Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 189: new material

Wasteland farming is to save https://

Two hours later, the lightning energy around Chen Wangping also poured into his body, completing the tempering of his body.

He stretched out his hand and shook it, and felt that his strength had improved a lot. He raised his leg and tried to run a few steps. He found that the use of lightning energy was smoother, and he could also feel that the lightning energy in nature seemed to be helping him. , the speed is very fast.

"Continue to improve, maybe you can turn into lightning."

Chen Wangping smiled, walked to one of the mines, aimed at the rock wall next to him, raised his hand and tried his best to shoot an electric arrow.


What he didn't expect was that this power-generating arrow cost him 2,000 points of lightning energy, and he almost felt drained.

Of course, the attack power in exchange for 2,000 energy points is also amazing.

This power-generating arrow hit the rock wall in an instant, blasting out a nearly five-meter arc-shaped depression. Even the escaping current shot from the edge wrapped around the flying rock, like a shotgun, with great strength.

"Now you can hit up to 2,000 points to go out? If you hit six electric arrows, the fourth-level powerhouse will not be able to bear it."

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand and tried again on the rock wall.

After testing, he now has to shoot at least 200 points of lightning energy, and at most 2,000 points. The less lightning energy is shot, the easier it is to control. The minimum level of 200 points of electric arrows can be slightly controlled at a distance of 40 meters. , but it is difficult to control the direction after the intensity of 2,000 points is shot. In terms of distance, these electric arrows can shoot about 100 meters at the farthest, which is much higher than before.

After testing these data, he was also a little tired.

But at this time, Chen Wangping was pleasantly surprised to find that some scattered stones on the ground had a faint systemic light on them.

"So lucky?"

He walked over and picked it up, and found that the stone was milky white, with a lot of powder on it, and it was vaguely familiar. He curiously checked the attributes:



[Special effect-purity: The limestone that has not been mined is very pure and suitable for calcining into quicklime]

[Note: it can be put into the furnace]

After reading the properties, Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, "Limestone? Isn't there quicklime? Can we use cement and steel bars to build our own base in the future?"

Right now, this base is not enough. After coming out of the black oil ruins, I have to find a place to build a new base.

Customized base, how to be comfortable!

Besides cement, lime has many uses.

Especially now.

Chen Wangping recalled Tang Xihe's description, saying that the poisonous gas of the black oil relic had the smell of rotten eggs, and it was likely to contain sulfur-containing poisonous gas such as hydrogen sulfide.

In this case, it is definitely useful to bring some slaked lime emulsion as a sulfur remover when removing black oil remains.

Chen Wangping became interested, put down two electric mining machines, pulled the wire and conveyor belt, and arranged the task.

It will be ready tomorrow.

That thing is not difficult, just throw the calcined quicklime into the water and you're done.

Speaking of which, if the water element ability user cooperates with quicklime to fight, the combat power will be improved more than a little bit.

When the little carp grows up, you can tailor lime tactics for it.

Back at the base, Chen Wangping rested for a while, and by the way called up the radar to check the situation.

Only then did he realize that the radar also had a comparison function, which could compare the position and strength of the results of two scans within an hour.

From a comparison point of view, the position of Director Wang of the Hunter Club has hardly changed, as if waiting for a certain moment.

Chen Wangping thought for a while, then called Tang Xihe to wake up, and asked her to send someone to follow the nearby Heiyou Ruins, maybe the Heiyou Ruins would open soon.

After arranging things, he was a little tired, but he couldn't rest for the time being.

Now that the promotion is over, we have to continue to prepare for the Black Oil Ruins.

Since the affinity of lightning energy has increased, does that mean that lightning energy is more obedient?

It should be easier to visualize.

Thunderbolt rocket, here I come!

Standing next to the manufacturing table, he concentrated on visualizing it. While watching, he followed the method explained by Tang Xihe, raising his hand in the air to outline the bits and pieces he saw. It doesn't matter if the outline is useless, it's the outline process that counts.

two hours later.

Chen Wangping dragged his body to the side of the bed with tired eyes, and fell asleep.

It was dark at this time.

Next to the black oil ruins, Cao Gou glanced at the hourglass in his arms and counted the time silently.

In thirteen hours, the strange sound in the black oil ruins will be heard, and the poisonous gas will suddenly disappear.

With this hourglass, their hunters will definitely be able to grab the first opportunity to enter the field!

When the Heiyou Ruins first opened, there were the most good things. Someone once found a light armor that could defend against Level 4 weapons on the black oil at the entrance of the Black Oil Ruins. At that time, they went to Bingfeng City and sold them for a sky-high price. .

Cao Jinsheng, who was squatting and stalking, impatiently took a bite of the jerky, ran to Cao Gou and shouted, "Uncle, when will we be able to go in? Show me the hourglass too, in case I follow the The hourglass is destined, maybe it can develop any new usage."

Cao Gou slapped Cao Jinsheng in the face mercilessly, and scolded: "If it wasn't for my dead sister's sake, I would have slapped you to death long ago, so stay where you are, if you don't want to go in and look for treasures. Get me back and lie down."

Cao Jinsheng's expression didn't change. He seemed to be used to this scene for a long time. He smiled and said, "Don't be angry, I'll just stay honest and don't ask."

However, after sitting down, a trace of jealousy flashed in Cao Jinsheng's eyes, and he continued to eat the jerky.

The night passed quickly.

Even though Chen Wangping, who was thinking about the rocket, fell asleep, his right hand was still unconsciously sketching some complex structures of the rocket.

The lightning tender seedlings on the chest have already digested the energy, and now they are trying to absorb the special lightning energy attracted before, and their momentum is slowly rising.

the next day.

"Cluck, cluck~"

Chen Wangping glanced at the thick clouds outside, listened to the ringing in his ears, closed his eyes and patted the radio, and slowly sat up.

【Weather forecast】

There was a strong wind at noon inside the Heiyou Ruins of Tomorrow, with a wind force of seven.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Interest is the basis of cooperation

【Indescribable reminder】

Think about it every day~www.readwn.com~have a dream at night.

【The sound of the wind】

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"

After listening to the radio, he was surprised to find that the weather forecast this time did not predict the vicinity of Huo Niu City.

But in the black oil ruins.

"There is a strong wind at noon? The wind is seven? The wind doesn't matter, but will the wind blowing out of the black oil ruins carry poisonous gas?"

Chen Wangping quickly wrote down this point. He had an idea yesterday, and he will try it later.

The rest of the information doesn't appear to be anything special.

Especially the sound of the wind.

First swimming, then jetting, it sounded very strange.

He didn't know what it meant for the time being.

Putting away the radio, Chen Wangping turned his head and found that the sheets on the right were smashed by fingers, and there were many scratches on the bed below.

He said to himself in disbelief, "I did it?"

The golden eagle lying in the nest glanced at it, and immediately beeped that I had no hobby to row your bed secretly while you were sleeping. You kept scratching the bed when you fell asleep last night, making it very noisy!

Xiao Tiemu also waved his branches at the right time to express his approval.

Chen Wangping glanced helplessly at the pattern on it, and now he understood what the radio meant.

Co-authoring was really drawn when I was sleeping.

He was about to get up and change the sheets, but when he looked at the patterns on the bed, he was surprised to find that several of them looked like rocket structures that were bothering him. waving up.

"It's kind of interesting. If you look at it like this, if you sleep a few more times, maybe the rocket will be visualized."

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