Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 199: Oak oak

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction after reading the attributes.

Not to mention, the special effects of this juvenile mutant octopus are really good, and it can resist the poisonous gas of crude oil.

It is in line with the current situation of often staying in the black oil ruins.

Go back and try the effect. Next time you catch it, you can make it for Teacher Tang to eat.

If you make more, you can also increase the resistance to crude oil to those in the Volcano Tribe.

After all, the mugwort sprouts at home had only been harvested once before, and they have been divided so many times in the past few days, and there are not many left.

Fortunately, today is the eighth day.

Another day, a new wave of drought-tolerant mugwort plants will grow.

It's time to reap the rewards.

As for the practice recommended by the illustrated book, he felt a little greedy just thinking about it.

Golden and Silver Garlic Grilled Seafood, the taste is amazing!

Chen Wangping put away the juvenile mutant octopus and tried to throw the telescopic fishing rod into the black oil, thinking about catching another one.

But as soon as he put it down, he saw from the fishing field of vision that all the mutant octopuses in the vicinity had gone a hundred meters away. If he wanted to fish, he would have to change places.

Forget it, I'm too busy today, so I'll just go home and rest for a while.

It will take more than ten days for the black oil ruins to open, and it will not be too late to do it again tomorrow.

Chen Wangping put away his things, returned to the square and explained to Xiao Fang, and quickly left the black oil ruins.

After being busy for so long, the sky outside the Heiyou Ruins was already dark.


Near the entrance of the black oil ruins, the lights were bright.

The second team and supplementary personnel of the major forces and some scattered people who got the news rushed over to guard the outside, waiting for the opportunity to enter.

Chen Wangping lowered his head, and easily walked out of the crowd and entered the forest with the help of the solar crystal hood and the clothes of the Outer City Lord City Lord's Mansion.


Seeing Chen Wangping come out, the golden eagle, who had been stalking in the forest, croaked happily, flew to Chen Wangping's side to greet him warmly, and circled with small eyes.

Chen Wangping knew what the golden eagle was thinking when he saw the look of the golden eagle.

He took out the juvenile mutant octopus, shook it, and said with a smile: "There are some to eat, but only one. Let's taste it separately."


The golden eagle nodded happily, then showed a smug smile, flapped his wings, and motioned Chen Wangping to come up and take a look.

Chen Wangping sat up curiously, and at the same time looked around, ready to see if there was anything good with the system light.

Soon, the golden eagle carried him to the side of a few small trees with a height of seven or eight meters two kilometers away, and slowly put him down.

Chen Wangping saw these extremely lush trees radiating systematic light in the air, and happily patted the small head of the golden eagle, "Well done, these trees look good, wait until I finish cutting. have a look."


The golden eagle showed a helpless expression, shook his head, grabbed Chen Wangping's sleeve with his claws, and flew in the air and pulled him to the side of the big tree.

Chen Wangping followed him suspiciously, and just after walking a few steps, he heard a group of clucking chickens.

He glanced at the golden eagle in surprise, and accelerated his pace to go around behind the big tree, and immediately found a shaft about fifteen meters deep behind the tree, and the sound came from inside.

Judging from the soil next to the shaft, the shaft should have been newly dug.

Chen Wangping leaned over and stretched his head to take a look, and immediately saw twenty or thirty yellow croakers that were bald with a lot of hair. Perhaps it was because of the big chickens that were picked by the golden eagles, and ten of them were brought with them. There is a system of light!

He shouted in surprise: "Damn it! Brother Diao, you can, you can catch so many chickens by staying outside and watching the wind."

The golden eagle shook his head smugly, and Beep said that he should put it up quickly. After tossing for so long, he kept the ones he could raise, and the others hurriedly went home and made roast chickens to eat.

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "No problem, I'm full today, I'll make you delicious roast chicken when I go back later."

The golden eagle nodded happily, flapping his wings to control the wind element to roll up the yellow raw chickens, and hand them over to Chen Wangping to deal with them one by one.

Chen Wangping held a knife in his hand, put away what he could keep, and ended with a knife if he couldn't.

The knife is fast and the heart is hot.

Of course, whether the chicken's heart is hot or not depends on the speed at which it enters the pot.

After all processing, a total of 【Huangyuan Hen】×8 and 【Huangyuan Rooster】×2 were harvested.

Just build two coops, then one rooster with four hens, so it's not wasted.

Chen Wangping shook off the chicken feathers from his body, took out the blue steel axe, aimed at the big tree he had previously fancy, and chopped it down with force.

"bang bang bang"

After the physique was improved, the speed of cutting down trees was also much faster. After three axe, the tree was broken in half.

Chen Wangping raised the axe, charged up the force, and went down with a forceful final axe, cutting the tree directly.

The birds and beasts that originally lived in the trees were unhappy when they saw this, and immediately wanted to fly down to attack Chen Wangping.

But as soon as they flew down, they saw the golden eagle, and they quickly drew a parabola to pull themselves up abruptly, then turned around and ran away.

Don't even want a nest.

Chen Wangping picked up the axe and divided the tree into six sections, and picked up one section to check the properties.

【Wugang oak wood】×6.

【Use: charcoal material】

[Special effects-smoke-free: The charcoal fired by the oak will not emit smoke and sparks when it is grilled, which can improve the special effect and deliciousness of the grilled ingredients by 10%. 】

[Remarks: Wugang Quercus survives very well in the wasteland that can be called a food desert]

"Wugang oak? White charcoal seems to be made from this thing. I didn't expect to find it here."

Chen Wangping smiled, picked up the oak wood and waved it at the golden eagle, "If you are lucky, the charcoal fired from the tree you found can improve the taste of the ingredients, and I will cook you some roast chicken at night. ."

Golden Eagle's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he stared at the two black oak trees next to him that had not been cut, and kept them in his heart, ready to cut them off and bring them to Brother Ping when he saw them.

Chen Wangping put away the wood of Wugang oak and continued to cut down the other two Wugang oaks.

When the last tree was cut down, there was a flash of light in front of him, and a small sapling about 1.5 meters long appeared next to the fallen black oak wood.

"Broken saplings again?"

Chen Wangping was pleasantly surprised to pick it up and check the properties:

【Wugang Oak Sapling】

[Plot required for planting: 1 standard plot]

【Time to become a material: 20 days】

【Frequency of forming material: one time】

[Result frequency: multiple times]

[Remarks: The growth of Wugang oak saplings requires long-term sunshine]

Seeing the back ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping keenly found that the tree seedlings of Wugang oak have more fruiting frequencies.

"It means that this thing can reproduce again? Then if you find a few more trees to plant at home, maybe you will plant more and more."

Chen Wangping put it away with satisfaction. Seeing that there was nothing else around, he raised his hand to call for the golden eagle, and one person and one eagle quickly rushed home.

Go home and study the circuit board and eat octopus~

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