Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 187: Sterilize

After arriving by the river, Xiao Fang, dressed in black, was already waiting here.

After seeing Chen Wangping, Xiao Fang came over and said excitedly: "Brother Chen, it's already under control, Zhao Xin will pick up and deliver the goods normally tomorrow, and this kid has hidden a lot of sulfur himself, enough to send it to Fang three times. We have at least ten days of development."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Well done, what about entering the black oil ruins?"

Xiao Fang continued to report: "Don't arrange the affairs of the Black Oil Relics for me, and ordered me to lead the team. Eighty percent of the time, he was counting on the confidant supervisor sent by Zhao Sheng to stare at me, but he never thought that the supervisor is now Brother Chen. is you."

Chen Wangping smiled, this time was just right, and he wasn't afraid to reveal his identity as a supervisor.

However, according to Xiao Fang, after leaving the ruins, Fang Bie will definitely get information about Xiao Fang from himself or Zhao Sheng.

If it is a face-to-face report, then there is just a chance to understand Fang Bie's strength.

It might even work.

After making up his mind, he explained: "After the black oil ruins are out, Fang Bie may want to see me. When that time comes, don't stop me and take me in to investigate the situation."

Xiao Fang agreed: "The black oil ruins will arrive in the next two days. When I'm waiting to go in, I'll leave a message outside your mine, and then bring my staff to meet."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Let's talk about it after entering. There must be a lot of forces entering this time. The hunter will be a great threat. You have to show the feeling of being in harmony with the city lord's mansion. You have to grasp that degree and go back to practice."

Xiao Fang nodded and said yes, turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Chen Wangping glanced at the direction of the Dusk Forest, called the Golden Eagle, pointed at the location on the map and rushed to the entrance of the Heiyou Ruins, ready to take a close look at the situation.

On the way to the black oil ruins, he could hear the sound of hunting everywhere in the dusk forest. As the sky darkened, the danger in the dusk forest was much more.

However, Chen Wangping checked left and right in midair, and with the backdrop of the night, he soon found several brightly pluckable plants.

After a while, [Wild Onion] × 24, [Star Eye Blueberry] × 66, and [Little Blueberry] × 24 were added to the storage grid.

After picking these, one person and one carving continued to rush to the Heiyou Ruins.

When he was 500 meters away from the black oil ruins, Chen Wangping aimed in that direction and used directional detection.

I saw his mental power jumped upside down, and a red dot of different sizes suddenly appeared on the radar.

Chen Wangping frowned, "The guards are quite strong, one is third-level, and two are second-level. I don't know which one belongs to."

According to Tang Xihe, the guarding forces here are all sent by several major forces in turn. One is to prevent people from entering by mistake and send them to death, and the other is to monitor the opening hours of the black oil ruins.

He was thinking about how to disperse these guards when he suddenly noticed a very unusual spot on the radar.

It stands to reason that at this time, there are red dots of different sizes everywhere in the dusk forest, but on the back of the hill in front, there is a circular area with only a small number of small red dots, and there is no big red dot at all. It looks very strange.

Chen Wangping patted the golden eagle, and simply went to investigate the abnormality first.

When he arrived near the hillside, he took a look and found that the red-spotted vacuum area grew lush with a large wide-leafed plant, which smelled quite fragrant from a distance, with a white system light lingering on it.

The rich taste is very familiar.

It's garlic sprouts!

It turned out to be garlic sprouts!

Finally, I can eat the fried pork with garlic sprouts!

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to walk over to observe it. He found that some of the garlic seedlings in the red-spot vacuum area had already bloomed and produced garlic seeds. The small ones looked very cute.

"Can garlic repel worms? Or is it that worms can't get the smell of garlic?"

Chen Wangping curiously reached out and picked off a bunch of garlic seeds to check the properties:

【Wild garlic seeds】

[Plot required for planting: 1 standard plot]

【Mature time: 20 days】

[Special effects - disgusting: most alien beasts and insects hate the smell of garlic, and subconsciously avoid the five-meter range near where wild garlic grows]

[Result frequency: single]

[Remarks: Wild garlic has a completely different way of avoiding insects than Chaotian pepper]

"So that's the case, no wonder there are no red dots nearby, the co-author is Quan Xun and ran away!"

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, he suddenly thought of a way.

Since wild garlic can keep alien beasts and bugs away, can it protect the directional detection radar?

The radar and small solar panels are installed here, and it is just enough to detect the movement of the enemy near the black oil ruins!

Chen Wangping made up his mind to install a directional detection radar here after collecting garlic.

Fortunately, these worms have no idea about the deliciousness of garlic.

Even if it is raw garlic, it is absolutely delicious with pork belly!

Just thinking about it makes him thirsty.

Chen Wangping speeded up, first took the wild garlic seeds on the garlic sprout, and then dug out the bulb of this wild garlic, which is where the garlic is usually eaten.

The bulbs of wild garlic that can grow on the fourth floor of the Dusk Forest and have an exclusive area are as large as a palm, and each clove of garlic is the size of a thumb.

【Wild Garlic☆】

【Use: food, material】

[Special effects - sterilization: wild garlic can be used externally or orally after being ground to kill microorganisms and treat diseases]

[Special effect - stomach and digestion: after eating wild garlic can promote digestion and increase appetite]

[Remarks: Wild garlic has endless wonderful uses]

Chen Wangping was a little surprised. He didn't expect the wild garlic here to have a star rating, and the special effects were so practical that it was actually sterilizing.

This time, when I go back to cooking, I get some dipping sauce, which can fill the stomach and kill bacteria.

Very comfortable.

Chen Wangping moved his hands together, and quickly plucked all the radiant garlic on the ground, harvesting a total of [Wild Garlic Seeds] × 63, [Wild Garlic☆] × 55, in addition, he also pulled some fresh and tender garlic The garlic sprouts are ready to be kept and taken back to fry the meat.

Looking at the remaining garlic sprouts, Chen Wangping thought for a while, the exposed radar was too easy to be discovered.

Since this radar detects according to the range~www.readwn.com~, it is safer to bury it in the soil.

It happens that there are no insects near the garlic sprouts, and they are not afraid of being buried in the soil.

Chen Wangping took out the **** and dug a hole first, and then put a first-level directional detection radar and two batteries in. Considering the power supply problem, he also manually pulled the power cord out.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Wangping took out an iron mesh to cover the radar, and re-paved the soil and grass to restore it to its original state.

After the arrangement, he stepped up and stepped on it, and there was no abnormal feeling.

After finishing the radar, Chen Wangping found a big tree nearby, and pulled the power cord under the bark against the edge of the tree. Finally, a small solar panel was placed on the top of the tree canopy to supply power to the battery and the small solar panel.


As soon as the sun rises, the situation here will be well known.

Go home and sleep.

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