Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 225: Thunderbolt Rocket

Suddenly attacked, Shi Fang couldn't help shouting through the loudspeaker: "The attacker is on top of your head, surround him with your tentacles, and kill him! I'll help you block his position!"

Shi Fang couldn't stand it any longer. How could this octopus mutate its brain so poorly?

What are you doing to find Lao Tzu to vent your anger? Didn't I just cut your tentacles off!

While dealing with the fault, he gave orders to the personal guard puppets to let them attack Chen Wangping and block their positions.

Chen Wangping glanced at the blood bar of the giant octopus king. After playing for so long, there were still more than 2,000 blood remaining that were rapidly declining.

The blood of this thing is really thick.

Seeing that the guard puppet came over, he stretched out his hand to take out hundreds of grenades that had been useless for a long time, quickly pulled them away, and threw them all down the scorched pit. At a signal, turn around and run.

When Xiao Fang received the signal, he immediately adjusted his posture in the air, picked up a rocket and aimed a cannonball at Shi Fang's nest.

Coincidentally, the rocket just flew into the top of the stone head along the loophole made by the giant octopus king.

The time when the rocket bombarded the stone square was exactly the time when the guard puppet ran to the top of the giant octopus king.

next moment.

Rockets and hundreds of grenades exploded simultaneously.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The giant octopus king was killed on the spot, and the tentacles smashed down weakly.

As soon as the personal guard puppet approached, it was blown away by the storm of hundreds of grenades, and countless shrapnel hit the rotating gear of the personal guard puppet, and even shattered the teeth of the gear.

As for Shifang, although it cursed when it saw the rocket, instantly extracted backup energy, and activated the protective cover that came with the giant chair, but the rocket exploded in the face!

Violent fluctuations mixed with flames all exploded!

The protective cover suddenly glowed, blocking the vibration and flames.

However, the shield can protect the stone, but it can't protect the rest of the mechanical devices.

"boom boom"

The operation console, display screen, and countless buttons burned and exploded, instantly making Shifang blind and deaf!

The red eyes of the stone in the protective cover flickered wildly, and the speakers on the left and right were also discussing.

"I can't beat it, let's pretend to surrender, sleep for a few more years, and find a chance to take revenge."

"Fuck it! Self-exploded to kill him! The mutant octopuses have been eliminated anyway! Wake up, the old times will never come back!"

"I can come back, I will definitely come back, I am the head of the regiment, I will definitely wait for it!"

"The new humans have appeared, and the old humans must be dead. Have you forgotten about Dr. Tang's research? Hurry up and blow yourself up, while there is still energy, there will be no more energy later."

After arguing for a while, Shi Fang's eyes suddenly stopped flashing, and a crazy smile was drawn on his face.

"You're right, this new human is actually in the company of alien beasts, and also killed the rest of the compatriots, let's just blow up together hahahaha, let's all turn into black oil and sleep with us."

Chen Wangping brought people here, and when he heard the last sentence, he shook his head, "It's hypocritical! In order to cover his thoughts, he split his personality to persuade himself. I suspect that you are a deserter at all! The three armies have not moved, Food and grass go first, how can you stick to the black oil as the head of the garrison?"

Inside the protective cover, Shi Fang continued with a frantic smile on his face, "You are right, so what? They are all dead, only I have lived through countless years. escaped!"

"Escape? You want the body of a giant octopus king? You can't bear to hit the vitals with so many energy bullets? What's the point of staring at the tentacles."

"Haha, what? Could it be that you can still take away the body of the giant octopus king? Thank you for helping me kill it, so I don't waste my energy."

Xiao Fang listened to their conversation and was a little overwhelmed, so he could only wait for the order next to the bazooka.

The golden eagles waved their wings vigorously and attacked the protective cover continuously, trying to break the protective cover.

It's just that this protective cover is made of which I don't know what it is made of. It is extremely hard, and the feathers of the golden eagle can hardly cause damage.

In fact, when Chen Wangping and Shi Fang were talking, neither of them was idle.

Shi Fang is manipulating the chair, quickly preparing the energy needed for self-destruction.

Chen Wangping also deliberately stepped on the vicinity of the power box, carefully feeling the direction of the current inside, and soon he felt Shi Fang's plan, and his face changed.

No, we can't let Shi Fang detonate here!

He just felt that there seems to be an energy point in the ground that is transporting energy upwards. If it detonates, this black oil relic may collapse or explode. Either way, it means that he cannot develop safely. Oil out.

That can't be done, I've been busy for days, not for the oil!

He shouted at Jin Diao and Xiao Fang: "Xiao Fang leaves here, Brother Diao is ready to pick me up."

After explaining, Chen Wangping aimed at the shield without hesitation and began to try to condense the lightning energy rocket.

The Shentan was surging, and the lightning energy was quickly outlined according to the knowledge he had learned next to the manufacturing platform.

An electric rocket warhead quickly formed.

Shi Fang didn't understand the cultivation method of the new human beings, and he didn't understand how Chen Wangping could rub rockets with his hands, so he hurriedly manipulated the remaining personal guard puppets to interrupt Chen Wangping.

The golden eagle flew up and down, helping Chen Wangping to protect the Fa.

Condensed and condensed, the rockets were only condensed less than half. Chen Wangping suddenly found that the energy in his body was less than one-fifth, which was not enough to condense into a complete rocket. Moreover, the condensed rocket is so strong as a visual object, which is very important to the body. The burden on his hands is also huge. The skin of his hands is now a little chapped, and the rockets are starting to flash erratically.

Seeing this scene, Shi Fang grinned: "It's useless, just wait to die, you can't escape at this time, hahaha!!"

Chen Wangping snorted coldly~www.readwn.com~ It was you who escaped, and only you who died. "

No, you can't give up.

He gritted his teeth, turned his hand and took out the violent blood potion, drank it in one gulp, turned around and stepped into the power box.

The violent blood potion that entered the stomach was like chili oil. It was burning hot, and it turned into hot energy in an instant. It improved Chen Wangping's physical fitness, adding a full 17,000 points of energy, and the upper limit of energy was temporarily increased. At thirty-five thousand.


A steady stream of electrical energy poured into Chen Wangping's body, and quickly transformed into part of the lightning energy rocket.

Seeing this scene, Shi Fang's mentality collapsed, and a black smoke came out of his chest.

Damn it! ! ! If I had known you would have ruined my affairs! I won't give you the Violent Potion!

I hate it!

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