Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 205: All random traitors?

Chen Wangping followed the scent and found that the source of the scent was a small box in Liu's hands.

Maybe it bumped into something while fishing. The corner of the brick-sized box was broken, and the fragrance wafted out from that position.

Liu kept holding the box excitedly and asking for credit: "Dad, do you think I'm fishing? I feel like my lungs are strengthened just by smelling it. This must be a good thing!"

Liu Yuwang secretly scolded whether this kid was his own, and he couldn't say good things. It would be nice to keep it at home.

He nodded quickly, "You are the best, hurry up and put it away, there are so many people here, and the boxes are bumped, the effect will definitely be much worse."

After explaining that his son put away the things, Liu Yuwang skillfully flipped through the space device, found a large pile of red rose petals, raised his hand and threw them into the air, and then waved it in the air with a fishing rod to smash the rose petals, inspiring the uniqueness of the rose. the smell, masking the previous floral scent.

Not to mention, after he did this, the original floral fragrance in the nearby air has become extremely faint.

The spies who stayed behind the Black Knights and the Hunters originally came to check after seeing the movement here, but they saw that everything was put away, and they couldn't smell it, so they had no choice but to go back and stay behind.

"This old thing has a lot of thoughts."

Chen Wangping smiled and was not in a hurry, just stayed in the air with the golden eagle, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

The system light emitted from the box just now is almost as strong as the Spirit Summoning Potion, and it may be a good thing of the same level.

In addition to what Liu Chuang said just now, he guessed that this thing would be a treasure equivalent to the elixir of the gods, a good thing specially used to improve physical fitness?

"Fortunately, I didn't make this kid yesterday, otherwise who would catch this good thing today."

While waiting in the air, Chen Wangping was not idle. He continued to visualize the armor-piercing bullets with the energy of lightning to accumulate strength.

After waiting for two hours, Liu kept saying a few words to his father, turned around and left the crowd with dozens of people, and rushed towards the exit of the black oil ruins.

Chen Wangping's spirit was shocked, he lowered his head and told Jin Diao to follow behind.

Liu kept leaving the Executive Hall and walked directly out of the black oil ruins across the square.

After seeing Liu Yuwang, the fishing club powerhouse guarding the door bowed his head slightly and said, "Young President."

Liu nodded complacently, reached out and patted the man's shoulder and said, "It's hard work, I'll take you fishing in person when you change shifts tomorrow, there's a big chance."

When Liu Changchun, the powerhouse of the fishing club, heard this, he immediately cupped his hands excitedly, "President Xie is promoted."

With a slight smile, "Well, continue to guard, don't let idle people wait to disturb you."

After saying this, he raised his head and glanced at the scattered people gathered nearby. He was full of boredom, thinking that he would have to suggest to his father tomorrow to clear these people away.

Afterwards, he got up and rushed towards Huo Niu City with dozens of fishing club powerhouses.

He thought the same as his father Liu Yuwang, the treasures that are used are treasures, and they have to be brought back for research as soon as possible.

In the air, Chen Wangping followed behind, estimating the distance in front, preparing to find a hidden place to shoot, trying to grab something and running away, leaving Liu Chuang to continue to help him catch something good tomorrow.

Just when Liu Chuang and his party arrived near a basin.

Suddenly, something went wrong!

The two people next to Liu Changchun looked at each other, and suddenly tacitly smashed a fist from the left and right to hit Liu Changchun's head.

At a critical juncture, the gem necklace on Liu Chuang's neck suddenly exploded, creating a shield out of thin air to block the attack of the two.

Seeing that the protective treasure was gone, Liu kept taking out the fishing rod and hooking it into the distance, trying to pull away, turning around and roaring at the strongest man: "Traitor! Courting death! Guo Feng, don't forget your family is still in the meeting! I'm dead! Well, they don't even want to live!"

Guo Feng laughed, raised his hand and took out a fishing rod that contained spiritual energy and chased after him, "The hall will provide me with a wife and daughter. It's nothing to worry about, President, let's do it together!"

As soon as the words fell, four more people in the team shot at the four next to them, and they attacked fiercely.

The four people next to them had no protective treasures. After being attacked like this, they were immediately seriously injured and had no power to fight back.

Immediately afterwards, the four traitors added a few more knives and killed them directly.

Liu continued to be shocked when he saw this scene.

How can there be so many traitors?

These people are all chosen by themselves!

He didn't have time to think deeply, regardless of the loss, desperately mobilized the energy in his body, turned around and ran.

But he is only a third-level intermediate-level strength. In the face of five third-level early stage plus a third-level mid-level Guo Feng, even if he relied on a treasure, he was instantly at a disadvantage and barely supported.

Seeing that he was about to be caught, Liu kept shouting anxiously: "Damn Spirit Palace, it actually infiltrated my fishing meeting, a bunch of idiots, do you really think Spirit Palace would be so kind to give you a second life? It's all a lie to you, everyone, now that you've changed your mind, I, Liu, will never give up on the past, and I will definitely give you treasures when I go back."

Guo Feng laughed, and threw a fishing rod towards Liu Chuang's head, "Young President, if you hadn't caught those treasures today~www.readwn.com~ we wouldn't have exposed our original goal so early. It's your father, who made you come out on your own, fortunately there is that treasure as compensation, even if you return to the temple early, the loss will not be big."

Liu kept looking at the getting closer and closer, and reluctantly raised his hand to touch the space device, wanting to take out the treasure and destroy it.

But at this time, several people next to him had thought of this for a long time, and they threw out the fishing line to block Liu Jian's hand.

Just when the pole was about to hit Liu Cun's head.

An electric light instantly hit the fishing rod in Guo Feng's hand, knocking him off.

The remaining force on the fishing rod, mixed with electric light, smashed on Liu Cun's head, just knocking him out and paralyzing him.

Chen Wangping saw this from a distance and nodded with satisfaction.

The effect is just right.

This kid is dizzy, it's convenient.

"Brother Diao, when doing business, kill all of them, and leave none of them."


At the same time as the golden eagle sprinted, Chen Wangping jumped down from the golden eagle, took out two submachine guns filled with lightning armor-piercing bullets, turned around and fired in all directions.

At the moment of turning the circle and landing, the four third-level junior spiritual hall traitors except Guo Feng were completely dead.

Guo Feng's face was very ugly when he saw Chen Wangping descending from the sky, "Your Excellency should have no old relationship with the fishing club, right? I am a member of the Spiritual Hall, and you should not offend me."

"There's so much nonsense, it's your spirit hall who killed you!"

As soon as Chen Wangping finished speaking, the golden eagle quickly slid past Guo Feng's back, with two claws and a wing, and dealt with it on the spot.

Without waiting for Guo Feng to deceive his soul, Chen Wangping raised his hand with two electric arrows with 2,000 energies, which directly shattered his charred blackness, and even his soul disappeared.

After a while, Chen Wangping and Jin Diao skillfully cleaned the battlefield, and carried Liu constantly towards Huo Niu City.

Send this gold medal fishing back first.

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