Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 229: Energy upgrade! Wisdom germinates!

six hours later.

Chen Wangping woke up, and the injuries on his body had already recovered, which did not affect his movements.

He got up slowly, just about to take a sip of water, when suddenly he heard a chirping sound coming from the side.

"What's this movement?"

Chen Wangping looked at the chicken coop and found that the voice seemed to come from his side, and it was not loud, and it sounded a little weak.

He followed the voice and looked over, and his heart suddenly froze.

Oops, it's the chicks and quails in the egg incubator!

According to the time, it should have hatched yesterday evening.

I was so busy fighting that I forgot about it.

But don't get hungry.

Chen Wangping walked quickly to the egg incubator, opened the lid, and took out the chicks and quails inside.

Fortunately, these two little things looked a little weak, but they were still alive, and they knew they wanted to leave by waving their wings in his hands.

Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief, took out a few grains of feed, crushed them, and fed them with water.

With the food, these two little things immediately became obedient, and they stopped running, and couldn't wait to eat and drink.

Chen Wangping reached out and touched the fluffy body of the little thing, feeling quite interesting.

However, after touching it twice, he found that the feathers of the white-feathered quail seemed a little strange, with many black spots on it, and it looked a little dirty.

"What's the situation?" Chen Wangping looked at the attributes suspiciously:

【Huang Yuan Chicken】

【First-class alien beast】

【Space required: 05】

[Daily food intake: 05 servings of feed]

【Animal product: Huang Yuanzhiyu】

[Remarks: The fine fluff is warmer]

There is nothing special about the properties of Huangyuan chickens. It is normal for young chickens to require less space and eat less. Animal products are also very interesting. I don’t know what effect it will have.

Seeing the note, he turned his head and glanced at the chicken coop.

Winter is coming, and we have to see how to get some down jackets out.

In the past, when buying a down jacket, you had to study the down jacket content and the bulkiness. Now, when you make your own down jacket, you can fill up all the indexes and make the best down jacket.

After watching the chicken, he looked at the quail again:

【Variation of white-feathered quails】

【First-class alien beast】

【Space required: 05】

[Daily food intake: 05 servings of feed]

[Special effect-anti-starvation: This special white-feathered quail can consume nutrients in its feathers to maintain its vitality, and it can maintain its vitality until all its feathers turn black]

【Animal Products: Energy Feather】

[Note: starvation forced it to mutate]

Chen Wangping: ""

Hardly hungry and mutated.

Even animal products become energy feathers.

Fortunately, the territory has special effects that will not die prematurely, otherwise it is estimated that it will starve to death before waiting for the mutation.

He took a closer look. The white-feathered quail is smaller than the yellow quail chicken, but it eats more than it. Moreover, the more it eats, the less black it has on its feathers. After eating a full half of the feed, The white-feathered quail has turned into a pure white appearance again. If you don't look at the attributes, you can't tell that it has mutated to starve.

Chen Wangping touched two small things, went to the chicken coop and added them one by one. At the same time, he also deliberately asked the golden eagle to come over to intimidate some old employees, so that they were not allowed to bully the little boys.

After leaving the chicken coop, Chen Wangping walked to the side and took out the first-class mechanical crystals that had been built during this period, and counted them. There were exactly 500 first-class mechanical crystals.

He opened the technology tree and did not hesitate to upgrade the energy technology.

【Congratulations on your successful upgrade of energy technology】

[You have unlocked the energy series [Secondary Electric Pole] blueprint, [Secondary Steam Generator] blueprint, [First-level Speed ​​Plug-in]

Looking at the blueprints that appeared in Energy Technology, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, and finally a higher-level steam generator appeared!

This time the power generation can be increased again.

And this upgrade has a new plug-in.

It's just that he was a little puzzled, how the speed plug-in appeared in the energy series technology.

Before he could come up with an answer, another line of hints glowing silver appeared:

[Congratulations on successfully upgrading all mechanical technology trees to level three]

[Your storage compartment is increased to 50 compartments]

【You got the reward: Wisdom Germination】

[Wisdom Germination: The machines in the territory have a small chance to germinate smart learning special effects, and intelligently improve self-quality according to the frequency of use and the speed of creation]

After reading the prompt, Chen Wangping glanced at the machine next to him subconsciously, "Wisdom germinates? Will it become a smart machine in the future? And then evolve independently?"

He suddenly remembered the words Shi Fang left when he was awake, and looked down at the arm that was about to heal. There would still be some pain when he touched it.

Flesh and blood are painful, no wonder he chooses mechanical ascension.

Of course, he would not choose this path.

A machine is a machine, and no matter how intelligent it is, it is also a program.

Chen Wangping clicked on the blueprint on the technology tree and checked it carefully:

[Energy Saving Drawing: Secondary Steam Generator]

[Materials: [Steam Generator] x1, [Steel Plate] x30, [Magnet] x30]

【Processing method: secondary manufacturing table】

[Note: Steam generators can only be upgraded to level three at most]

[Energy saving drawings: secondary utility poles]

[Material: [First-class telephone pole] x5, [Magnet] x10]

【Processing method: secondary manufacturing table】

[Remarks: Secondary utility poles have small-scale wireless power transmission capabilities]

[First-class speed plug-in]

[Purpose: Increase production speed by consuming too much energy]

[Material: [Circuit Board] x5, [Integrated Circuit] x5]

[Building method: manufacturing table]

[Note: It is suitable for matching with high-grade machinery]

After reading the drawings~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction. The manufacturing method of the secondary steam generator and the utility pole is not difficult, but the demand for magnets is relatively large. Fortunately, there is a magnet furnace now, which is not a problem.

As for the first-level speed plug-in, he felt that it had to be viewed with the attributes.

He walked to the manufacturing table and arranged the tasks of these three blueprints one by one. The time required to build them was basically an hour.

After arranging the drawings, Chen Wangping walked to the side table dedicated to manufacturing, checked the materials, and started to create first-class life crystals.

At present, the silicon plates required for the second-level mechanical crystal construction have not been obtained, so let’s just add all the technologies of the life series first, and see what the rewards will be after all the upgrades to the third-level.

At this moment, he suddenly saw silver lights flashing from the manufacturing table in front of him, and even the entire manufacturing table surface turned silver, which was very sci-fi and mysterious.

[The wisdom of the manufacturing station has begun to germinate]

【Special effects are being generated】

Chen Wangping touched the silver light on the manufacturing table, patted it lightly and said, "Sprouting well, the whole good special effects will come out."

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