Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 223: Golden Eagle's Armor

【Special Soul Bait】

【Use: fishing bait】

[Special effect - Soul Attraction: After brewing for ten seconds during fishing, it can cause traction to the soul of the prey, making all skills temporarily invalid for ten seconds (up to a five-level alien beast)]

[Remarks: The special soul bait was obtained from Liu Yuwang's expedition, the manufacturing method is unknown]

"Soul bait? Does Liu Yuwang still have such a thing in his hand?"

Chen Wangping shook his head, fortunately, he has always been quick in his hands, never grinding, and there was no chance to use soul bait with Liu Yuwang just now.

From the perspective of special effects, this thing should be effective against most enemies, which is a good thing.

After reading Liu Yuwang's, he took out the space device of the black rose and glanced at it quickly. The only valuable thing in it was the armor, which was the general armor they had been talking about before.

Chen Wangping took it out for inspection and found that the pattern outlined on the armor was completely different from the pattern on the armor of the Black Knights, but the styles were somewhat similar, and it looked like different armors used by two different legions.

He was about to check the attributes when the golden eagle who was resting suddenly rushed over. Beep said that I want this thing, can Brother Ping give it to me!

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not too late to show me the attributes first."

【Jiangjia (for animals)】

[Use: Alien beast armor]

[Special effects - change: Xinjiang armor can automatically match the size according to the size of the beast]

[Special effect - help: Jiangjia can increase the energy reserve of alien beasts by 10%~30%]

[Special effect - self-destruction: Jiangjia can self-destruct before the remaining 5% of the energy reserve, causing a lot of damage to the enemy]

[Negative special effects-heavy body: The physical strength required for the activation of Xinjiang armor is extremely strong, it is recommended to use the alien beasts above level 4]

[Remarks: This is the legion armor that guards the frontier, designed for the study of tamed alien beasts]

Seeing this, Chen Wangping understood why there was a general but the black rose didn't use it.

Co-authoring this thing is not for humans at all. Just looking at the negative special effects, there are definitely not many humans who can meet the conditions.

And this thing is not called general armor, it is a frontier armor, dedicated to guarding the frontier army.

I don't know where the black rose was dug up, so I turned around and asked Xiao Fang to go to the staff of the Black Knights who stayed outside to inquire.

"Beep beep!"

Golden Eagle felt that Chen Wangping's attention was distracted, and beeped again to remind Brother Ping, Brother Ping, give it to me.

Seeing this armor, Xiao Fang reached out and touched it, sighing: "This armor is very thick and strong, it must be a very precious armor, Brother Chen, with this, your defense ability will definitely be improved again. "

Chen Wangping reached out and touched the golden eagle, picked up the border armor and put it on the golden eagle's neck, and said with a smile: "I don't need it, or the water turtle shell is more suitable for me. , try wearing it."

Xiao Fang nodded, seeing that Chen Wangping was willing to give such a precious armor to the golden eagle, he also had some intentions in his heart.

Brother Chen is really good against his opponents.

I also have to work hard, and Brother Ping will definitely not forget me in the future!

This is similar to buying horse bones with a thousand pieces of gold.

After getting the border armor, the golden eagle beeped happily twice, shook his neck directly, put the border armor on his body, exerted a slight force, and injected energy into the border armor.

Soon, the armor changed shape in an instant, extending towards the skin of the golden eagle. The original half-human-shaped armor also became the shape of a golden eagle. The covering was in place, covering all aspects, and the most amazing thing was This armor also deliberately left space for the root of the golden eagle's feathers, so that the golden eagle's iron feathers were exposed, but the body was perfectly covered by the armor.


The golden eagle flapped its wings excitedly and flew out along the passage, aiming at the two adult octopuses and pinching their heads with one paw.

Seeing this, the rest of the adult octopuses sprayed black oil and poisonous ink.

But the golden eagle was not afraid at all, his body swayed, and Jiang Jia automatically discharged these filth, and it was as clean as ever.

Seeing the appearance of the golden eagle, the giant octopus king also seemed to feel the threat, and while fighting with the mechanical puppet, he separated four tentacles and grabbed the golden eagle.

As if giving up resistance, the golden eagle took the initiative to be caught by the tentacles of the giant octopus king.

But not waiting for the giant octopus king to squeeze the golden eagle or throw the golden eagle.

The armor on the golden eagle suddenly exploded with a bunch of spikes, and then the golden eagle also rotated itself. It learned the rotating gear on the hand of the guard puppet, and swirls against the tentacles of the giant octopus king. , in a few seconds, all four tentacles were cut off.


The golden eagle turned his head proudly and bit down on the four severed tentacles, and without waiting for Chen Wangping to process it, he directly swallowed it into his belly to replenish his physical strength.

This armor is good, but it consumes too much physical energy, and it has to be eaten while fighting.

Fortunately this is not a problem.

Chen Wangping noticed in the passage that the satiety of the golden eagle was dropping too fast, and immediately raised his hand and threw dozens of steel plates over to do the logistical work.

Just when the golden eagle was feasting, the irritable Shi Fang's voice came out: "Very good, kill it, I can spare you from dying, and I can let you go back after ten years of work and rest."

Chen Wangping: "..."

What is this stubborn personality thinking?

He ignored the irritable Shi Fang, turned around and called Xiao Fang to start knocking down the surrounding mechanical puppets. Xiao Fang was responsible for igniting the sulfur poisonous mist, and used the high temperature after ignition to make the circuit board inside the mechanical puppet temporarily fail, while he was cooperating with the current. to knock down the mechanical puppet and put it away.

Although there will be some losses in this fight, there is no need to take care of so much in the battle. The big deal is to take it back and smelt it as a material!

After knocking down a few mechanical puppets in a row, he didn't wait for Shi Fang to mobilize the other puppets to stop him.

It was as if the controller had disappeared, and even the mechanical puppets on the battlefield were no longer controlled, and they all depended on the powerful personal guard puppets beside it.

For a time, the golden eagle and the mechanical puppet fought the giant octopus king together, and Chen Wangping stole the mechanical puppet's home from behind, and had a great time.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Wangping had already dismantled all the more than 40 mechanical puppets left behind, and harvested more than 30 copies of circuit boards and D alloys. Unfortunately, the remaining mechanical puppets did not come, as if they had given up. General here.

The octopus army outside has also become sparse at this time, and there are octopus corpses everywhere. Looking at the air, the giant octopus king has only forty or fifty tentacles left, and its strength is more than half weaker than before. .

Xiao Fang's puppet was very happy, and he kept saying: "Brother Chen, this is a fortune! This mechanical puppet can be sold for a sky-high price, so many mechanical puppets may be sold half a dozen. You can buy a Fire Bull City!"

Chen Wangping smiled. Xiao Fang didn't know what inflation was. He waved his hand and said, "It's not like this. I'll tell you when I go out. Be careful, the giant octopus king is about to explode.", He just saw the giant octopus king's light spot flashing rapidly on the radar just now, and it seems that there is going to be a change.

As soon as the voice fell, the giant octopus king hadn't moved, but Shi Fang in the barracks couldn't help it. After an order, the white energy cannon that had been fired before appeared again on the barracks.

After aiming, the white energy cannon was released, and the thick white light bombarded the giant octopus king like a beam of light, and immediately pierced it. ,loud voice.

The golden eagle smelled the octopus meat, and reluctantly returned, and the belly ate a round. Beep said that brother Ping, you will also try the octopus meat later. It is especially delicious when eaten raw, both soft and fragrant.

Xiao Fang couldn't understand the animal language, so he asked curiously, "Brother Chen, what is the battle information?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand helplessly, "Don't pay attention to it, you can use this shoulder-mounted bazooka. Follow my instructions later and fry the giant octopus king." He said this, his hand was indeed hidden between the two, He pointed to the location of the military camp vault.

Xiao Fang didn't understand why Chen Wangping was like this, he was puzzled, and when he saw Chen Wangping wave his finger again, he nodded in response.

Chen Wangping quietly glanced at the hidden camera next to him, took out the shoulder-mounted bazooka and started teaching. At this time, he didn't hide anything.

On the battlefield, the giant octopus king at this time was seriously injured, and his breath dropped a lot. He was afraid, twisted his tentacles, and turned around to escape from here.

Moreover, although a lot of adult octopuses have died, as long as the giant octopus king is still there, it is completely possible to recreate an octopus army.

On the other hand, in the barracks, after this special white energy shell is fired, it is really finished, and the army cannot create it.

Obviously, Shi Fang also understood this truth, and immediately pressed all the personal guard puppets, preparing to stop the giant octopus king and prevent it from escaping.

Chen Wangping flew to the vicinity of the giant octopus king through the golden eagle, took out another shoulder-mounted bazooka, and shouted: "Launch!"

At this time, neither the nearby mechanical puppets nor the personal guard puppets stopped ~www.readwn.com~ and attacked the giant octopus king with full attention.

The next second, Chen Wangping launched the rocket first, and Xiao Fang followed his position and launched it.

The two rockets were all aimed at the bottom of the secret vault, that is, the position of the stone body, and shot past.

Two rockets hit the ground one after the other. When the rocket in front hit the ground, it instantly blew up the decaying front door and passageway, revealing the stairs below, and the rocket in the back was aimed at the stairs. The location exploded, violent fluctuations swept the stairs, instantly smashed the stairs like a twist, and even sparked the precision instruments and circuits underneath. Its suddenly damaged circuit boards are somewhat unresponsive.

what's the situation?

Didn't you just say that you were going to fry the giant octopus king?

Why did the rocket hit me?

Cunning new humans! Really **** it!

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