Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 200: Mutation truth

After entering the base, Chen Wangping just walked to the residential area, but he didn't wait to enter.

A cloud of water mist suddenly came from the fish pond next to it, and flew towards him quickly.


The little carp floated to the surface and proudly said Brother Ping, don't move, let's take a look at the skills I just learned!

Chen Wangping smiled and stood still.

He was also curious about what the water mist meant?

Soon, a mist of water shrouded him, and it instantly turned into a humanoid mist similar to Chen Wangping's physique, wrapping him firmly.

After the package was completed, the mist quickly passed through Chen Wangping's clothes and skin, vibrated inside and out, and left with the stains on it.

After more than ten seconds, the fog has turned gray.

Seeing that the cleaning was complete, the little carp flapped its fins to control the gray mist to fly outside the base and disperse naturally, and shook the little fish's head proudly.

Chen Wangping looked down at his body, and found that the small carp's set of mist had a very good cleaning effect. The stains on the clothes and the skin were gone, and even some of the odors carried by the black oil relics were completely removed. He disappeared, exuding a fresh smell all over his body, his spirit was much better than before, and his exhaustion was swept away.

He walked over and touched the little carp, and praised with a smile, "Amazing."

The little carp said that the underground was too dirty. Every time the sunfish partner came back from work with a burning smell, it tried to help them remove the unpleasant smell.

Chen Wangping took out the ancient lotus leaves, crushed them and threw them to feed the little carp, and explained by the way: "Don't worry, we are not strong enough now, we will continue to grow and develop, and when the conditions are better, we will change to a larger base and get one for you. Small lake to play."

The little carp nodded obediently, and said that I'm not in a hurry. I'm really happy to learn this new skill and help Brother Ping!

Chen Wangping touched the little carp with relief.

After resting for a while, he went to the side and threw the wood of uran oak into the stone stove, waited for it to burn red, then took it out and put it in the water to extinguish the fire, and put it at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, although the fire on the surface of the oak oak has been extinguished, the temperature inside is still very high, and the excess water on the surface can be evaporated by the residual temperature.

As the moisture on the surface of the oak gradually disappears, the white charcoal color unique to the oak gradually emerges, which looks as white as snow and is very beautiful.

"It's really a big world, full of wonders, and it's the first time I've seen white charcoal."

Chen Wangping sighed with a smile, took out the yellow raw chicken that had been killed before and packed it up. After de-hairing, it was marinated with maple syrup, salt, pepper, pepper, **** and other seasonings.

The chicken is marinated here, and the white charcoal of Wugang Quercus has also been dried.

He picked up a piece of white charcoal and put it on the grill, and lit it again with the fire.

The lit white charcoal flame is very stable, you can feel the heat from a distance, and there is no explosion at all, which makes people look very comfortable.


The golden eagle looked very anxious, and while fanning to help the white charcoal burn, he urged Chen Wangping to quickly put the chicken on the grill.

"Don't worry, let's put it on."

Chen Wangping flattened the chicken, clamped it with a net, and slowly placed it on the upper layer of the barbecue, and slowly roasted the chicken with the help of the fire on the outermost layer.

As for the fire near the charcoal, he was going to use it to grill the octopus.

"Grilled octopus with garlic, you have to make some garlic sauce first."

Chen Wangping took out two heads of garlic, raised his hand and threw it to Jin Diao: "Tao Bao, peel the garlic, and chop it all up."

Jindiao was anxious to eat delicious food, and immediately turned into a small garlic peeling eagle, and quickly peeled out the white and tender garlic, and then chopped it into pieces.

Chen Wangping heats up the oil in a pot. When the oil is hot, take out half of the minced garlic and fry it. When the half of the minced garlic is golden brown, turn off the heat quickly, add some chili sauce and stir, and finally put the remaining one. Toss in half raw garlic and mix well.

The simple version of gold and silver garlic sauce is ready.

"clap clap"

After watching the whole process, the little carp was very enthusiastic, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Chen Wangping smiled, took out the juvenile mutant octopus, washed it, and cut it into pieces.

Due to the special physiological structure of octopuses, even dead octopuses will have some neural responses, moving, stretching, and seeming to be infiltrative.

Chen Wangping glanced at the slowly moving octopus segment, and vaguely felt that there seemed to be something on it. He simply didn't wait for the cut to finish, and picked up the cut half and threw it on the fire of the barbecue.


Under the licking of the flame, the octopus segment slowly shrank.

At this time, Chen Wangping suddenly found that there seemed to be some deformation inside the octopus that was different from the external deformation, and it seemed that something was blocking it.

He was thinking about it, but his body subconsciously picked up the gold and silver garlic sauce and smeared it.

Just the moment the raw garlic in the golden and silver garlic sauce touches the octopus segment.

The inside of the octopus segment actually lit up with tiny red lights that flashed. The frequency of the red light flashes is very fast, almost a hundred points will flash in the blink of an eye, and the position where the red light flashes will no longer flash. , seems to be the last light before death.

The red light is accompanied by the flame, which looks very gorgeous.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping stopped and made a careful comparison, and found that the position where the cooked garlic touches is not like this, only the octopus segment that the raw garlic touches, and the more it touches, the red light will appear. The faster it flashes and then disappears.

"Red light? So tiny? Will it disappear when you touch raw garlic?"

Chen Wangping had a vague guess in his heart. He raised his hand and pressed the half of the octopus with garlic with the net, took out a head of raw garlic, squeezed the golden eagle into garlic juice, and rubbed it on the remaining half of the juvenile mutant octopus.

This time, the red light in his field of vision was extremely bright, and then dimmed again.

[Life energy +0.005]

[Life energy +0.003]


[Life energy +0.006]

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ a series of life energy boosting prompts appeared one after another, followed by the prompt of [HP limit +1].

Chen Wangping looked at the prompt that appeared in front of him, and said in surprise: "It's so! Garlic can be sterilized and disinfected, and the mutant octopus can absorb oil through some unknown means. Combined with the black oil that escaped when the mutant octopus was caught before, Then there is only one possibility! Mutated octopuses absorb and decompose oil through special microorganisms in their bodies. Without this microorganism, they would not be able to absorb energy in the black oil remains!"

Thinking of this, he looked happy.

If it is true, then there is a way to restrain the mutant octopus!

As long as the microorganisms are killed, these octopuses have no means of surviving in the black oil.

Chen Wangping picked up the other half of the juvenile mutant octopus, placed it on the grilling net, brushed it with garlic sauce and baked it.

Tasting food! Tomorrow, use garlic juice to test the guess!

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