Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 227: Water chestnuts are ripe

Chen Wangping picked up the communicator and called Tang Xihe, "I'm injured, so I can't shout loudly, just follow the rut and print it."

Tang Xihe hummed a few times, then twisted the accelerator and rushed up along the rut.

After parking the car, she leaned on her side and threw off her long legs, took off her helmet and tucked it around her waist, and hurriedly ran over and asked, "Are you all right? Do you want me to take you into the city? My uncle bought it before. Life extension device, let him come out and stay for a while, then you can go in and lie down."

Chen Wangping: "No, no, I'm not that serious, I'll just endure it for two days. This is the sequelae of the medicine, it's nothing."

After hearing this, Tang Xihe breathed a sigh of relief, took out the chicken soup and put it aside to dry, looked Chen Wangping up and down, and worried: "What happened in the black oil ruins? Your arm is so badly injured, and you said it's fine! Don't move, I'll give you some medicine." After speaking, she took out the wound medicine and carefully smeared it on Chen Wangping's arm.

Chen Wangping didn't stop him, lying flat and said, "The octopus in the Heiyou Ruins had a civil war with the mechanical puppets, and Liu Yuwang, Hei Rose, Cao Gou, and Qianhunzhong were all dealt with by me. Now, there is nothing in the Heiyou Ruins except Heiyou. there is none left."

Tang Xihe's eyes widened after hearing this. She actually had some guesses when she came, but she was really surprised when she heard the truth.

Brother Ping, the progress is too fast.

It seems that in less than a month, he actually killed the leaders of several major forces in Huo Niu City.

She blushed a little with excitement, and even the movements on her hands became heavier, and Chen Wangping sucked in a breath of cold air.

Only then did Tang Xihe come back to his senses, shaking his head lightly and saying, "Unfortunately, the things produced in the black oil ruins are pretty good, and now it's worthless, and before I came here, I received news that the black oil remains. A lot of poisonous gas is now emerging from the entrance of the oil ruins, and you will die if you get close."

Chen Wangping nodded, "In the past, the poisonous gas appeared on a frequency basis, but it was actually because the giant octopus king appeared regularly. Every time it appeared, it could absorb a large amount of black oil and poisonous gas. Now that it is dead, the poisonous gas in the ruins has no limit, definitely to evaporate."

After applying the medicine, Chen Wangping could clearly feel the coldness on his arm, and the wound began to heal, and the effect was quite good.

Tang Xihe put away the ointment, washed his hands, filled a bowl of chicken soup, scooped up a spoonful and blew it, handed it to Chen Wangping and said, "Drink some chicken soup, it happened to be stewed by Aunt Ren at noon."

Chen Wangping took a sip and drank it, and immediately felt that his body was much warmer, and he was extraordinarily comfortable.

so good.

After drinking the chicken soup, Chen Wangping looked at Tang Xihe, his eyes were very direct, and he didn't look away for a long time.

Looking at Tang Xihe's burning face, she was very embarrassed, and subconsciously turned her head to look elsewhere.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Brother Ping, you, where did you go to dig out a relic?"

She was concerned about Chen Wangping's injury before, but she didn't have time to look around after arriving at the base.

Looking back now, countless machines full of simple beauty are placed in the base on a large scale, and there are even conveyor belts going back and forth, which looks like a scene of relics.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "I said it was rubbed by my hands, do you believe it?"

Tang Xihe snorted, "You're not a gold-type power user, how can you rub a machine with your hands? Besides, even a gold-type power user can only rub a bunch of iron lumps without knowing the knowledge. Where is it still working, can I see it?"

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Just look at it, just don't stretch out your hand, the running machine is very dangerous."

Tang Xihe nodded, stood up curiously, looked here and there, exclaiming from time to time.

When she turned to the planting and livestock areas, she could not walk and stopped.

Seeing this scene on the bed, Chen Wangping couldn't help laughing.

Tang Xi and Xiao blushed and hummed, "What are you laughing at, tell me if you are familiar with it, I want to eat something delicious!"

Chen Wangping looked left and right, counted the days, pointed to the paddy field next to him and said, "The water chestnuts in there are ripe, and the taste should be good. I'll give you a taste."

Tang Xihe glanced at the mud in the paddy field and turned his head suspiciously.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Taobao, grab a few seedlings and wash them by the sink."

The golden eagle, who was staring at the chicken soup, flew up reluctantly, and looked back at the chicken soup twice.

Chen Wangping laughed and scolded: "Hurry up and work, I will put the water chestnuts in the chicken soup and re-gum, it will taste better."

Hearing this, the golden eagle accelerated in an instant, grabbed five water chestnut seedlings in a flash, and while cleaning, he used the wind blade to peel off the hard skin on the outside of the water chestnut, revealing the white and clean flesh inside.

Chen Wangping hurriedly interrupted: "Slow down, show me a few, save a dozen for Teacher Tang to eat, and throw the rest into the chicken soup."

The golden eagle obeyed, flapping its wings and distributing it.

Chen Wangping took over the newly planted water chestnuts and looked at them. The water chestnuts he planted were big, each of them was the size of a woman's fist, and the skin was very thin, making it look watery.

From the perspective of light, there are two kinds of light in this water chestnut, one is the light of crops, and the other is the light of seeds:

【Water chestnuts☆☆】

【Use: medicinal materials】

[Special effect - clearing the heart and removing fire: moderately increase the recovery speed of mental power after eating~www.readwn.com~reduce the pain of mental power consumption]

[Special effects - rich in nutrients: moderately increase the recovery speed of the injury after eating, and reduce the pain of the injury]

[Remarks: High-quality water chestnuts are full of effects! 】

【Water chestnut seeds☆(asexual reproduction of tuberous stems)】

[Plot required for planting: 033 paddy field plot]

[Mature time: fifteen days]

[Result frequency: single]

【Remarks: High-quality tuberous stems can be divided into three seeds】

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping smiled.

Sure enough, as the water chestnut seed remarks said, it is good to plant it yourself!

Not only the special effect of clearing the heart and removing fire has been increased from a small amount to a medium one, but also an additional special effect of nutrient-rich recovery of injuries, which is just suitable for my current situation!

Moreover, the properties of water chestnut seeds are also better than before. The land required for planting has been reduced from one half to one third. With the information in the remarks, this means that each water chestnut seed now can bring more than 50 production increase.

It seems that it will be easier to use the summoning potion in the future, as long as you have a headache, you will eat water chestnuts!

After reading the attributes, Tang Xihe looked at the white and tender water chestnuts in his hand, and first went to Chen Wangping to feed him a piece, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect the water chestnuts in the mud to be so white and tender, it tastes so sweet."

Chen Wangping chewed it and found that the water chestnuts that were planted had more water, and the water chestnuts were full of sweetness and no residue at all.

Really good.

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