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Chen Wangping curiously picked up the sapling and looked up and down.

This green birch sapling is about 1.6 meters high, and there is a lot of soil near the roots at the bottom.

【Green birch saplings】

[Plot required for planting: 1 standard plot]

【Time to mature: 15 days】

[Frequency of forming material: multiple times]

[Remarks: Planting trees and grasses will help reduce pollution]

"Fifteen days to become a talent, it grows quite fast."

Chen Wangping put it away with satisfaction, ready to go home and improve a tree area for planting.

If nothing else, just to reduce pollution, we also need to plant a variety of trees at home.

In fact, when he was busy laying the power grid of the underground river in the past two days, Chen Wangping also thought about it. The reason why the pollution is concentrated on the rock wall is because the underground river is too deep, and there is no ventilation opening, the more the pollution generated by the boiler accumulates, the more the pollution will accumulate. Too many, can't get out.

In response to this problem, on the one hand, he plans to let the small iron wood and the golden eagle open a vent and lighting opening from the foot of the mountain, all the way to the underground river rock wall, on the other hand, he plans to buy two fan motors and remodel an exhaust fan for ventilation mouth, and line up the contamination inside.

After finishing these two aspects, the pollution problem of underground rivers may be better.

Recovering his thoughts, Chen Wangping put away the green birch sapling, walked to the side with the green steel axe, aimed at a big poplar tree and chopped it down.

after an hour.

Chen Wangping bent down and picked up [Poplar Wood]. This kind of poplar wood has no special properties, but there are enough pieces of wood. One poplar tree can be divided into more than ten pieces of wood.

Picking up these, he aimed at a big poplar tree and cut it down.

"bang bang bang"

Just as the poplar fell, a green prompt appeared in Chen Wangping's field of vision:

【Congratulations on your successful felling of 100 trees】

【You got the title: First-Class Woodcutter】

[Title Reward 1: Waist Strength Improvement]

[Title Reward 2: Chance to get sap when cutting trees]

[Title to be advanced: Level 2 Woodcutter (0/500)]

[Remarks: Different sap have different effects]

Chen Wangping was very pleasantly surprised, "The title has been promoted again? And the waist strength has been rewarded?"

Just after thinking about it, the green hint turned into a ray of light, merged into his body, and strengthened his waist.

The waist is the home of the kidneys.

At the same time as strengthening his waist, he felt that his waist seemed to be strengthened a lot, and his body suddenly became stronger.

"It turns out that practicing tree cutting has this effect? ​​If I had known it earlier, I would have chopped the tree long ago."

Chen Wangping picked up the axe and continued to chop with great energy.

More than an hour later, Chen Wangping finished cutting down the poplar forest, and was very tired.

He sat down to rest for a while, and glanced at the situation on the radar.

Well, the surroundings are still quiet, and there are no alien beasts to harass.

Even small mosquitoes dare not come.

Carving treasures are more useful than electrified mosquito coils.

While resting, a gust of wind blew over and rolled up a lot of leaves.

Among the leaves, Chen Wangping suddenly saw several palm-shaped five-lobed leaves floating over from the east.

These leaves are yellow and reddish, and some of the small leaves have completely turned fiery red, which is very special.

"There are maple trees here?"

He was surprised to see the familiar leaf shape.

The maple trees are tall and tall, each of them can grow up to 10 to 20 meters, and if one is cut down, it can be divided into many sections.

Chen Wangping became interested, lying on the back of the golden eagle, against the wind, and soon saw a yellow-to-red maple forest at the junction of the third and fourth floors.

Perhaps because the autumn has not yet fully entered, some of the maple leaves are still yellow.

He walked nearby, aimed at a large maple tree, raised his axe and chopped it down.

After three cuts, seeing that the big maple tree was about to break, he raised his axe to charge for a moment, and then cut it down heavily.

When he came to hurry, he recalled the details of how he got the green birch saplings, and concluded that the only difference was that he first used a small axe to cut the seam, and finally cut it with a power axe.

Therefore, when he is ready, he will use the charge slash to slash the last one, and maybe the chance of exploding special items will be higher.


The maple tree fell down.

Just as it fell, a caramel-colored viscous liquid suddenly rushed out from the trunk, straight to the sky, in a steady stream.

Chen Wangping responded quickly, and immediately took out the vat and jumped a few steps to pick up the liquid.

Before he could land on the ground, he smelled the thick sweet fragrance coming from the vat, which made people want to take a sip.

Thinking of the characteristics of maple trees, Chen Wangping said in surprise, "Is this thing maple sap?"

Unable to hold back, he stretched out his finger and dipped a little from the liquid column and took a sip.

Immediately he was laughed sweetly.

One sip, the clear and translucent sweetness reaches the heart and spleen, and there is a special woody fragrance on the mouth, which is very special.

It took dozens of seconds for the maple sap to be collected.

Chen Wangping picked up the big bucket and checked the properties:

【Maple sap】×11

[Usage: food, building materials]

[Special effect-recovery: After eating, the recovery speed of physical strength can be increased by a small amount]

[Remarks: Maple sap is simply boiled maple syrup]

There are 11 portions of maple sap in this vat, and it can be seen that the yield of this thing is very high.

Chen Wangping just happened to be a little tired, so he picked up the big bucket and poured a portion into his mouth.

After drinking this, he immediately felt a lot more energetic, and his mouth was full of sweetness, which was very comfortable.

The maple sap before boiling will not be as greasy as maple syrup, but will be more refreshing.

Smacking his lips, Chen Wangping put away the rest, preparing to go back in the evening and try again to see how to boil maple syrup.

After collecting the maple sap, he walked to the big maple tree that had just fallen and began to divide it.

The harvest of this big maple tree will be more.

Soon, he harvested [Maple Wood] × 14.

【Maple wood】

[Use: forging materials, fuel]

[Special Effects - Sweet: Livestock buildings made of maple wood can improve the quality of milk products]

【Remarks: The sweet smell is loved by everyone】

"Can you improve the quality of milk products? It seems that I have to find a way to grab a cow and go back today. If there is a little syrup in the milk, it will definitely taste better."

Chen Wangping put away the maple wood, thinking that this maple tree is really good, and both products are very practical.

He looked at the large maple forest in front of him, full of fighting spirit.

"Come on!"

two hours later.

Chen Wangping was very tired. He looked at the big maple tree in front of him, and was about to go to the cow after cutting it down.

The remaining half of the maple forest can only be cut down next time.

The small axe slipped, and the charged axe was cut.


As soon as the axe went down, in addition to the fallen maple tree, a yellow-red maple sapling burst out.

Chen Wangping picked up the sapling with satisfaction, "Including this one, nine maple saplings have been cut down, and we can plan the planting when we get home."

Putting away the maple wood in the ground, he took out a portion of maple sap and drank it.

Very comfortable.

Finally got a drink.

When he was eating barbecue before, he always wanted to find something to drink, but he never got the right one.

Now this maple sap is sweet, and it will definitely taste better when I go back and chill it.

After drinking the maple sap, Chen Wangping glanced at the storage compartment, and he had harvested [green birch] × 76, [poplar wood] × 57, [maple wood] × 357, and [green birch saplings] in the past three hours. 】×1, 【Maple Sapling】×9, 【Maple Sap】×43.

Full harvest.

He sat on the stump and rested for a while, and after a while, the golden eagle who went out to check the situation flew back.

Chen Wangping asked expectantly, "Brother Diao, how is the situation? Are there any cattle?"

Never thought that the golden eagle shook the bird's head proudly, stretched out its wings and pointed at the maple tree, opened its mouth, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah out in his mouth opened to drink.

Chen Wangping: "..."

He encouraged him earnestly: "Brother Diao, you have a good mouth, have you seen those big trees next to you? Listen to me, go up and take a bite and then take two breaths, the effect is the same."

The golden eagle gave Chen Wangping a blank look and beeped, indicating that I am not a cicada, where can I drink the sap!

Chen Wangping sighed, the child has learned a lot, so it's not easy to be fooled.

Fortunately, there is a small carp at home to tease.

Cherish this time.

He took out the maple sap and put it in a bowl, handed it over and said, "Drink, drink it, it's still six hours before it gets dark, and we don't have much time left."

The golden eagle patted his chest, indicating that I am here, UU reading www.uukanshu. com No surprise, you will definitely be able to catch a cow and bring it back in six hours!

Seeing its confident look, Chen Wangping nodded helplessly, "Okay, the food hasn't been served yet, it's up after just a few sips."

The golden eagle waved his wings with disgust on his face, indicating that you have no idea how powerful your brother is.

After drinking the maple sap, the golden eagle spread its wings and carried Chen Wangping towards the few cattle it found just now.

after an hour.

Chen Wangping looked at the cows drinking water at the creek in front, and said helplessly: "It's still not possible, these cows do not meet the breeding standards."

The cows in front of them are a little dirty, the colors on their bodies are also messy, and the breath is mixed. Although the strength of the leading bull has reached the third level, the strength of the cows inside is relatively poor. rearing.

The golden eagle stuck out his tongue helplessly and beeped twice, indicating that it was not because my eagle brother couldn’t find the cattle, but because the standard of raising cattle in our family was too high, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

At this moment, a somewhat familiar rumbling sound came from the side.

Accompanied by the sound came the overwhelming dust.

Hearing this sound, the cows that were still drinking water immediately ran away.

They know how powerful this wild boar herd is, they don't even drink the sweet stream, they turn around and run.

Chen Wangping let the golden eagle rise to a height and looked down at the wild boar condescendingly.

The last time he encountered a herd of wild boars, he could only climb trees, and his strength was only a level 0.5 power user.

Now it is possible to ride on the eagle, and the strength has reached a level 2 ability user.

So fast.

Just when he was thinking about it, suddenly, he saw a little light appear in the wild boar herd.

Chen Wangping immediately became interested, and quickly let the golden eagle restrain his breath, keep up with the wild boars, and identify which wild boar was so good.

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