Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 213: hemodialysis machine

After leaving the Heiyou Ruins, Chen Wangping escorted Tang Xihe back to Huo Niu City.

After returning to the outer city office, Tang Xihe put the medical machine aside, lay on the bed, raised his eyebrows at Chen Wangping, and just about to speak, his stomach growled.

Chen Wangping couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand and took out the grill and octopus beards, smeared it with minced garlic sauce and started grilling.

Tang Xihe smiled and asked curiously, "Why is this charcoal still white? It's the first time I've seen this kind of charcoal."

Chen Wangping saw that the white charcoal had a lot of heat, so he took out two more fish and grilled them, and said with a smile: "This is charcoal made from Wugang oak, also called white charcoal. I'll call you."


Tang Xihe hummed happily and lay on the bed recovering from his injuries.

When she controlled such a big fire before, there were some small cracks in her Shentan, which needed to be nourished with mental power before it could be repaired.

Chen Wangping prepared the food, put the medical machine in the living room, and checked it carefully.

This medical machine looks rectangular, it is clean, there is no residual black oil, it is obviously well protected, and there are two long tubes on the side.

Fortunately, there is a system light on this thing, and you can directly view the attributes:

【Hemodialysis Machine】

[Use: to remove toxins from the body]

[How to use: just lie down after powering on, the machine will automatically calculate the relevant parameters and clear them]

[Remarks: This is the only intact hemodialysis machine among the hundreds of hemodialysis machines in the black oil ruins]

"Hemodialysis machine? Could it be that the soldiers in the black oil ruins needed to be cleaned of toxins frequently? What was the source of the toxins?

Chen Wangping frowned. According to Tang Xihe, what were the tentacled monsters she saw?

Forget it, don't think about it for now, from the perspective of the properties of the hemodialysis machine, there should be no problem using it for Tang Huo Niu.

Right now, the people in Lingdian are hiding, and they don't know what they are studying. They must restore Tang Huoniu's combat power as soon as possible.

After discussing with Tang Xihe, Chen Wangping took out the communicator, called Tang Huoniu, and talked about the hemodialysis machine.

In less than a minute, Tang Huoniu rushed over in a hurry, shouting, "Hemodialysis machine? There is actually a hemodialysis machine in this black oil ruin?"

Chen Wangping wondered: "Uncle, do you know the hemodialysis machine?"

This is Tang Huoniu who also saw the hemodialysis machine, and the smile on his face could not be stopped, he explained: "Of course, I went to inquire about the hemodialysis machine as early as the beginning of the poisoning, and learned about the hemodialysis machine. This thing Some major forces in the central part will have one or two in their hands, and it is very rare. I did not expect that there will be one in the black oil ruins. You have spent a lot of effort to get this thing."

Speaking of this, Tang Huoniu's eyes were a little red, "I'm so old, and it's really embarrassing for you two juniors to help me find a chance to detoxify."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "No, uncle, this thing has nothing to do with me, I just help **** it back."

Hearing this, Tang Xihe stood up and insisted: "Why, if you hadn't told me that there would be strong winds, I would definitely not be able to defeat those monsters, and you deserved a lot of credit!" After helping Chen Wangping, she said again. He asked, "Uncle, can you use this thing?"

Tang Huoniu nodded, "I understand, as long as you connect your arms, that's it, I'll take care of the rest by myself, you guys take a rest first, with this thing, it won't take long for me to regain my strength. It's time to kill those ghosts in the Spirit Hall!"

When Chen Wangping heard this tone, he quickly interrupted: "Okay, okay, uncle, don't talk so much, go back and detoxify."

Tang Huoniu flickered and returned to the inner city with the hemodialysis machine.

Seeing Chen Wangping's interruption, Tang Xihe asked curiously, "Brother Ping, why did you interrupt your uncle? Did he say something wrong?"

Chen Wangping had a headache, how should she explain the meaning of flying the flag to her?

The more Tang Huoniu said just now, the more he felt.

Forget it, don't explain it at all.

Chen Wangping picked up a roasted garlic octopus beard and handed it over, "Because the octopus is roasted, let's try it."

Tang Xihe didn't think so much about the food now. She took a bite of the octopus and felt the aroma of the garlic sauce, the chewy and umami of the octopus, and she immediately felt like she was alive.

"It's delicious! This seasoning is also delicious. Small octopuses are so delicious, wouldn't the big ones taste better!"

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "That's not good, big octopuses can't be eaten, those are marinated in black oil, only small ones can be eaten."

The two chatted and ate, and quickly solved two octopuses and two fish.

After eating and drinking, Chen Wangping saw that Tang Xihe was still a little pale, and asked worriedly, "Why are you looking so bad? Are you injured in the medical department?"

Tang Xihe explained the injury of his Shentan, and specially warned: "If you see lightning in the wild, don't try to control it, Shentan has boundaries, and once you control the elements beyond the control range, it will hold out. Question, I heard that there was a fifth-level senior who tried to control the flame of the volcano in the crater, but he was broken through the pool of God and fell on the spot."

Chen Wangping understood, nodded and wrote it down.

Knowing the problem is easy to solve.

He turned his hand and took out the iron ball, took out a half jar of the potion and poured it into it.

Tang Xihe looked a little puzzled, "Brother Ping, what kind of special treasure is this iron ball?"

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "The iron ball is not, but the iron ball becomes a treasure with the bullet I visualized." After speaking, he took out a few expired lightning bolts and shook it, and the mist from the mouth of the iron ball poured in. In Tang Xihe's mouth and nose, he urged: "Hurry up and absorb it, enough is enough."

Tang Xihe took a sip, and immediately felt that his cracked Shentan was nourished, and the originally heavy mental power became lighter, and the injury immediately improved.

Brother Ping, this is too great!

Is there such a use for the imagined thunder and electron bullets?

She nodded as she took out the six jars of God-calling potion she got last time and put it on the table~www.readwn.com~ Use mine first, you haven't even filled your own Shentan. "

Chen Wangping was not polite, and his hands moved quickly, creating a steady stream of mist for Tang Xihe and repairing her injuries.

An hour later, Tang Xihe finished sucking the three jars of the spirit-calling potion, his face finally looked better, and he was tired and lethargic.

Chen Wangping put away the iron ball and exhorted, "Have a good rest and talk about it tomorrow."


Seeing that Tang Xihe was fine, Chen Wangping put away his things, turned around and rushed to the base.

Go home to see oil refineries and chemical plants!

I don't know what the current technology tree can make from oil.

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