Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 203: teach a man to fish

One person and one carving came to the door of the black oil ruins again.

This time, Chen Wangping found out the situation, and was going to go in with the golden eagle on his back. He stood at the door and looked left and right, and just saw Tang Xihe was waiting for him.

The two looked at each other tacitly, nodded calmly, and entered the black oil ruins one after another.

The rest of the scattered people watched the two go in with envy in their eyes, but when they saw the energy cannon provided by the joint efforts of several major forces at the door, they suddenly lost their minds.

It's just that more and more loose people gathered after getting the news.

At present, the number of scattered people has exceeded a hundred, the momentum is fused together, the fluctuations are very strong, and there are complex emotions hidden in their eyes.

In the black oil ruins, Tang Xihe looked at Chen Wangping with a smile, just felt it, and immediately said in surprise: "You have already begun to fill the Shentan? Spiritual power is so agile."

Chen Wangping nodded, "I've found an easier way to summon the divine potion. I'll go out and absorb it for you at the end of today."

Tang Xihe hummed happily, "My Shentan is more than half filled, and more than twenty strands are enough to fill the Shentan."

Speaking of which, the two just walked to the square.

Tang Xihe asked curiously, "By the way, you arranged for those people in the square to extract black oil? Is this black oil very useful?"

Chen Wangping thought about it for a while, and said analogously: "Simply put, black oil is like blood, and it contains many resources that can be used. By the way, I think what you dug out of the ruins is basically some weapons and equipment. Such things, haven’t we dug up research or production equipment? For example, winter is coming, is there any production equipment for making cloth or other heating equipment?”

Tang Xihe sighed, shook his head and said, "Relic instruments for research or production are only found in research institutes. My uncle told me that the research institute closest to Huo Niu City is the seventh research institute. In the division of forces of ancient civilizations dug up, our area is called the seventh war zone, and the corresponding research institute is the seventh research institute. Small relics such as the black oil ruins may only be some strongholds, not long-term."

Chen Wangping frowned, "The seventh theater? The theater? Who is the target of the battle?"

Tang Xihe said seriously: "It's not written on the map, it just shows some symbols. I speculate that since it's not written on the map, it is possible that the enemy is a common sense known to the soldiers, and we don't need to write it at all. The remains of some giant crustaceans have been dug up, it feels like a powerful beetle, and this thing is likely to be the enemy."

Chen Wangping nodded, and combined with the words on the radio, the enemy of the ancient ruins might be the Zerg.

In fact, this is not very important now. Times have changed, and the enemies of that time may not necessarily appear now.

The important thing now is that since the seventh research institute has such a high status, there must be a lot of good things in it.

I have to find a way to kill the second hall master of the Spirit Hall, take away the key in his hand, and open the seventh research institute as soon as possible.

He looked at Tang Xihe, "Which area are you going to explore today? Are there keys to other locations?"

Tang Xihe flipped his hand proudly and took out a token with the small seal of the medical department, and smiled: "I still have a token here, I went to explore once before, and there was no gain but no danger. I'm going to go in today and have a look. , how about you, do you want to be together?"

Chen Wangping took the token and looked at it, and said: "I can vaguely sense the words on the token, it seems to be related to medical treatment, you can think of this information when you go to explore, I'm going to go again. Explore and explore at the Quartermaster Department to see if you can get some more divine elixir."

Tang Xihe was surprised: "You can actually feel the meaning of the words on this token? Strange, I have never heard of the special effects of synaesthesia in the thunder-type ability. It may have nothing to do with the ability, but the power in your bloodline. Maybe your parents taught you when you were a kid."

Chen Wangping smiled, shook his head and said, "My parents are two ordinary relic hunters, how can they recognize these words."

But after speaking, he suddenly remembered the abnormality of the coal mine at home and the precious relics that Wang Jin snatched from his parents.

Subconsciously looked left and right.

Did the original owner of this body really die in the black oil ruins?

It's just that he doesn't have any clues now, so he can only silently doubt it, and find an opportunity to check again.

Tang Xihe saw something unusual about him, and then remembered that his parents died in the black oil ruins, he quickly comforted a few words, and changed the subject: "Then let's split up, if I find it in a new location later Something special, I'll find you again."

Chen Wangping nodded, turned and walked towards Xiao Fang and others who were stationed here.

Xiao Fang and the others should have just woken up. They are eating breakfast and looking around.

Chen Wangping came over to say hello and checked the output of black oil.

After the night passed, the pumping unit produced another 563 copies of [finished oil], which filled the big iron barrels.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, took away the refined oil, and after thinking for a while, he called Xiao Tieniu and asked him to call the reserve rocket soldiers from before.

Xiao Tieniu called nine people over, adding him exactly ten, and shouted excitedly: "Benefactor, what do you need us to do? Feel free to mention it."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Teach you how to fish octopuses. After eating, you can improve your resistance. Whether you are here or going back to the volcano, you will be more comfortable in the future."

The composition of crude oil is very complex, and there are many sulfides in it. The improvement of crude oil resistance will definitely increase some sulfur resistance at the same time.

Chen Wangping looked around, and the octopus fishing wasn't that big, so he simply fished near the pumping unit. He asked these people to pull some big cloth to block their sight, and then gave each of the ten people an iron pole. And a large iron rod, with a large barrel of refined oil next to it.

Chen Wangping took the iron rod, scooped out a small barrel of oil and hung it on the head of the club, slowly placed it on the surface of the black oil, and explained: "These processed black oil can easily attract mutant octopuses, but it will take some time, you see. write."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a juvenile mutant octopus at a depth of about 20 meters nearby. It floated up in a circle and stretched out its tentacles to grab the refined oil.

Just when its tentacles appeared, Chen Wangping immediately explained: "Xiao Tieniu, send iron rods to its tentacles, and when it grasps firmly, pull it up together, and when it emerges, hit its head!"


Xiao Tieniu did as he was told, and asked four people to send the iron rod over together. After the octopus's sucker caught it, he immediately pulled it to the shore with all his strength.

The juvenile octopus was suddenly pulled to the surface of the black oil by this force, and before it could react, four large iron rods slammed into the juvenile octopus's head~www.readwn.com~ and instantly headshot it.

Seeing that the juvenile mutant octopus came ashore, some of the people who shot it did not respond.

"This, this mutant octopus died so easily?"

"That's also under the command of the benefactor. Without this special black oil, the mutant octopus will not come up!"

"What does this thing taste like?"

"I don't know what it tastes like, but this little octopus looks like it's better than the big octopus."

"Yes, yes, my body is so clean, it's not too dark."

Seeing the happy and excited expressions on their faces, Chen Wangping felt a little touched.

As long as the method is mastered, the productivity of the volcano tribe can also be rapidly increased.

What about the whole wasteland?

Is it the same.

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