Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 224: kill giant

Chen Wangping turned his hand to put away the bazooka, and told Jin Diao and Xiao Fang: "Brother Diao, grab Xiao Fang and hide in the damaged position of the camera above. I'll kill this big octopus first. Xiao Fang, you see my signal. Then bombard the stairs and kill the mechanical puppet."

The golden eagle nodded, grabbed Xiao Fang, and quickly flew over the stairs.

Xiao Fang also nodded again and again, his hands trembling with excitement, thinking to himself, "Brother Chen is really fierce!

Chen Wangping himself jumped at the tentacles of an adult octopus corpse.

The tentacles feel good on the feet, full of elasticity, but a little slippery.

Chen Wangping looked at the giant octopus king fleeing in front of him. He tried to condense the lightning energy to the soles of his feet.


The smell of grilled octopus rose from the octopus tentacles on the soles of the feet.

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that after the scorch, the mucus will deteriorate, and it will not be slippery when you step on it.

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, lightning flashed all over his body, turned into a bolt of lightning, swishly stepped on countless adult octopus corpses and chased after the giant octopus king.

It took dozens of seconds for the damaged Shifang to deal with the fault. When it looked forward, it found that Chen Wangping had attacked the giant octopus king again, and sneered, "The strength is not very good, but there are too many ideas, one eats two, Do you have that strength? Do you really think a sneak attack is the right way?"

That being said, it was also happy to see Chen Wangping take action on the giant octopus king, and did not order the mechanical puppet to stop Chen Wangping for a while.

And this is exactly what Chen Wangping wants to see.

It can be analyzed from the previous events that there is a unity in the two personalities of Shifang. What he wants to kill most is not the humans of the new era, but the octopuses that betrayed by the old era.

He didn't save people before and just wanted to make these people cannon fodder to consume the giant octopus king.

Now, even if he attacks Shi Fang, as long as he shows his willingness to attack the giant octopus king, Shi Fang will not stop him.

To put it simply, the two shots that I just shot at Shifang were totally two extra shots.

After clarifying this logic, the battle becomes much simpler.

After approaching the giant octopus king, Chen Wangping saw the tentacles of the giant octopus king flying over, and without saying a word, he kicked the mechanical puppet next to him, letting it block the blow for himself, and at the same time, he continued to rush towards the giant octopus king. .

Seeing this, Shi Fang immediately told the mechanical puppets in Chen Wangping's direction to avoid them and let them out of the way.

Chen Wangping was also very happy, and quickly approached the giant octopus king within twenty meters.

When he was cooking young octopuses before, he found that these mutant octopuses had combined the three hearts of ordinary octopuses into one, and there was a huge heart directly under the head, which was its biggest weakness.

The electric light stepped on the tentacles all the way, and Chen Wangping quickly rushed to the head of the giant octopus king, and stomped it down with force.


What he didn't expect was that when he stepped down, there was a sound of stepping on metal, and there was no injury at all.

It was only then that Chen Wangping discovered that a special black protective layer had formed on the head of the giant octopus king.

No wonder Shi Fang's previous attack could only interrupt the tentacles of the giant octopus king.

At this time, the giant octopus king also reacted, and manipulated the remaining dozens of tentacles to slap towards Chen Wangping on his head, in a surrounding trend, and the speed was very fast.

Without the golden eagle, Chen Wangping didn't plan to jump into the air. He took out his sniper rifle and shot at the giant octopus head under him without aiming.

This shot still did not break the black protective layer, but the shock power attached to the bullet made the giant octopus king a little dazed.

Taking advantage of this dazed moment, Chen Wangping quickly ran out of the encirclement of octopus tentacles.

After dodging the attack, he frowned at the black protective layer.

This thing is a bit hard, and it doesn't look very similar to the skin of the octopus king itself. There will obviously be a dividing line where the tentacles are connected.

So, this thing is most likely a protective layer made by microorganisms mixed with oil.

In this case, Chen Wangping's turning over would cause the head of the giant octopus king, and he raised his hand to take out the garlic juice and spit hard against the protective layer.

The next second, something magical happened.

As soon as that part of the black protective layer touched the garlic, it was like oil encountering detergent, and they all fled to the side with extremely fast speed, appearing to be wriggling.

The black protective layer in the middle, which had not had time to escape, was like a corpse at this time. It became dry and shriveled under the action of garlic juice, and the skin of the giant octopus king was exposed with a slight kick.

"Sure enough, this garlic juice can completely restrain microorganisms!"

Chen Wangping smiled and took out the sniper rifle again. He could feel that he was in a good state now. He stretched out his hand to try, and in just a few seconds, a bullet of the sniper rifle with lightning energy was condensed.

Combat is the best way to improve your abilities!

He reloaded quickly and shot at the exposed small piece of King Octopus skin.



Without the black protective layer of microorganisms, this shot instantly pierced through the thick skin of the giant octopus king and penetrated into its body. At the same time, it also exploded into countless electric snakes, wreaking havoc in the fragile internal organs of the giant octopus king.


The giant octopus king, who had never experienced such an attack, twitched wildly, and there were even a lot of electric lights in his eyes, and he suddenly became much weaker.

The black protective layers in the rest of the positions also sensed that something was wrong with the host, and they piled up crazily, rushing towards this position.

But Chen Wangping would not give them a chance. He took out garlic and applied it to the wound with one hand, while punching hard into the wound of the giant octopus king.

In the next second, he mobilized the thunder and lightning energy in his body to madly penetrate into the wound!


The dazzling blue and white electric light was continuously injected into the giant octopus king along Chen Wangping's arm, and the wound was scorched by electricity in an instant. Even the heart was hit hard and stopped beating directly~www.readwn. com~ Then, he took out the machine gun off-road vehicle again, aiming at the wound and sticking the machine gun bullet.


The giant octopus king's head twitched wildly, trying to throw Chen Wangping off, and the dozens of remaining tentacles also swayed wildly, smashing whatever they grabbed at the barracks.

In its perception, Chen Wangping must have been sent by Shifang, otherwise how could there be a potion to break through his own defense, and those mechanical puppets made way for him!

stonework! I'm going to kill you!

The death-defying counterattack is the most terrifying. The giant octopus king took advantage of the fact that the nerves on his tentacles were not completely dead, and a few turned over and rushed to the side of the barracks, smashing them at the body of the barracks.

Metal flies, and flesh and blood fill the sky.

For a time, the mechanical puppet suffered heavy losses, the protective layer above the military camp was smashed a lot, and the location of Shifang's residence was directly smashed and smoked.

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