Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 197: Fish it!

The group walked out of the quarters.

Before leaving, Tang Xihe took out an alloy token that also had the words "Xiaozhuan" written on the quarters and waved it at the sign at the quarters.

"Boom boom"

With a rumbling sound, the doors on both sides of the Quartermaster Office closed automatically.

Chen Wangping looked at the sign at the quarters office and thought that there might be a camera with an identification system in it. After sensing the token, it would open and close the door.

If you think about it this way, there might be a special device in this quarters department that can directly use oil to create energy. Otherwise, where would these mechanical puppets and devices come from for energy control.

Chen Wangping made up his mind silently, "Next time, let's see if there is a chance to get the energy device here, find out what energy source it is, and learn from it or take it back and use it directly."

After waiting for the door to close, Tang Xihe took the alloy token and handed it to Chen Wangping, "This token was fished out of the black oil ruins before. The words on the token are almost the same. After trying it, it can be opened. The methods of the other forces to explore the ruins are similar. They all dare to enter after getting the key. ."

Chen Wangping took the token from the Quartermaster Department and asked, "Did anyone forcefully break in and then retreat?"

Tang Xihe thought for a while and replied, "Yes, the Black Rose of the Black Knights once led people through a small courtyard. After they came out, the strength of their armor increased a lot. In the past, they were not considered to be the first-rate forces in Huo Niu City, at most they were regarded as the pinnacle of the second-rate forces like those gangs in Huo Niu City."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Be careful of the people in the fishing club, that Liu is constantly in a bad state, biting people like a mad dog."

Tang Xihe raised his hand and called out a small fiery snake: "Don't worry, I'm not afraid of them outside, the city guards are too much adored right now, I'll go back to rest first, the black oil ruins will be open for at least half a month this time, You can also go back when you are resting."

Chen Wangping nodded, "I'm also going to go back and study the harvest. By the way, don't rush to use the refreshing potion you got in Zuochaifang before, and I'll talk about it when I figure out the method."

Tang Xihe smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for you to come, see you later."

Soon, Tang Xihe led the city guards out of the Heiyou Ruins first.

Chen Wangping found a remote location, took out the iron telescopic fishing rod, and threw it directly into the oil without hanging the bait, trying to see if the mutant octopus was a prey that could be fished.

The fish hook dipped into the oil and slowly disappeared.

Fishing vision emerges.

One by one, large bubbles with a diameter of half a meter appeared in the field of vision.

The nearest bubbles are only a dozen meters away, while the far ones are hundreds of meters away, and they are all located at the bottom of the black oil with a depth of tens of meters.

Judging from the movement of the bubbles, these octopuses are now honestly staying in place, and they have no intention of moving at all.

Chen Wangping frowned, "Could it be that he is accumulating energy? It's a bit tricky, how do you fish if you don't move?"

From a fishing perspective, these octopuses all have the same bubble size.

Then he now thinks of two possibilities. One is that the strength of these octopuses is actually limited by the environment of the black oil ruins, and they can only grow to such a large size. .

If you want to confirm what kind of possibility, you have to fish the octopus.

Octopus is supposed to be omnivorous, right?

Chen Wangping thought for a while, took out a red carp and hung it on the hook, and threw it into the black oil.

The red carp gradually sank, broke off the hook under the pressure of the black oil, and slowly sank to the bottom....

As for those octopus bubbles in view.

not moving at all.

There was no intention of coming over to bite the hook at all.

Chen Wangping: "..."

A bunch of earthy octopuses that have never even touched the meat!

Oil is so fragrant? With such a low purity, what can you feel?



Chen Wangping suddenly got inspiration, stood up, put away the iron telescopic fishing rod, and returned to the square.

When he arrived at the square, he saw that Xiao Fang had already made a big circle of cloth.

Although there is no defensive ability, with a big cloth, it can block the line of sight and reduce a lot of trouble.

He walked over, nodded, and said with a smile: "The idea is good, how's the harvest?"

After being praised by Chen Wangping, Xiao Fang said happily: "The harvest is not bad, more than ten large buckets have been filled, but the current extraction efficiency is not as fast as at the beginning, there will be some slight slowdowns, and I don't know why."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, we didn't press it inside, it's normal for the extraction speed to slow down."

He also heard from the old master before that oil drilling is usually pumped with water and pressure, otherwise it will be the same as his current pumping unit, the more the pumping speed is, the slower the pumping speed will be.

He continued to ask: "Did the octopus appear during this time? Is there any damage?"

Xiao Fang shook his head, "It's strange, when you first entered, we still saw a lot of bubbles in the black oil in the distance. At that time, we thought that an octopus would come over, so I was very worried, but it didn't take long for those bubbles to become It's getting smaller and smaller, and it disappears after an hour, and now there are no octopuses, I don't know what's going on."

Combining the fishing vision he had seen before, Chen Wangping guessed that these octopuses are now probably hiding underneath to absorb energy, and maybe they will rush out again after absorbing the energy.

He took out twenty mugwort stalks and handed them over, "I still can't take it lightly. I'll go back and study some things later. You all work hard. Take advantage of the opening of the black oil ruins, if you can collect as much black oil as you can."

Xiao Tieniu, who happened to be patrolling here, heard this and said with a wide-mouthed smile: "Don't worry, benefactor, you don't have to work to get the ruins of black oil with your benefactor. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is off work. I can still ask my brothers to exercise, and after the black oil ruins come out and practice for another month, we can all be rocket soldiers!"

Chen Wangping said with a smile, "Work hard, if you really train a group of Rockets, I'll let you be the captain of the Rockets, and the reward is up to you!"

Xiao Tieniu smiled naively, "Captain, I don't care. When the time comes, my benefactor will introduce me to someone who knows about poisonous weeds. I also want to have a baby."

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

Chen Wangping smiled and nodded and said, "No problem, I'll introduce you to someone later."

Xiao Tieniu nodded again and again, vigorously shouting at those young men to exercise.

After everyone left, Xiao Fang smiled, lifted the big cloth that blocked his view, and rubbed his hands embarrassedly after waiting for Chen Wangping to walk in: "Brother Chen, that, take me with you when you introduce the object. , I also want to get a daughter-in-law."

Chen Wangping: "...Let's go, I want to introduce you to the third level. Find it yourself."

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