Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 212: Yangmou

After leaving the barracks, Chen Wangping rushed back to the square and found that there were more and more people catching octopuses on the edge of the square. He quickly entered the shed and was ready to explain to Xiao Fang to change the place.

After all, all the black oil ruins are now fishing for octopus, so many octopuses must be leading big octopuses.

You can't fish anymore, you have to avoid the edge, and don't stand out in the rafters.

at this time.

Suddenly, a relic hunter from the Hunter Club approached, hit a flame on the cloth covering the pumping unit, tried to ignite the cloth, tore off the disguise, and scolded: "Sneaky, Fang Bei. What are people doing? Open our eyes, haha."

Xiao Fang was guarding outside the shed at this time. When he saw this scene, he jumped up and raised his hand to block the flames, scolding angrily: "Looking for death! I really think that there is no one in my outer city master's mansion!"

He stepped forward and slapped the man's face hard, knocking out a few teeth of the man.

When Cao Gou saw this, his face showed displeasure.

The person who was beaten was his direct descendant, and it was also his secret order to set fire to the cloth.

Once Xiao Fang succeeded, he immediately retreated to his own formation and shouted, "If you are not afraid of death, come and try. You catch your octopus. I can do whatever I want. I don't care so much, I can't find death!"

Cao Gou snorted coldly, "General Xiao Fang, you are not so arrogant when you are outside, there are only a few dozen people, and Fang Bie is not there, do you really think you can stop us? Could it be that you have found some treasure? Brothers of the Knights, do you want to lift his position together?"

Hei Rose chuckled, "That's what I mean, General Xiao Fang, it's not a gentleman's style to be sneaky. What kind of treasures are there, let's take a look and open our eyes."

At this moment, Xiao Tieniu opened the shed and came out, holding a live octopus in his hand, he smiled and said: "General, we have enough octopuses, let's hurry up and change to another high-explosive bomb, blow them up."

Hearing Xiao Tieniu's words, Cao Gou and Hei Rose changed their expressions and took a step back subconsciously.

what's the situation?

How could the people in the Outer City Lord's Mansion know about the exchange of fifty octopuses for high-explosive bombs?

At this time, the news that a bunch of traitors were caught at the fishing meeting in the morning had already been reported. Now that this incident was added, both Cao Gou and Hei Rose scolded secretly in their hearts. People from the outer city's main mansion.

Xiao Fang hadn't seen Chen Wangping at this time, so he didn't understand what Xiao Tieniu meant, but he also knew that this must be Chen Wangping's advice, so he smiled, nodded and said, "Haha, well done, let's go, let's exchange. ."

Xiao Tieniu nodded and said, "General, then I'll remove the cloth first."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the cloth next to him and forced open the shed, revealing seven or eight people who were collecting fishing rods. I caught a lot of octopus here.

Xiao Fang saw that the pumping unit and the finished oil barrels were gone, and then saw Chen Wangping make a gesture of leaving, turned his head and sneered: "You two, don't you want to see what's in the shed? You see. I'll tell you the truth, there are so many octopuses here, I can't catch them all, it's a good place for you."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Fang waved his hand and walked towards the entrance of the square.

Cao Gou and Hei Rose saw that Xiao Fang was walking away, and cautiously sent someone over to check the situation.

really gone?

Before they could think about it, the person sent to investigate shouted happily: "Director, there are a lot of octopuses here! The density is very high, come and catch them."

Cao Gou and Hei Rose didn't have time to think about it, and immediately arranged to divide the manpower into half to try to catch the octopus.

No matter what Xiao Fang thinks, as long as there are octopuses to catch.

The high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs produced in the ruins are treasures that can threaten the fifth-level powerhouse!

In front of treasures, it is worth taking some risks!

For a time, the hunter and the Black Knights would be excited, and their energy would fluctuate.

In the distance, Xiao Fang looked back at the two gangs and asked with some doubts, "Brother Chen, why are they excited?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "I poured some oil in the barrel before I left, and now all the octopuses are floating up there, can you not be excited?"

Xiao Tieniu said disdainfully: "It's still so rude to drink soup with us, benefactor, do you want to blow them all up with rockets?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "No hurry, let them catch the octopus and exchange it for something good, you have been staying for so long, go back and rest, and you will come in tomorrow afternoon."

Xiao Fang said anxiously: "Brother Chen, we don't have to rest for so long, we can't let you work here alone."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "There will be a change at noon tomorrow. You can come in after the change is over. I can't take care of so many of you. Well, take a break and go out to rest later."

After hearing what Chen Wangping said, the people of the volcano tribe settled down, rubbing their sore arms and resting while eating food.

Chen Wangping left some food and rushed to the medical office, just to see Tang Xihe leading the team out.

At this time, Tang Xihe's face was tired, but he could also see that his face was full of excitement.

After seeing Chen Wangping, she ran over and said excitedly, "Brother Ping, guess what I found inside?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Could it be a baby who can treat uncle's disease?"

Tang Xihe nodded vigorously, "Yes, after we went in, we saw many monsters covered in tentacles. Fortunately, you told me that there was a strong wind at noon. I used the wind to burn up the monsters, and rushed inside to find a complete medical machine. The picture next to it should be a machine that can remove toxins, and when we take it back to study it, we will definitely be able to cure my uncle's spirit poison!"

Chen Wangping nodded, "Then go back to rest first, you are in such a bad state now, it is very dangerous here, I will send you back to talk about it."

At this moment, Tang Xihe was actually tensing up~www.readwn.com~ After seeing Chen Wangping, he had lost much energy, nodded, and followed Chen Wangping to the outside obediently.

Chen Wangping told her what happened just now as he walked, and asked her to come in again tomorrow afternoon, just in case.

Tang Xihe nodded and wondered: "What are these octopuses used for? Is the voice of the military camp really still human? How come there are so many strange things in the black oil ruins this time, and they haven't been there a few times before."

Chen Wangping shook his head, "Maybe there is a special reason, just wait and see."

The group crossed the square and left the black oil ruins.

Half an hour later, Xiao Fang also led people to leave the square. According to Chen Wangping's explanation before he left, his expression was very proud, and he looked like he had returned from a high-explosive bomb.

Seeing his appearance, Cao Gou and Hei Rose became even more anxious, and repeatedly urged their subordinates to speed up, taking advantage of the abundance of octopuses here, to catch more and go for the treasure.

As everyone knows, under the black oil, a dark tide is surging, and a huge black shadow is slowly rising.

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