"Sunlight? This sunfish lives up to its name."

Chen Wangping put the sunfish back in satisfaction and pondered while watching the two special effects.

Judging from the remarks, the little carp has only learned half of the special effects of the adult sunfish.

Learned to absorb light energy, but did not learn to release light energy.

But this is better. Since there are sunfish, it is not necessary for the little carp to release light energy, so it is good to let it store light energy to improve itself.

As for the special effect of the sunfish, Chen Wangping immediately thought of changing their nests.

At present, there is no need to worry about the growth of the plants at home. Instead, it is the Metasequoia tree in the underground river. The faster it grows, the better.

In this case, simply put the sunfish fry on the underground river to raise them, so as to attract more sunlight during the day, and when they are mature, they can light up at night to promote the growth of the Metasequoia.

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping squatted down and was in a good mood when he saw that the King Carp Miao was energetically controlling the scales to adjust the angle and absorb the sunlight.

After discovering Chen Wangping, King Carp Miao swam over with a flick of his tail, proudly puffing out his chest, and said that Brother Ping, look at me, and learn how to do it again!

Chen Wangping gave a thumbs up and said: "Awesome, your learning ability is really strong, but don't be so anxious before learning something next time, it would be better if you can discuss it with me, like this time, the adult sunfish will still be there at night. If you want to let out the sun, you don’t have to rush to learn this, just use light to improve yourself.”

After listening to it, the eyes of the king carp seedlings were widened, and he said that they could still emit light energy? so smart!

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will bring back many friends in the future. You learn from others' strengths. If this continues, you will definitely become the strongest little carp in history."

The King Carp Miao shook his fins and said seriously that he was not the strongest little carp in history, he was the strongest carp king in history! The kind that wants to jump over the dragon gate.

Chen Wangping nodded, "Good little carp."

King Carp Miao: "..."

The king carp fry flicked its tail and called for the fry of the sunfish to swim to the side.

Chen Wangping only thought of a question at this time. The king carp seedlings have feelings for the sunfish. Is it willing to move it away?

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Wangping uttered this idea, King Carp Miao pouted pitifully and did not refuse, but he could see that he was not very happy.

After all, it is already boring in the fish pond, and it will be even more boring without the fry to accompany it.

Chen Wangping looked at the sample of King Carp Miao, thought for a while, and immediately thought of a solution.

He didn't want to let the king carp seedlings go down to absorb pollution, so he just let the sunfish go to work.

Chen Wangping walked to the nearby manufacturing table, quickly drew a blueprint, built an iron box, and at the same time pulled it to the side of the fish pond with a conveyor belt, and installed a robotic arm there.

Holding the iron box, he filled it with water and tried to let the robotic arm operate the operation of releasing water, catching fish and sealing the box.

no problem.

Chen Wangping squatted down and touched the head of King Carp Miao: "Little carp, is this okay? They haven't reached adulthood yet, and they can't emit light at night, so when there is sunshine during the day, let the sunfish go down to pull the Sunshine Gang. When the Metasequoia trees grow up, I will send them back to accompany you at night when there is no sunlight, okay?"

Carp King Miao looked at Chen Wangping suspiciously, and said that there is still such an operation?

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Of course there is. It's called going to work, working during the day and resting at night. You can rest assured that the iron box is very strong, and the conveyor belt can be sent directly to it."

The King Carp Miao floated up and looked at it, and found that this was fine, so he immediately burst into tears and laughed, nodding his head happily to say okay, okay, Brother Ping is really amazing, he can come up with such a method.

After getting the carp king seedlings, Chen Wangping opened the robotic arm and quickly watched it put water on the iron box, grabbed the sunfish and put it in, then sealed the iron box and put it on the conveyor belt for transportation.

Chen Wangping took the materials and quickly rushed to the underground river, set up the conveyor belt, placed the robotic arm on the edge of the previously placed fish pond, and arranged the program.

All alive.

After such a long time, Xiao Tiemu has opened the lighting vents above the underground river. Sunlight streams in through the lighting vents halfway up the mountain, and some pollution close to the vents also floats out along the vents.

Coupled with the purification effect of the Metasequoia tree, the environment of the underground river is much better than before.

After a while, the box containing the sunfish was sent down the conveyor belt, and the sunfish fell into the fish pond one by one.

After entering the fish pond, the unfamiliar environment did not affect their natural love for sunlight. They only floated to the surface one by one, controlling the scales to pull the nearby sunlight.

Under the traction of the sunfish, the sunlight that could not illuminate some edges and corners of the Metasequoia tree was also pulled over, and it shone on the Metasequoia tree, promoting the growth of the Metasequoia tree.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, took some ancient lotus leaves, crushed them into pieces and sprinkled them in, "Work hard, and I'll send you back at night."

He looked at the pollution scale of the underground river, and felt that with three layers of insurance, he could try to increase the number of steam generators to fifty or three-digit numbers after finishing the Sulphur Hills.

Don't forget, the black rice seeds are still waiting to wake up after the lightning energy is boosted.

Back at the base, Chen Wangping simply ate something and went to bed, refueling himself and preparing for the battle at night.

Five hours later.

Chen Wangping slept for a long time. The mental energy consumed by the use of radar fixed-point detection has been fully recovered.

He looked at the sky outside, and it was about to get dark. The strange thing was that there were not many clouds, and it didn't look like it was going to rain heavily.

Chen Wangping got up, walked to the sauce maker, took out the prepared beef chili sauce, spread it on the cake, and ate it.

Like the chili egg sauce, the sauce maker perfectly combines the deliciousness of beef and chili. The beef inside is all large and large, and it is very enjoyable to bite into it. With the taste of chili, it is appetizing and satisfying.

"If this thing is used to make fish sauce, what will it make?"

Chen Wangping thought for a while, then took out four red carp and a portion of chili and threw them in, ready to try other flavors.

Just after eating, Xiao Fang's voice came from outside the mine, "Brother Chen, I'm here."

Chen Wangping looked left and right, thinking that he had to dig a living room outside when he turned around. There were too many things in the UU Reading www.uukanshu.com base.

He walked out of the mine and led Xiao Fang into the mine tunnel. Without being polite, he took out the map from last night's investigation and handed it over: "This is the map from the hillside to the place where your clan is held. I will meet you at night. Bombard this place with rockets, you have to sneak in ahead of time to protect them."

Xiao Fang was a little anxious after hearing this, "Brother Chen, the rest of the people must be lacking in food and clothing and lack of strength, and they may not be able to stop the aftermath of the rocket."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "I've already prepared, as long as you sneak in, they'll be fine, you can try it." After speaking, he took out fifty pieces of giant beetle vests with his backhand, and threw a random piece to Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang took the giant beetle's carapace and tapped it cautiously. He also took out a stick and slammed it down hard. After seeing the defense power of the carapace, he was relieved.

After he was relieved, he realized that he had questioned Chen Wangping just now, and quickly explained: "Brother Chen, I was too worried just now..."

Chen Wangping raised his hand to stop Xiao Fang's explanation.

After arranging the back armor, Chen Wangping continued to explain the rest of the arrangement with Xiao Fang, "I will start sniping 40 minutes after you enter, and immediately fire rockets after sniping. Remember, the rockets will explode twice, wait for these sounds. After the sound, you should cooperate with me immediately, only kill Zhao Sheng, after killing him, the rest will be easy."

Xiao Fang nodded solemnly, looking at the back armor prepared in advance, he was very moved, looked up and said seriously: "Brother Chen, don't worry, even if the plan goes wrong and Zhao Sheng's strength exceeds expectations, then I will definitely die in In front of you, protect you from leaving!"

Chen Wangping: "... If you don't know how to speak, just talk less and be a mute."

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