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Flying in the air, Chen Wangping did not forget to temper his lightning ability.

The numbness and itchiness in his body has not completely subsided, which proves that the bone meal of the Loach King has not been digested.

"In this way, it may take a day to digest it, and it will take some days to reach the third-level physique."

Chen Wangping is not in a hurry, he knows that his physique has improved very quickly.

On the contrary, the supernatural energy did not keep up.

Moreover, he also has a concern that his current damage is mainly relying on thermal weapons, but the lightning ability cannot be combined with these currently, and the effect of 1+1>2 cannot be achieved, so he has to find a way to solve it.

"I have to go back to Boss Tang to ask about this. She is so slippery with her abilities, there should be a solution."

Soon, one person and one eagle arrived near Yongjiang.

Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to fall, he told Jin Diao: "Diaobao, do you remember that prince Lao at the fishing meeting? You have good eyes, look for the little apprentice who followed him in the air, and if you find it, you can cure the little carp. , it can help you heal in the future."

The golden eagle nodded, it was also very fond of the little carp.

Different from Chen Wangping, the golden eagle can obviously feel a special breath on the little carp, and it will be very comfortable as long as it leans near it.

The eyesight of the golden eagle has evolved several times, and it can clearly see the appearance of people on the ground even from a height of several hundred meters.

Looking around Yongjiang, the golden eagle soon found Li Shu near the place where the battle took place yesterday, and the beep reminded Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping wrote down the location, and asked Jindiao to find a nearby location to put himself down. Then he put away the solar crystal hood, drove a spare machine gun car, put on the costume when he appeared, and drove to the place unhurriedly. A few dozen meters away from Li Shuo, he got out of the car and started fishing.

At this time, Li Shu was just bored. He fiddled with the submachine gun in his hand, and shot two shots into the water from time to time. Although he could kill some fish sometimes, he didn't always feel very dashing.

Hearing the sound of the car, Li Hao turned his head curiously and recognized Chen Wangping at a glance. He jumped up and down happily, walked towards Chen Wangping with big strides, and shouted happily, "Brother, I can be considered a I met you!"

Chen Wangping didn't turn his head, and said indifferently, "Who are you? What are you looking for?"

Listening to the information of Li Shuo's speech on the radio, it can be analyzed that he is not as innocent or as stupid as he is now.

Before Li Tu could answer, Chen Wangping suddenly saw two red dots of third-level powerhouses appearing on the edge of the radar. From the location, these two third-level powerhouses were hidden in the river water, and the two red dots appeared on the edge of the radar. It's very strange, I've never seen it before.


After listening to Chen Wangping's words, Li Hao quickly explained: "Hello, my name is Li Hao. Last time I followed Wang Zilao at the fishing club and saw your heroic submachine gun and mine fishing method, and I yearned for it. I wonder if Big Brother can enlighten me. Teaching my little brother a few times."

Chen Wangping turned his head, "What do you want to learn? What can you give?"

When Li Shu heard this, he immediately showed a happy smile and cupped his hands: "Big brother, little brother is not talented, and I am not proficient in fishing. I don't know what big brother wants?"

Chen Wangping looked at Li Shu up and down and said, "I think you have an extraordinary temperament, with water elements surging all over your body. Your surname is Li, is it the young master from the land of water sources? Do you have the essence of water sources?"

Li Hao was surprised, nodded and said: "Big brother has good eyesight, but although I am the young master of the water source, I am the youngest one, and I don't have much resources. There are only three drops of the essence of the water source left, as long as the big brother If you are willing to teach, I can give it to Big Brother as tuition!"

Chen Wangping sighed, nodded and said, "Since you sincerely want to learn, I will not hesitate to make an exception and teach you something."

Li Tu gave a hard sigh and asked enthusiastically, "Then big brother, where do we start to learn?"

Chen Wangping was silent and motionless.

Li Tu asked another question and waited for a few seconds before he realized it. He flipped his hand and took out the bottle containing three drops of spring water essence, and handed it to Chen Wangping respectfully: "Brother, take a look first, this spring water essence. how?"

Chen Wangping smiled, took the essence of the water source, checked it, and found that there was light on it, three drops a lot.

He put it away with his backhand, got up and said with a smile, "Have you brought the submachine gun and grenade? Take it out."

Li Shu nodded again and again, took out the submachine gun and grenade, and was very excited.

Although he did this with the intention of acting for the elder brother and the second brother, he really felt that this skill was very handsome, and he wanted to learn such a skill.

He can't do serious things, so he can only find fun in these indecent things.

Chen Wangping took over his grenades and submachine guns, first studied the usage, and then said: "When fishing, you need to make a nest first. Our method is born out of the ordinary fishing method. Although it is higher than the ordinary fishing method, it is still necessary to make a nest. ."

Chen Wangping raised his hand, raised a dozen pieces of worm meat, and threw them down towards the water from a distance.

Soon, many bubbles appeared on the water, apparently attracting a large number of fish.

Chen Wangping continued to speak: "When you see the fish coming, you can start. I will teach you two movements. You have to look carefully."

Li Tu nodded expectantly.

After finishing speaking, Chen Wangping turned around, picked up the submachine gun and aimed it at the water surface and shot it.

After sweeping the shuttle, he coldly picked up the muzzle, gently blew out the smoke on the muzzle, and slowly retracted the gun.

During the time when the gun was closed, dozens of fish maw whites slowly floated up on the water.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao couldn't help shouting out: "Damn it! It's so handsome! So that's how submachine guns are used!"

Chen Wangping nodded, threw the submachine gun to Li Tu, and explained, "This action is to blow the smoke slowly, and the second is to blow all the bullets before blowing the smoke to avoid accidental injury."

Li Tu nodded, wrote it down, and asked curiously, "What about the next move?"

Chen Wangping led Li Tu forward for dozens of meters, changed a piece of water, raised his hand and spilled the worm meat again, attracting a bunch of fish.

Then, he pulled the grenade away, waved his arm vigorously, and threw all the grenades into the water.

While Li Shuo was waiting to see the grenade explode, Chen Wangping grabbed his shoulders and walked with his back to the water, saying lightly, "Remember, real men never look back at the explosion."

As soon as the words fell, countless splashes of water exploded behind the two of them.

After watching these two actions, Li Hao was instantly convinced, all kinds of national quintessence came out of his mouth, and he desperately recorded in the notebook in his hand.

Chen Wangping looked at Li Ru's appearance, and he was relieved. Fortunately, he had watched enough movies, so he was fooled.

In fact, Chen Wangping thought he was fooling himself, but these two actions were already very cool for Li Shuo, who was in the second phase of the middle school. Before that, no one had taught him how to be cool. This completely opened up a new world for him. door.

The explosion smoke dissipated, and Chen Wangping was about to leave, but he turned his head and was surprised to find a few broken plant leaves floating on the water, emitting a faint systemic light.

He wondered, "What is this?".

There was a fishing net right next to it, and Chen Wangping picked up the few plant leaves.

When picking up the leaves of the plant, he found that another red dot came over from the edge of the radar, and the speed was very fast.

Chen Wangping ignored it. As soon as Ye Ye got his hands, he patted Li Tu on the shoulder and said lightly: "Okay, the essence has been taught to you. The specific cultivation depends on you. We are destined to see you again."

After speaking, Chen Wangping immediately rushed towards the machine gun car.

Li Tu just put down his book, and when he saw that Chen Wangping was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted: "Brother, don't leave in a hurry, let's go to the city to sit and drink tea, I'll treat you to something to eat."

He was really worried because he was in a hurry. Right now, he didn't know if the people from the eldest brother and the second brother were following him nearby.

In case those who are stalking see Bao's heart, it will be troublesome to take action on the big brother.

As long as the eldest brother followed him back to the city, he would have a way to conceal the identity of the eldest brother, and then send the eldest brother out of the city without damage.

Chen Wangping waved his hand, turned the steering wheel and left, very fast.

He didn't know whether Li Ruo left him sincere or fake, but since he has taught all the teachings and got the things, why don't you go and wait?

Just a few seconds after driving, Chen Wangping saw one of the two red dots in the center of the river chasing after him in the water.

"It's really not easy to take this baby. Fortunately, I was prepared."

Chen Wangping turned his head towards a road that had been chosen in advance on the plain, started the machine gun car, and swooped out several hundred meters at a fast speed.

In Jiang Shui, the person in charge of chasing was sent to stalk him by Big Brother Li Shu. His name was Li Ke. He was a third-level water-type ability user. When he saw Wang Zi Lao getting the essence of Shui Yuan, he had already thought of taking action.

But firstly, there are many people in the fishing club, and secondly, the strength is similar. If the business is delayed, it will be troublesome.

Right now, he saw that a mere second-level ability user of Chen Wangping had deceived the essence of three drops of water source water, and he was immediately tempted. He wanted to come over and see if he could steal it directly.

You must know that even in the land of water sources, the essence of water source water is not something that ordinary people can get.

Speaking of which, it is Li Tu, who is not enterprising and just wants to enjoy himself, who will spend three drops of the essence of the water source to learn this useless thing!

In the distance, Chen Wangping saw from the radar that the man had landed, and the speed was obviously slower. It seemed that it should be a water-type ability user.

After confirming this, he didn't plan to continue sneaking. Anyway, this time he was driving a spare machine gun car. He just got rid of the man and changed his clothes and put on the solar crystal hood.

Who can still recognize it?

He stepped on the accelerator to death, and instantly increased the speed to full speed. In just a few minutes, Li Ke was thrown away without a trace.

Li Ke did not give up and continued to chase for a long time, and then activated his ability to track the water trail. After tossing for a long time, he still had no clue, so he could only helplessly return to the river to continue to follow, waiting for the news to be sent back at night.

On the plain, Chen Wangping saw that he had thrown the man away, found a place to change his clothes, got into the machine gun off-road vehicle, and drove towards the Dusk Forest in a cheerful mood.

Three drops of spring water essence, this will definitely make up for the damage of the king carp seedlings, and maybe even save a drop for spare.

Seeing that there was no one around, Chen Wangping glanced at the storage compartment, ready to see what the plant leaves he had just obtained were.

At a glance, he was startled.

No way, so lucky?

【Ancient Lotus Leaf Fragment】×6

【Use: Feed】

[Special effect - nourishment: ancient lotus leaf fragments can help high-blooded creatures restore their original breath]

[Remarks: This is an ancient lotus leaf that has been stored for a long time, and the effect is worse than fresh]

Ancient lotus leaves?

He still remembered that what the little carp needed to feed was lotus leaves.

As a result, he just threw a grenade and it just exploded?

Or ancient lotus leaf?

Chen Wangping recalled the situation just now, but still found no clues.

He smiled.

Maybe, this is what Jiang Snake said that the king carp seedlings will bring good luck.

No matter, some of the little carp ate it now, and the six pieces of broken lotus leaves were all very large, maybe enough to eat the ancient lotus to grow leaves.

Go to Dusk Forest.

At this moment, the person Fang Bie sent out to keep an eye on the situation of Gu Lian Ye was hurriedly taking out the communicator and calling Fang Bie.

"What happened?"

The man reported in fear: "General Fang, me, the ancient lotus leaf I was in charge of was blown up by a grenade."

Fang Bie looked confused and asked, "Grenade? Broken? In Yongjiang?"

The man also knew that this was unbelievable, and quickly added the details: "Yes, the water flow was very fast at that time, and it just floated near the young master Li at the fishing club. I didn't have time to pick it up~www.readwn.com~ There is a nearby young master Li. A person threw a grenade into the water and blew up the ancient lotus leaves."

Fang Bie scolded: "Then you pick it up!"

The man was about to cry when he heard it, "I wanted to pick it up, but before I got close, the man immediately grabbed the blade and turned around and left, his speed was so fast, I could only see his back when I got ashore. already."

Fang Bie had some guesses in his heart, and continued to curse: "Waste! Come back and receive the punishment!"

After hanging up the communicator, Fang Bie thought for a while, took out the notebook and recorded some information.

Twenty minutes later.

Chen Wangping carried the golden eagle all the way to the Dusk Forest.

Looking at the hunting bus passing by in the distance, Chen Wangping was very emotional.

Finally, I can drive into the Dusk Forest by myself. It is good to have a car.

Along the way, the low-level alien beasts retreated after feeling the powerful breath of the golden eagle.

Chen Wangping drove the car smoothly to the fourth floor of Dusk Forest.

You can't drive here.

After all, not every plant can move like a small ironwood.

After getting out of the car, Chen Wangping looked around, and immediately found the green birch that had been chopped before, took out the green steel axe, walked over and charged up and chopped.


After accumulating force, the green birch tree suddenly crooked.

Immediately afterwards, he went down with a few small axes, chopped off the green birch tree, and harvested [green birch wood] × 6.

"Taobao alert, I'll cut down this piece of green birch first."


When he reached the last green birch tree, Chen Wangping simply chopped two axe, and then charged down with one axe.


The green birch fell slowly, and at the position where it fell, in addition to the green birch, a reduced version of the green birch also appeared.

This is a sapling!

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