 copies]

[Remarks: At present, their value is much lower than that of psionic crystals]

Chen Wangping was somewhat disgusted.

That's it?

Who uses the original psionic energy?

No wonder there are so many.

However, if you can find a way to purify these primitive psionics, these crystal **** can be regarded as a special treasure.

After a while, Chen Wangping looked at the cracked crystal hood and the empty crystal ball and got inspiration!



The crystal is from the quartz crystal family, so it is also a kind of silicon mine to some extent!

Such a transparent crystal, it would be a pity not to be a solar panel.

Also, although the crystal hood is damaged, the secondary fabrication bench at home has a parsing function.

Maybe it can be repaired!

The people in Lingdian don't say anything else~www.readwn.com~ There is indeed a set of mental attack and cover-up abilities.

If this crystal hood can be repaired, it must be of great use!

Chen Wangping skillfully buried Linglong's body, returned to the base with his things, searched Linghu's body again, and found more than 70 Fire Bull City gold coins, four medium-purity psionic crystals, and fifteen full dangdangs. The psionic crystal ball, a pile of empty crystal balls, and more than a dozen stones similar to dark blue stones.

After searching these three people, a total of more than 200 Huo Niu City gold coins, two detectors, three high-purity psionic crystals, fifteen blue stones, one high-purity spiritual source, and fifteen medium-purity were harvested. Psionic crystals and thirty-three psionic crystal **** that cannot be used for the time being.

It really is the golden belt of murder and arson!

The more than 200 Fire Bull City gold coins alone are enough for a team of relic hunters to work hard for several years.

Not to mention those rare psionic crystals.

This wave made a profit!

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