Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 170: light energy absorption

Listening to the contents of the radio, Chen Wangping quickly analyzed:


"The thunderstorm turned clear? Doesn't that mean that it was a rainstorm tonight that turned to a thunderstorm? It's just enough to suppress a wave of Zhao Sheng's vibration ability. The medium has changed, so his control ability will also be affected."


Tips and indescribable reminders are nothing to think about for the time being, so put them aside.


But the sound brought by the wind is interesting.


Assuming that Master Zhao is Zhao Sheng, then the identity of this supervisor is very interesting.


Take it first and then talk about it.


Just as I was thinking about it, there was a rumbling, rumbling, rumbling sound outside. It sounded like Little Ironwood was bombing the mountain.


Chen Wangping got up to check and found that Xiao Tiemu was halfway up the mountain right above the underground river at this time. He saw that it was rooted on the rock wall, and countless branches were flying one after another. .


"Good job!"


Chen Wangping encouraged him from a distance, and returned to the base to take out the rocket made of two-star sulfur last night and inspect it.


【Standard Rocket ☆☆】


[Area damage: 3000~5500 points]


[Damage Type: Mixed Damage]


[Special Effects - Explosion: Standard rockets will explode after hitting the target, causing secondary damage in a large area]


[Negative special effects - rough: standard rockets without a processor have poor accuracy and are difficult to accurately aim at the target]


[Note: High-purity sulfur increases the damage of the secondary explosion]


"So much improvement? The lower limit has been increased by 1,000 points, and the upper limit has also been increased by 500 points. If it is a secondary explosion, it can just be like dealing with a giant beetle. harm."


Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, put away the five rockets, simply ate something, and called the golden eagle to rush towards the location where rock worms and giant tube worms appeared more often.


After killing so many alien beasts one after another, the title of alien beast hunter is still two hundred alien beasts away from the advanced stage. If you work hard during the day today, you should be able to improve the title.


For the current enemy, the radar detection range of fifty meters is not enough.


It seems that the last time I checked the strength of the second hall master of the Lingdian, I was about to touch my face at 50 meters, and the danger was too great.


In the air, Chen Wangping thought silently while changing the magazine for the submachine gun: "I hope the radar detection range of the second-level alien hunter can be improved a little more, even if it is an extra 20 meters."


Soon, one person and one eagle began to clear up the Blackstone Mine Slope, and there were bursts of gunfire.


in the base.


With the movement of the sun, strands of sunlight shot into the base and sprinkled on the fish pond.


After a dozen sunfish fry felt the sunlight, they all swam to the water surface and spread out their scales to their heart's content. If they were observed with special instruments, they could see that these sunfish fry were absorbing certain wavelengths of light energy in the sunlight and rapidly. Increase strength.


Seeing this scene, the studious king carp fry immediately became interested. With a flick of his tail, he floated to the surface and spread out his scales like a sunfish fry.


But even if it is unfolded, the angle is wrong, and the scale pattern is wrong, it still fails to absorb the energy of sunlight.




The carp king fry asked if he didn't understand, and kept asking if he caught the sunfish fry.


Sunfish fry actually don't understand. They are born with this ability, and they can't explain the principle for a while.


The carp king fry was a little anxious. When it learned to enhance its perception with the blind perch fry, it started at once, but when it came to learn to absorb light energy from the sunfish fry, why couldn't it learn it!


Looking at the rising aura of the sunfish fry.


The little carp suddenly got inspiration.


If you want to absorb it, you must observe it first.


After making up his mind, King Carp Miao ignored the heat of the sun and looked up at the sun.


Even if the sun is dazzling, it is difficult to see clearly.


It also tried to use the knowledge learned from the blind bass to use all the senses in the body to feel the sunlight, and then adjust the direction of the scales on its body.


When it saw that the pain in the eyes was really unbearable, it pulled an ancient lotus leaf to block its eyes, and then turned to look at the pattern of the scales of the sunfish fry, and controlled the scales on the back to differentiate into similar patterns.


After so long, the little carp actually felt something was wrong.


Grandpa Jiang She used to leave some messages even when he left, or asked other fish to bring him some interesting little things back.


But this time.


Nothing at all.


Although Brother Ping is also very kind to himself, he finds delicious food for himself, and brings his friends back, but sometimes he still misses Grandpa Jiang She.


The little carp is full of energy in his heart, he must improve his strength and find out who is secretly manipulating him! Avenge Grandpa Jiang Snake! !


In the fish pond, the young king carp fry looked at the sun without fear, and worked hard to evolve.


Four hours later, on the Blackstone Mine slope.


Chen Wangping didn't feel tired at all, he aimed the submachine gun at the head of the rock worm in front of him and shot.


Now that his physique has improved, he can finish a shuttle in one go without changing bullets, just cut out another fully loaded submachine gun and continue to shoot.


"Da da da da da"


Two shuttles go down, even two rock worms can't stop the damage.


Seeing that the rock worm in front of him fell to the ground, and the red light of life energy poured out, Chen Wangping skillfully took out the magazine to reload the submachine gun, and at the same time called for the golden eagle to go over to get the rock worm's skull.

At this moment, lines of blood-red prompts appeared:


[Congratulations on successfully killing 500 alien beasts]


[You have obtained the title: Second-level Alien Hunter]


[Title Reward 1: Radar Effect Improvement]


[Radar enhancement effect 1: The detection range is increased to a radius of 75 meters]


[Radar enhancement effect 2: Added directional detection (consume mental power to perform directional detection in a certain direction, the detection distance can be 500 meters)]


[Title Reward 2: Condense Flesh]


[Condensed flesh and blood effect: After killing alien beasts, there is a chance to obtain blood crystals condensed from the flesh of alien beasts]


[Title to be advanced: Level 3 Alien Hunter (501/2000)]


[Remarks: When the third-level hunter advances, only the number of alien beasts of the same rank will be counted, so let’s fight! 】


Looking at the long list of prompts, Chen Wangping smiled with satisfaction.


The longer it means the more reward.


He followed one by one and found that the radar detection skill not only doubled the commonly used range, but also added a directional detection skill!


Five hundred meters!


Next time, you can take a good look at the strength of the second hall master!


"It consumes mental power. I don't know how much it consumes. Don't use it and you will faint."


Chen Wangping looked around and decided to use it for the first time.


He set the target on the rock worm emerging on the top of a small hill in the distance, looked up at the radar, and found that there was an arrow function icon on the radar.


After the selection, Chen Wangping aimed the arrow at the small hill and used it silently.




He could feel his mental power being pulled into ramen noodles by the radar like a rubber band, and it was slenderly pulled directly onto the small hill.


Before he could feel it, his mental power was bounced back by the radar, and at the same time he brought back some tiredness.


Chen Wangping estimated that it would consume about one-tenth of his mental power when he came and went, and the consumption was still relatively large.


Look at the results again.


A picture-in-picture appeared on the original circular radar, and the content inside showed the situation of the strange beasts on the top of the hill: six red dots the size of grapes, four red dots the size of grape seeds, and some scattered Scattered tiny red dots.


Chen Wangping called the golden eagle, flew over the hills and made an estimate, and found that the distance of the fixed-point detection was 500 meters, and the range was as large as the detection point's radius of 10 meters, and the effect was already very good.


As a result, the hit rate is higher when aiming with a sniper rifle tonight.


Chen Wangping called out the prompt and continued to read, and found that the title also rewarded the effect of condensing flesh.


After reading the description, he also understood, this effect is the same as the woodcutter's reward for cutting down trees and sap, killing alien beasts will explode blood crystals.


"Blood crystal, I don't know if this thing is used to improve the strength in that area. Let's go back and study it."


As for the remarks, he was not worried. Even if he advanced, he would only kill 2,000 Tier 3 alien beasts. There are some in the Dusk Forest, and he will brush them again when he has time.


After digesting the title reward, Chen Wangping called the Golden Eagle home with satisfaction.


Take a break.


Just waiting for the night rain.


After a while, the golden eagle carried Chen Wangping back to the mine.


Before he could walk in, Chen Wangping saw a dazzling light coming from the base from a distance.


"What's the situation? Where did the light come from?"


Entering the mine, Chen Wangping was surprised to find that the light came from the fish pond.


Looking closer, more than a dozen sunfish fry grew a circle overnight, all of them entered the growth stage, and the scales all over their body exuded dazzling sunlight, which looked very gorgeous.


"This is the effect of the royal special effect of the king carp fry? Sunfish fry grow so fast?"


Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction~www.readwn.com~ According to the remarks of the sunfish fry, these sunfish fry will have new special effects after entering the growth stage.


However, this is not the most surprising.


At this time, the sunfish fry were swimming one after another, like the rays of light around the sun's sketches, all guarding the carp king fry.


The king carp seedling in the center was like a small sun at this time, with dazzling rays of light all over his body, and his body slowly rose, as if it wanted to merge with the sun.


After rising to the surface of the water, the light on the King Carp Miao gradually faded and merged into its body.


After the light faded, Chen Wangping found that the king carp seedlings had also grown a circle at this time, and there were many strange patterns on the scales.


[Your fishing pet: King Carp Miao has learned a new special effect: light energy absorption]


[Special effects - light energy absorption: King carp seedlings can recover their stamina and enhance their strength by absorbing sunlight. The specific effect depends on the intensity of sunlight]


"Learn new special effects? Did you learn it from Sunfish?"


Chen Wangping caught a sunfish, checked the properties of the sunfish in the growing period, and found that the sunfish had a special effect called sunlight.


[Special effect - Sunlight: Sunfish in the growing stage can actively draw more sunlight during the day to promote plant growth]


[Note: Excellent sunfish in adulthood can even emit light at night to accelerate plant growth]

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