Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 204: Do a game?

After arranging the octopus fishing, Chen Wangping was going to go to the quarters to explore again and find some magic potions.

Before leaving, he specially warned that there would be strong winds at noon.

Before going to the quarters, Chen Wangping wanted to see what the other major forces were doing.

When he crossed the square, he first saw from a distance that the people of the fishing club were sitting at the entrance of a quaint building, sitting high on a chair, throwing the hook into the yard of the quaint building with a fishing rod, and trying to fish outside. .

"These people have weird ideas."

He glanced at it from a distance, and the name of the building seemed to be called the Executive Hall.

Looking back, Chen Wangping looked at the display on the radar and found that the Hunter Club and the Black Knights were all gone. I wonder if they entered some special building.

He thought about it for a while, turned around and knocked on the back basket, and warned: "Taobao, you will watch the situation on it later, if you see something good and grab it, run away, the place I will enter later can only enter the human race. "

With a low cry, the golden eagle flew into the air and hid on the top of the rock, staring at the surroundings.

Chen Wangping was relieved, and quickly entered the secret vault of the quarters, and found that it became much quieter, and only the broken firewood door witnessed yesterday's battle.

He looked at the radar and found that there were many square red dots in the front door in front of him, but they didn't move, as if they were not activated.

Chen Wangping restrained his breath and moved carefully step by step. It took half an hour to reach the door of the right firewood house. He bent down and looked inside through the broken gap of the right firewood house.

Looking at it, Chen Wangping's eyes lit up!

There is even the light of the god-calling potion!

And there are still more than twenty!

All hidden at the bottom of the shelf, very hidden.

"So many treasures? You can hide it."

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, and he immediately became interested. Without saying a word, he immediately transformed into a lightning bolt, lowered his body, and rushed in along the damaged location of the firewood house.

But the moment he entered the firewood room, the main door slammed open, and a full twenty giant puppets rushed out, and Qi Qi grabbed Chen Wangping's position.

It was as if he had prepared a trap and waited for Chen Wangping to take the bait.

Feeling the wind behind him, Chen Wangping was surprised.

How could these mechanical puppets still lead themselves?

IQ so high?

Or, in this age of ruins, even maintenance robots are loaded with knowledge about combat?

Before he could think about it, Chen Wangping rolled up more than twenty altars of summoning potions, put them in the storage compartment and glanced at them.

Well, although it's a bureau, things are real.

"Looks like you've made a lot of money. Come on next time."

Chen Wangping chuckled lightly at the giant puppet that had already rushed to the door to block him, turned around with his waist as the pivot, and smashed heavily towards the right wall of the firewood house.

Who said you have to go through the front door?

With one punch, the wall on the right side of the firewood room collapsed suddenly, and a flash of lightning flew out instantly, escaping quickly towards the exit.

"Battle, fight!"

At this moment, a dozen giant puppets suddenly appeared under the ground near the exit, all of them armed with weapons, ready to fight.

Chen Wangping adjusted his position, drew an arc in the air, and stopped in the middle of the two waves of giant puppets.

Good guy, not so much.

There are still two waves of ambush?

Looks like there's only one game left.

Chen Wangping's thoughts moved, and the lightning sprout suddenly surged, his body was covered with lightning energy, and he punched the giant mechanical puppet's chest.

After opening the Shentan, the thunder and lightning energy that the lightning sprout erupted each time became more rapid and intense, and even the power of this punch increased by about half, and it dented the metal skin of the giant puppet.

But the giant mechanical puppet didn't react at all, instead a whip emerged from behind and slapped Chen Wangping's back.


With one hit, the sound is huge.

However, Chen Wangping was unharmed, and the turtle shell on his body slowly fluoresced, blocking the blow.

"Damn it, who designed this puppet, and the whip can come out from the back!"

Chen Wangping glanced at the durability of the turtle shell, and it dropped more than 200. He quickly poured some water on the turtle shell, and punched the giant puppet again, injecting a lot of lightning energy.

Taking advantage of the fighting time, the rest of the giant puppets also approached, and many weapons emerged from their bodies, full of momentum.

Chen Wangping glanced at the poisonous smoke that kept coming out of the main entrance, and then looked at dozens of giant puppets with astonishing momentum. First, he freed his left hand and poured a bottle of diluted fire source water into his mouth to improve flame resistance. Then, He gritted his teeth, aimed at the middle of the giant puppet, raised his hand and fired a series of lightning armor-piercing bullets.

Without the mugwort fossil to expel the poisonous smoke, the lightning armor-piercing bullet exploded as soon as it hit the ground, and the scorching temperature immediately ignited a strong poisonous smoke, and flames erupted everywhere, and the temperature of the entire secret vault was soaring. The ground rose immediately, and the giant puppets seemed to be dumbfounded, standing still.

Chen Wangping took this opportunity to add some energy output to quickly get rid of this giant puppet, put it away in an instant, and endured the high temperature and fled towards the entrance of the secret vault.

Do the game, right? Watch me blow you up!

After escaping from the secret vault, Chen Wangping could no longer feel the scorching high temperature. He breathed a sigh of relief, took out water and poured it in a big mouthful, and slowly left the quarters.

This wave has earned more than 20 altars of summoning potions. When these potions are absorbed, their strength can be improved to a higher level, and then they will come here to eat bait.

Don't say, the good thing you get back is incense.

In the secret vault, just as Chen Wangping left the quarters, a turbid water stream suddenly appeared from the top of the secret vault, and the fire was quickly extinguished. After leaving the secret vault, UU read www.uukanshu. The com is very efficient, and even the giant mechanical puppet that had been stunned before came to his senses and silently picked up the mess.

Deep in the main entrance, a normal humanoid puppet sitting on a giant chair saw this scene, with anger on his face, and tried to stand up, but a lot of red light appeared from the chair under him, controlling him like a chain, making him move Must not.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Outside the quarters, Chen Wangping naturally didn't hear the sound. He had just returned to the vicinity of the square when he suddenly saw the golden eagle flying down from the air, and anxiously beeped to indicate that the fishing club had caught something good! It smells so good!

Chen Wangping quickly sat on the golden eagle and approached from the top under the cover of the high black rock formations.

As soon as they arrived at the top of the administrative hall, a strong fragrance of flowers drifted from the direction of the fishing club.

This floral fragrance is fresh and elegant, and can be uniquely remembered in the pungent black oil relic.

The most important thing is that the scent of this flower just smells the energy in the body, and it is very active.

Certainly not ordinary.

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