Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 226: chicken soup here

Chen Wangping touched the armor of the garrison regiment and counted the number.

There are a total of fifty-six pieces of garrison regiment armor with attributes in the storage compartment.

He simply took out all the armors of the garrison regiment, and then picked up the one in the middle to check the attributes, and found that under the blessing of the armor of fifty-six garrison regiments, the energy storage effect displayed on the attributes is expected to be improved. to 56% energy storage effect.

"The effect is so strong? It's equivalent to increasing the energy in the body by half out of thin air! If there are 100 pieces, maybe it can be increased to 100%, and a hundred people will form a group?"

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, put away his armor, and prepared to go back and pick some suitable people from the volcano tribe to use this thing.

Finally, he glanced at the huge fleshy body of the giant octopus king in the storage compartment, looked around, and found that the base couldn't be put down, so let's just wake up and talk about it.

Before going out today, Chen Wangping never thought that he would go through this kind of battle. After the sudden outbreak, he was exhausted, and now he was in a safe area, so he fell asleep with peace of mind.

In the base, the golden eagle and the little Tiemu did not rest, loyally guarding Chen Wangping.

At the same time, the people outside the Heiyou Ruins waited for a long time, but no one else appeared.

Liu Chong couldn't hold it any longer, and took the lead in calling out two third-level powerhouses to explore the entrance of the black oil ruins.

The two third-level powerhouses cursed inwardly, cautiously surging the energy of their entire bodies, and shouted twice towards the entrance of the black oil ruins, taking time to waste.

Liu kept scolding anxiously: "What is Moji? After eating so many offerings from Lao Tzu, I dare not even enter the entrance of the silent ruins!"

The two third-level powerhouses looked at each other and threw two chickens towards the entrance of the Black Oil Ruins again. Seeing that the chickens were still walking normally, they carefully walked inside.

The rest of the people are also continuing to pay attention to the actions of these two people, and they are just around the corner.

Just when these two people just walked to the entrance of the black oil ruins.

Suddenly, an unprovoked wind blew over, and there was no color or smoke, but as soon as the wind blew, the chicken fell, and the two third-level powerhouses also grabbed their throats, twitched all over, and fell in pain. On the ground, there was no breath in the blink of an eye.

Everyone took a step back in shock and talked a lot.

"Poison gas! Poison gas is coming out again!"

"Oops, it's covered with poisonous gas, and the people inside will definitely not be able to get out!"

"What the **** happened inside? It's obviously going to be closed for half a month, so why is it closed all of a sudden!"

"Ask Xiao Fang, he must know, maybe he released the poisonous gas!"

"That's right, that's it. He was good at poisoning."

Liu Cun's face changed rapidly, and he cursed angrily, "Let's go, let's go back to the city."

The Hunter Club and the rest of the Black Knights also returned to the city one after another.

There is no value here anymore, so let's see if we can find some opportunities on Xiaofang's side.

The news spread quickly.

In the city lord's mansion in the outer city of Huo Niu City.

Xiao Fang deliberately did not clean the traces of the fighting on his body, he quickly walked into the secret room with the armor all the way, and said goodbye to Fang: "Sorry, forgive me, there are many accidents in the black oil ruins, Xiao Fang failed to capture the shells this time, only grabbed them. One ancient relic armor, two barrels of black oil."

As soon as the words fell, Fang Bie hurriedly walked over from the chair, took the armor from Xiao Fang's hands, and said in surprise, "This is, this is the standard armor of the ancient civilization battle group! I didn't expect that the black oil remains. There is such a good thing in it, how much is this armor?".

Xiao Fang shook his head, "I only saw six of them at the time, and I barely snatched one. The rest were snatched by Liu Yuwang, Cao Gou, and Qian Liezhong."

Fang Bie nodded, kicked the black oil next to him, raised his hand to peel off the top cover, checked it, and frowned, "This thing is useless, there are black oil relics everywhere, although these are purer. , but for us it can only be used for poisoning, it is not very useful."

Putting away the black oil, he couldn't put it down and played with the armor. He went back and sat down and said, "Tell me, what's wrong with the black oil ruins, why did you come out by yourself?"

Xiao Fang was surprised at the right time: "What? I came out by myself? What about the others? Money Hunter exchanged several high-explosive bombs in his hands, and I left a special mark, ready to hand over to the adults to loot. "After the play, he told Fang Bui the rhetoric that he had arranged on the road. Simply put, he had too few people and too poor strength. He paddled the whole way, took the opportunity to grab something and ran away.

Fang Bie smiled and felt it for a while, making sure that the explosive energy in Xiao Fang's body was still there, and smiled: "Enough, you did a good job this time, I will reward you with a two-day vacation, Baifang Sulphur Mine, and return to the volcano tribe. Take a rest, and when you come back, call Zhao Sheng back."

Xiao Fang nodded and walked out of the secret room, worried.

Zhao Sheng is completely cold, where can I call you back?

Forget it, I'd better go back to the tribe first, bring back the detoxification grass given by Brother Chen, and dig some sulfur mines for Brother Chen in an instant.

He went back to clean up, took the Baifang Sulphur Mine given by Fang Bie, and quickly rushed towards the Volcano Tribe.

In the secret room, Fang Bui took the armor and went underground, ready to study it and see what it could be used for.

Outer city office.

Tang Xihe saw that the afternoon had arrived, and was planning to listen to Chen Wangping's words and take people to the Heiyou Ruins.

But it didn't take long for her to hear a series of news~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, she was also smart. As soon as Xiao Fang released the sulfur toxin on purpose, she knew that he must be covering Chen Wangping.

However, how did Brother Ping's strength improve so quickly?

Killing ten hunters in one hit will make you a level three powerhouse?

Not right.

Tang Xihe thought of his combat power after the release of the lockdown, and frowned, "Could it be that Brother Ping used some kind of explosive ability, isn't he very weak now?"

She couldn't sit still. She quickly took the medicine and food, got on a motorcycle, and rushed towards the No. 7 mine.

More than an hour later, Chen Wangping woke up.

Not from sleep, but from pain.

He felt that both of his arms were limp, and he had no strength to lift them up. The cracks in the skin on the surface showed no signs of healing, and it seemed that the body's self-healing ability was also affected.

And at this time, he was also very hungry, and the beef he had eaten earlier was digested at once.

Looking at the storage compartment, there is a pile of meat sauce left in it.

Then you can't just eat meat sauce.

Chen Wangping shouted helplessly, "Diaobao, get me something to eat, anything will do."

The golden eagle scratched his head with his wings in distress, and flew to Chen Wangping's side to lie down. How could I cook, otherwise you would eat me.

Chen Wangping sighed helplessly, "It's useless to raise this eagle, I can't even get one to eat."

At this moment, Tang Xihe's voice came from outside the mine: "Brother Ping, are you still awake?"

At this moment, the golden eagle shrugged his nose, fluttered his wings happily, and beeped, "Chicken soup is coming~"

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