Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 169: eyesight

Putting away his things, Chen Wangping called up the golden eagle, ready to take advantage of the night to explore the terrain of the mineral vein near the Sulphur Hills.

Last time, I didn't plan to do it so quickly, and I didn't carefully survey the terrain.

This time, I have to find a way for Xiao Fang to go in and send the giant beetle back.

After driving for half an hour.

Chen Wangping suddenly thought that the mushrooms of Mingmu had not been made yet, so he stopped Jindiao and went down a slope, set up a pot, and poured some oil into it.

There are many ways to make mushrooms. To put it simply, soft-fried fresh mushrooms are the easiest.

Waiting for the time to burn the oil, Chen Wangping took out two sets of Mingmu mushrooms and tore them in half, then beat an egg liquid in a bowl, and spread some starch made from sweet potatoes with white hearts on the side.

When the oil was hot, he hung a layer of egg liquid and sweet potato starch on the mushrooms, spread them evenly, and put them into the oil pan.

After they were placed one by one, the mushrooms that were put in first had become golden yellow and slowly floated up.

This is fried.

Chen Wangping took out the fried mushrooms, sprinkled some salt and chili noodles, blew it, and took a bite.


The crispy skin on the outside of the mushrooms is very crisp.

Continue to bite, and the juice of Mingmu mushroom flows into your mouth, which is extraordinarily sweet and contains a strong mushroom aroma.

After chewing a few bites of mushrooms, the meat is very meaty, or it is more delicious than meat. Every bite is full of juice, and the fragrance is rich.

Chen Wangping was eating here, and the golden eagle was arguing over there, beeping and beeping, saying that I want to eat too.

Chen Wangping smiled, picked up two freshly fried pieces and handed them over.

The golden eagle was not afraid of being hot, and he chewed it, and after a while, he stomped his feet with satisfaction, obviously very happy.

After one person and one carving each eat a portion of the mushroom, the special effect of the mushroom will take effect.

Chen Wangping was thinking about it, but when he looked up, he found that the surrounding scene was as bright as the sun had not risen at five or six in the morning. Although he could not see the details, he could see the general outline clearly, and his night vision ability was greatly improved.

He took out the sniper rifle and took a look around, and found that in this state, it was no problem to put the target within 500 meters into the crosshair, and the accuracy was greatly improved.

The same is true for the golden eagle next to him, beeping to indicate that he can see more clearly now, and the effect of sneak attack at night must be very good.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, and while the pot was confiscated, he blew up all the remaining Mingmu mushrooms and put them into the storage compartment one by one.

This thing will come in handy tomorrow.

It didn't take long for Chen Wangping to return to the vicinity of the Sulphur Hills again. He put on a secondary mineral detector and carefully observed the nearby terrain.

It can be seen from the sound of minerals from the mineral detector that Zhao Sheng seems to have become a little anxious during this time, and the consumption of sulfur ore is higher than that of the first half month.

Thinking of the information he had obtained before, Chen Wangping pondered, "It's strange, I've been so anxious to dig sulfur mines in recent days? Could it be that these people have other tasks?"

After pondering for a while, Chen Wangping wondered if the black oil ruins would be opened again?

Fang Bie is not planning to let these people dig the black oil ruins again.

If so, it would be interesting.

Soon, Chen Wangping found a suitable route for Xiao Fang to sneak into the mine, and after drawing a map, he left here.

When passing through the ruins of Luocheng, he glanced at the location of the Lingdian camp from a distance, thinking that after finishing the Brimstone Hills and the square, the next target was the Lingdian camp!

After killing this camp, at least the solar panels can be mass-produced.

That thing is clean and pollution-free, and the electricity it generates is all natural.

Second Hall Master, right?

Go back and set up a second power main contribution card for you at the solar farm.

After returning to the base, Chen Wangping was too tired.

Although it looks handsome when flying, it's tiring to sit still.

Chen Wangping glanced at the technology tree, "Will the weapon series continue to be upgraded, will there be planes? That thing can at least move around."

After thinking about it for a while, he walked to the side of Xiao Tiemu and arranged for Xiao Tiemu to blow up a hole on the side of the underground river tomorrow morning, and let some sunshine in.

Little Tiemu clicked on the crown of the tree, stretched out a branch and drew a circle above him, asking if he could make a circle for himself. Now that his body has grown larger, it turned out that the sun was not enough.

Chen Wangping nodded, "No problem, just don't drive too much."

He turned around and glanced at the base, and found that the limitations of building a base in the mountainside are still a bit large. After the strength is improved, let's find a more suitable place.

The best is a basin, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Chen Wangping walked to the manufacturing platform, took out the two-star sulfur ore sponsored by Fang Bie, and arranged the manufacturing task of rockets.

After a busy day, he was also a little tired, so he went back to bed to visualize the bullet, and fell asleep after a while.

the next day.

Before Chen Wangping could open it, he heard the sound of moo moo coming from the cow shed, and the big rooster in the chicken shed also clucked.

He opened his eyes and turned around suspiciously.

Strange, that big **** didn't croak so early before.

After listening for a while, Chen Wangping was helpless.

This is fodder.

Are you addicted to eating insect meat after co-authoring these?

After taking a shower, he walked into the cowshed with five pieces of insect meat feed and mugwort feed that he had made, put one of the two kinds of feed for the Huoyuan cows, and watched while milking.

Seeing the feed, the Huoyuan cow turned her head and observed it for a while, then turned her head towards the mugwort feed and ate it, which was also delicious.

Chen Wangping understood that it wasn't because of the insect meat feed, but because the feed made by the feed machine was too fragrant.

It is equivalent to what they usually eat is raw materials, and the feed machine helps them stir-fry them into vegetables, and they become addicted after eating.

"In the future, you may be able to use feed to attract foreign beasts in the wild. They must have never eaten such a good thing."

After a while, Chen Wangping took away the milk, threw fodder to the chicken shed and the quail shed, and collected some feathers and eggs.

After saving for a few more days, you can upgrade a wave of technology.

Back at the bed, he tapped the radio while he was getting food.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, thunderstorms will turn fine within 50 kilometers near Huo Niucheng, and the wind will be four to five.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Elemental can do more than you can imagine, try out more fighting styles.

【Indescribable reminder】

Recognize your true heart~www.readwn.com~The voice brought by the wind]

"Everything is ready, we will send people into the city tomorrow night."

"Ready, how many people are you going to call over to supervise the work on the city lord's side?"

"How many supervisors can I need in the ruins, I still have to sit on the sulfur mine side, and arrange one or two at most."

"Then Master Zhao, can you give me a chance? I've been stuck at Level 2 for a long time, and I want to find another chance to break through. I promise to hand in all the gains in the ruins, I just want to break through to Level 3."

"The opportunity can be given, it depends on how determined you are."

"Master Zhao, I've saved five hundred gold coins over the years, what do you think?"

"It's you, I'll report it tonight, and work hard."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

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