Tang Xihe put away his things, sat down with a smile and asked, "Are you interested in this thing? It is estimated that the Black Oil Ruins will be open in two or three days. Would you like to come in with us?"

Chen Wangping did not rush to answer, and instead asked: "What does the opening of the black oil ruins mean? Is there any mechanism at the door?"

Tang Xihe shook his head and explained: "Actually, I have never entered the black oil ruins. According to my uncle, the black oil ruins were discovered about five years ago, and its entrance is in a hole on the side of the Dusk Forest. , after going deep into the hole, a strong and pungent poisonous gas will emerge from a position of about 50 meters. At first, it smells like rotten eggs. If you smell it for more than a few seconds, you will immediately stop breathing and die on the spot, so there It's always been a no-go zone."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Then why did someone discover the remains of black oil?"

Tang Xihe explained: "Later, a hunter took on a mission. The content of this mission was to bring back the body of a person who died in poison gas. The hunter's ability was speed, so he owed a debt and wanted to fight Luckily, if he can bring it back, he will earn it, but if he can’t bring it back, he will die, but as soon as he enters, he finds that he doesn’t seem to be abnormal, and he carried the body back safely.”

Chen Wangping nodded, "And after that?"

Tang Xihe said: "After that, this person seemed to have found the code of wealth, and received several orders to pick up the corpse overnight, which attracted other bounty hunters to check the situation, and finally found that it was not that person that was special, but that period of time. The concentration of poison gas in the underground cave is extremely low and will not be fatal. As a result, the daring bounty hunters formed a group to explore, and as soon as they entered, they fished out an energy cannon and three energy cannonballs on the edge of the black oil ruins. Suddenly, there was a fight, and everyone poured into the black oil ruins, causing turmoil. Finally, several major forces in Huo Niu City came forward and jointly agreed on the mining rules of the black oil ruins.

Chen Wangping nodded, "According to this, the outer layer of the black oil ruins should be almost dug, right?"

Tang Xihe shook his head, "The poison gas in the Heiyou Ruins is reduced about once every three months, and each time can last for about half a month, but even if there is no poisonous gas, there are still some mutant creatures in the Black Oil Ruins, which are not afraid of death. It is very troublesome to get up. Several major forces may not even have one tenth of the exploration. This black oil is too strong and it is everywhere, causing many things in the ruins to be damaged. Now there is no origin of the black oil ruins. Investigate it."

Immediately afterwards, she added: "But when my uncle went in last time, he found a secret passage, which is relatively safe, and the room at the end of the secret passage contains a lot of the refreshing potions we used just now, do you want to go in with me? Get it out?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "I will also enter the Heiyou Ruins, but I have another team. After entering the Ruins, we will find a chance to meet and see the situation first."

Only then did Tang Xihe react, "I understand, are you going to join Fang's other team with Xiao Fang? But the places where Fang's others go are very dangerous, why don't you stay with me?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said: "It's alright, if the leader of the team is not honest, I will directly find an opportunity to kill him. After entering, you are in the light, and I am in the dark, which makes it easier to move. Now is the time of trouble. After entering, the hunters will meet. I will definitely keep an eye on you and bring more staff."

Tang Xihe nodded, took out a notebook and handed it over: "You're right, then we'll split up and join together after entering. This is the map in the black oil ruins that my uncle mastered, you can go back and look at it, it will be of some help. "

Chen Wangping put away the notebook, thinking that he can go to the nearby Heiyou Ruins to check the situation and step on the spot in advance.

Seeing that the business was over, Tang Xi and Hee Hee smiled, "I'm so hungry, is there anything delicious, just take it out."

Chen Wangping smiled, took out the pike and asked: "This time there is really a delicious one, it is very suitable for you, by the way, you were in a strange state when you fought with the third elder of the Lingdian, how is your body now? Sample?"

Tang Xihe shook his head, "Fortunately, I didn't shoot. Now there is nothing wrong with my body, but the ability to control the fire element will become weaker."

Chen Wangping frowned, then thought of the special effects of the pike, and said with a relaxed smile: "It's okay, you will recover later."

After speaking, Chen Wangping walked to the kitchen, skillfully processed the pike, cut it into three pieces, and marinated it with seasonings.

The other side took out the big pot and put it on the stove, turned around and shouted, "Come on fire."

Tang Xihe glanced at the almost unused kitchen, and walked over helplessly and said, "Just stop burning wood, I'll heat it for you."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "That's great, it's the easiest way to control the firepower."

Tang Xihe sat next to him, raising his hand and a steady flame heated the bottom of the pot.

Chen Wangping poured oil into the pot, put the pike in it and fry it for a moment, then took it out.

Then pour out the excess oil, add water mountain **** and wild onion to stir up the fragrance, put some fish sauce inside to enhance the umami, then add the pike, pour in the water that has not covered the fish, add salt and pepper The powder is covered with a lid and simmered.

Chen Wangping clapped his hands, turned his head and said, "Just like this, simmer on medium heat for an hour."

This pike is too big, and it will be more delicious if it is stewed for a long time.

Tang Xihe heard that it was going to be stewed for half an hour, and couldn't sit still. He raised his hand to condense two small fire snakes and threw them into the stove to heat up.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Watch the heat, if it's stewed, you won't be able to eat it."

Tang Xihe snorted, "Don't worry, this fire is still well controlled. Come here, I'll tell you the key points of visualization. I didn't expect you to improve so quickly before, and there are some things I haven't talked about yet."

Chen Wangping smiled, "Mr. Tang, how much do you know how much to talk about, in case I make a lot of progress all of a sudden."

Tang Xihe smiled and said: "I know a lot, I can't finish it in a day or two, and this meal is not enough to eat."

Chen Wangping said helplessly: "I have enough to eat, come on, come on."

While waiting for the fish to be stewed, Tang Xihe taught Chen Wangping earnestly and taught him all the money.

With Teacher Tang's experience, Chen Wangping's previous mistakes and confusions when he visualized rockets were also answered.

Stewed and stewed, the unique and rich aroma of pike emerges.

Chen Wangping saw that it was almost time, walked over and opened the lid to check, and found that the stew was just right, and there was still a little sticky soup on the side of the cooked fish.

He sprinkled the chopped wild onion again, turned it over, and brought it directly to the pot on the table.

"Let's have dinner."

Tang Xihe immediately swallowed when he smelled the aroma, and couldn't wait to pick up a large piece of fish and pick off a few big thorns on it.


Handing it to Chen Wangping, he smiled and said, "Chef Chen has worked hard, let's take a bite to fill the stomach first."

Chen Wangping was stunned, took the fish, and tasted it carefully.

The meat of this pike is unexpectedly tender. It has been stewed for an hour, but it is still tender and tender, and the soup hanging on the fish is rich in flavor, and the unique umami of the fish sauce is integrated into the fish. The freshness is added to the freshness, combined with the aroma of Shangshui Mountain Ginger, one can't stop eating it.

He swallowed the fish, and also put a piece into Tang Xihe's bowl, and said with a smile, "Eat it quickly, this fish is big enough, let it go and eat it."

Tang Xihe snorted, lowered his head and ate, and his eyes narrowed into crescents with joy as soon as he took a bite.

Both of them are strong, plus they were tired from studying just now, and they ate the whole pike in a short while, and even the fish soup was dipped in some pancakes and eaten.

Eat and drink enough~www.readwn.com~ Tang Xihe rubbed her belly and said comfortably, "This is too delicious!"

As soon as she sighed, she felt the fish flesh in her belly turn into a warm warm current and melted into her body, and she immediately felt that the surrounding fire elements seemed to be closer.

She subconsciously raised her hand to condense the small fire snake, and found that the condensed small fire snake is more agile than before, and the scales are also lifelike, it seems that the fire elements are helping her.

Tang Xihe turned his head in surprise and said, "Well, after eating this fish, it can increase the affinity of the fire element?"

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, do you feel better now? I still have a few pikes here. I'll cook them for you before I leave. After the oil remains, I will be more confident."

Tang Xihe nodded, very moved, she stood up, dragged Chen Wangping to the table, continued to open a small stove, and explained and visualized the knowledge.

Two hours later, Chen Wangping left the outer city office and rushed towards the river with a full harvest.

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