Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 201: Shintan

Under the continuous roasting, the rich aroma of grilled octopus with garlic has wafted out everywhere.

Without that special microorganism, the reaction of the mutant octopus when it is grilled is similar to that of freshwater squid, the skin is slightly tightened, and it is full of gold and silver garlic sauce.

After a while, the grilled octopus is ready, the skin is slightly yellowed, and the appearance is very good.

Chen Wangping took it down, put some chili noodles next to it, and beckoned Jindiao to come over. He also picked up a piece of fat octopus and tasted it.

One bite, the meat of the grilled octopus is firm and chewy, and the newly made gold and silver garlic sauce just covers the fishy smell on the octopus, stimulates the umami of the octopus, and adds some soft and glutinous The taste can be said to complement each other.

After the golden eagle came over, he sucked up two octopuses and ate it. After eating, his eyes lit up. Beep said that you should bring me when you go to the Heiyou Ruins tomorrow! I'm going to catch octopus too!

Chen Wangping smiled, "No problem, I didn't take you in before because I was worried about whether there would be any special changes. Now it seems that nothing special will happen to let you stay in the square outside. I'll take you tomorrow. go in."

One person and one carving quickly ate all the grilled octopus segments.

At this time, a line of white prompts and a line of crude oil color prompts appeared in front of Chen Wangping:

The white prompt is: [Special effects - smokeless has taken effect, and the special effects of grilled ingredients are increased by 10%]

The hint of crude oil color is: [Special effect - crude oil resistance has taken effect, and the body's crude oil resistance has been slightly increased]

After the crude oil color prompt was displayed, it slowly shattered, turning into a protective film that enveloped Chen Wangping and slowly disappeared.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction. He will try it in the black oil ruins tomorrow to know how the crude oil resistance is.

After eating the octopus, the roast chicken on the high shelf is almost the same, the whole body is browned and the heat is just right.

He walked over and first spread a layer of maple syrup on it, waited for the maple syrup to heat through, and simply sprinkled a little cumin chili powder to add flavor.

"Diaobao, blow the roast chicken down, I'll taste it first."


The golden eagle hurriedly flapped his wings and scraped a roast chicken to Chen Wangping, looking at Chen Wangping expectantly.

Chen Wangping smiled, tore off a chicken leg, blew it, and bit it lightly.

The roasted chicken skin is full of flavor, very soft and glutinous.

Since the roasting time is not long, the chicken inside is also tender and juicy at this time, and the bite is not woody at all, and the more you eat, the more fragrant it is.

Chen Wangping ate all the chicken legs, turned his head and smiled: "No problem, you eat Diobao slowly, don't burn it."


The golden eagle fluttered its wings happily, rolled up the remaining roast chicken and stacked it on a plate, stood on the stool and bowed its head happily one after another.

Chen Wangping was also very satisfied watching the golden eagle eat.

Eat, eat, and come back tomorrow with more chicken.

After eating and drinking, he plans to study the harvest in the ruins for a while.

Looking at the summoning potion in the storage compartment, Chen Wangping lowered his head and pondered: "Atomization use? I remember when I went to the hospital to use a nebulizer to treat pharyngitis, it seemed to be an ultrasonic nebulizer, but where can I go to find an ultrasonic wave now? It's more reliable to use vibration."

He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the volcano tribe, thinking that he knew that something was going to be atomized, so he locked Zhao Sheng up and kept it as an atomizer.

Now the only known shock ability is Fang, so he can't be allowed to atomize medicine for himself.

"It's a bit of a headache."

Chen Wangping glanced at the storage compartment and thought about a solution.

While watching, he suddenly caught sight of the expired Thunderbolt ordinary bullets and Thunderbolt armor-piercing bullets that had passed the storage time in the storage compartment.

"Wait, when I was researching it last time, it seemed that these lightning bombs would explode in the air immediately after they were taken out, and the vibration frequency they caused was not small. Why don't you just use these things to blast them?"

Chen Wangping became interested, walked to the manufacturing table and drew a drawing of an iron ball, arranged for the manufacturing table to be built, and by the way, took the materials and arranged to build two chicken coops on the side.

After waiting for a while, the iron ball is ready.

He found a tube, poured half a jar of divine elixir into the forged iron ball, and sealed it again.

Considering that the iron ball might explode, Chen Wangping turned his head and shouted, "Brother Diao, get ready to work. If the iron ball explodes, help me wrap the liquid inside with wind."

The golden eagle, who was eating chicken, raised its paw and made a 1 gesture, indicating that there was no problem.

Chen Wangping walked outside the base and used a shelf to hold the iron ball in mid-air. After fixing it, he first aimed at five meters below the iron ball and took out an expired lightning bolt.

As soon as the expired Thunderbolt ordinary bullet was taken out, it exploded with a bang, causing a shock.

Chen Wangping finished the vibration, walked over and opened the iron ball to feel it, and found that there was no fog, and the magic potion inside was similar to the original.

"Maybe it's too far, just take half a meter as a scale and try to get closer."

After making up his mind, he kept trying, and finally when he tried to reach a distance of one meter five, the ordinary bullet of thunder and lightning exploded here, and the inside of the iron ball over there was also shocked.

Chen Wangping was overjoyed and walked over to open the small hole on the iron ball with anticipation.

As soon as it was opened, a thick light green mist came out, and a slight smell made people feel relaxed and happy, as if the whole world became much clearer.

"It's done!"

Chen Wangping laughed, leaned over and quickly absorbed it.

After absorbing it for about two minutes, the mist from this ordinary lightning bullet was gone.

He closed his eyes and felt it for a while, and suddenly found that the mist lingering on the lightning tender seedlings seemed to be a little different, and there were two more special mists.

The mist that lingered on the thunderbolt seedlings before was a special thunderbolt energy. The thunderbolt seedlings worked overtime and worked hard to absorb them in the past two days, and they have absorbed almost all of them.

Chen Wangping glanced at the attribute page, and now the lightning energy in his body happens to be [1800018000]

Nearly five hundred points more than before.

This can all be grabbed by lightning tender seedlings.

Looking at the thunder and lightning tender seedlings, the mist that lingered at this time was transparent. He tried to control it and found that the newly emerging mist looked like a veil, but it was as heavy as sand when controlled.

Under careful observation, the lingering range is basically a circular area above the lightning tender seedlings, never leaving.

Chen Wangping stared at it for a while, then took out Tang Xihe's notes and flipped through it, finally knowing what it was.

There is an explanation in the notes: starting from the third-level ability user, the mental power can be seen inside, and the mental power generated at the beginning is fog-like ~www.readwn.com~ will linger in a special position called God tan.

In the Shentan, the more spiritual power, the denser the fog. When the spiritual power fills the Shentan and is thick enough to congeal the fog, then the spiritual power will reach the level of a fourth-level ability user.

Chen Wangping glanced at the range of his Shentan, and then looked at the two wisps of mist inside. With a simple estimate, about a hundred wisps of fog could reach a full state.

A half-jar contains two strands of the potion, one jar is four strands, and a third jar is twelve strands.

As long as you get another twenty-two altars of summoning potions, you will be able to raise your mental power to the fourth level!

After the spiritual power is improved, the ability to visualize and control the lightning energy will be improved.

Thinking of this, Chen Wangping was a little excited, and hurriedly poured another half jar of summoning potion into the iron ball.

It feels good to be steadily getting stronger.

rush rush!

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