Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 198: Get it!

After entering the big cloth, Chen Wangping walked to the back of the pumping unit expectantly.

More than a dozen large barrels filled with oil were placed side by side with airtight lids on them.

Chen Wangping lifted the lid and looked at it. The oil inside looked very delicate, and it smelled faintly with a pungent aroma.

He didn't hear much, raised his hand to put away these big buckets and put them in the storage compartment to check the properties:

【Refined Crude Oil】×156

【Usage: chemical raw materials】

【Remarks: The blood flowing in the industrial pipeline】

In more than three hours, a total of 156 crude oil products were harvested, and the harvest was not bad.

As long as the production technology is upgraded, these refined crude oil can be used immediately.

As for now, let's try fishing for octopus first.

Chen Wangping searched the storage grid, found a small barrel, temporarily placed it on the outlet pipeline of the pumping unit, and received a small barrel full of crude oil.

Afterwards, he came to the remote area just now, hung the small barrel of crude oil on the hook, put it on the black oil and slowly sank.

Take crude oil to fish for octopus.

In the Daqian universe, Chen Wangping can also be regarded as a scorpion lapapa-du (poison) portion.

Chen Wangping didn't feel anything, and looked around happily through his fishing vision.

No matter what it is as bait, it is a good bait if it can catch it!

The finished crude oil slowly fell into the black oil, and the small part of the uppermost layer quickly melted into the black oil and radiated out.

But crude oil evaporates very slowly, not as fast as fishing in water.

Chen Wangping waited patiently for ten minutes, and then he saw that the nearest black oily bubble seemed to sense the smell of crude oil. .

Chen Wangping: "???"

What's up with this stuff? Did you drink too much oil?

Why don't you come straight here?

It's not fishing for crabs, why are you still drawing circles?

He continued to observe for a while, and finally understood.

Man, this octopus is so greedy.

The reason why the octopus moves left and right is because it wants to absorb all the volatilized crude oil, that is, it swims in a circle like a mosquito coil.

At this rate, the octopus would have to swim for at least two minutes to come over.

Chen Wangping continued to observe boredly. Looking at it, he discovered that this octopus may not be greedy. It seems to prevent the refined crude oil from continuing to flow to other locations, and other octopuses will find it and then come to **** the refined crude oil.

"It seems that there is a lot of competition among these octopuses."

Chen Wangping continued to wait for a while, and finally saw an octopus the size of a truck tire swimming over.

What surprised him was that the skin on this octopus was only purple-black, and it was not covered with black oil like the previous mutant octopuses, it looked like an octopus living in the sea.

Looking closely, he found that the octopus had two tentacles at the back covered with black oil, and the black oil on the top was still squirming, as if something invisible to the naked eye was swallowing the black oil.

Chen Wangping looked at the fishing field of vision. Judging from the characteristics of the bubbles, other octopuses that can be fished should be like this.

"Forget it, catch it first and then study it."

He concentrated and slowly lifted the barrel of finished crude oil, attracting the octopus to the black oil surface, and continued to wait for the octopus to wrap the barrel of finished crude oil with his body, and then he suddenly pulled the fishing rod hard.


The octopus, who had never felt this feeling before, waved around in a panic, let go of the barrel of refined crude oil, and broke free from the hook.

As soon as Chen Wangping felt the hook come off, he immediately lifted the fishing rod, threw it in the air, and threw the hook again. At the same time, his wrist shook extremely quickly, and he controlled the hook to circle the octopus and tied it directly with the fishing line. octopus.

The panicked octopus also felt imprisoned, raised his hand to pick up the tentacle and tried to pull the fishing line away.

But where would Chen Wangping give it this chance, he used his whipping skills without hesitation to drive the tendons of the fire, and hit the head of the octopus that had just emerged with the tip of the fishing rod.


This time, the black oil splashed all over the place, making the octopus dizzy.

"It's a pity that there is too much black oil in it, so you can't use electricity indiscriminately, otherwise it would be so troublesome."

Chen Wangping somewhat misses the days of fishing in Yongjiang.

Taking advantage of the octopus's dizziness, he quickly pulled up the hook. Seeing that the octopus was releasing black oil, he simply reached out and grabbed the octopus tentacles, ready to pull it up.

But as soon as he grasped it, he found that these octopuses seemed to have a layer of mucus on them, and they were slippery and could not be grasped at all.

Fortunately, the octopus that recovered at this time felt Chen Wangping's hand, and subconsciously grabbed his hand with a sucker, trying to imitate the appearance of a big octopus, and pulled Chen Wangping into the black oil.

But when Chen Wangping saw the octopus take the initiative to absorb it, he was immediately happy.

Zhengchou couldn't catch your kid, but your kid came to help.

This is suicide.

When he thought about it, a blue-purple electric current surged from his arm, instantly paralyzing the octopus, and then smashed the octopus on the ground next to him with a forceful wave.

Just as the octopus left the black oil, Chen Wangping suddenly saw the black oil on the octopus's two tentacles covered with black oil move by himself, and instantly broke away from the octopus tentacles and moved towards the black oil. Its movement The way is like a non-Newtonian fluid in vibration, sliding and jumping.

"What's this? Bugs?"

Chen Wangping cautiously threw an electric arrow over.

The electric arrow hit the black oil, and a spark suddenly appeared. With a burning smell, the black oil turned into a solid pool and stopped beating.

"Not a bug? What is that?"

Chen Wangping had been observing the situation just now. After the spark hit, there were no blood strips on the black oil, indicating that it was not a life form like a bug or an octopus parasite.

He frowned~www.readwn.com~ first noted this, and turned to look at the mutant octopus.

In terms of appearance, the mutant octopus without the two black oil tentacles has become much more normal, with smooth and greasy mucus all over its body, and many black spots like Dalmatians on its skin.

【Juvenile mutant octopus】

[Usage: food ingredients, casting materials]

[Movement method: can move without moving type]

[Special effect - crude oil resistance: The mutant octopus survives in black oil all the year round, and has evolved the natural ability to resist crude oil poisonous gas. After eating, it can slightly increase the resistance to crude oil volatilized poisonous gas]

[Supplementary information in the illustration: Mutated octopus exists more in black oil. It has not yet swallowed black oil into the body when it is young. It can be washed with weak alkaline water and eaten. After the body grows, it will swallow the black oil and enter the body, which is not edible.]

[Picture Recommended Practice: Grilled Octopus with Garlic]

【Remarks: After eating grilled octopus, you will have unexpected discoveries】

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