Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 230: special bacteria

After arranging the task, Chen Wangping ran to the paddy field with a shovel and started picking water chestnuts.

You still have to do it yourself to pick crops, so as to increase the number of pickings for the farmer title.

After about ten minutes, he picked up a total of 【Water chestnuts☆☆】×248, 【Water chestnuts seeds☆】×83.

After resting for a while, Chen Wangping planted half of the water chestnut seeds on the paddy field, and the remaining half of the seeds had to wait for the rest of the paddy field to be renovated.

After planting the seeds, he glanced at the seeds of the mutant black rice parent, and found that it was growing extremely fast. Seeing that the stems and many new leaves had already been pulled out, it was about to enter the flowering stage.

"Wait two or three days before you can harvest black rice seeds."

"beep beep"

The golden eagle nodded in agreement, and then it beeped anxiously to say why it didn't look at the giant octopus king, it couldn't wait to taste the tentacles of the octopus king!

Such thick tentacles must taste very good when baked!

Chen Wangping smiled, "In such a hurry, let's go, let's go out and have a look."


The golden eagle happily grabbed the oven and white charcoal and flew to the open space in the back mountain that no one could see, waiting happily.

Seeing this, Xiao Tiemu also stretched out a branch and waited for Brother Ping to send something good.

Although I said I couldn't eat meat, it would be good to get some octopus offal as fertilizer. It must be rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Chen Wangping jumped into the open space and raised his hand to take out the body of the giant octopus king.


The corpse of the giant octopus king faintly exudes system light, and there are many traces of fighting on it. The huge explosion traces on the top of the head are clearly visible, and the tentacles are still shaking slightly at this time.

Chen Wangping was just about to check the properties of the giant octopus king. Suddenly, he saw a black basin-sized mud ball emerging from the giant octopus king. The mud ball seemed to have life, hovering in the air for a long time, and turned towards The location of the oil refinery rushed past, extremely fast.

"Taobao, grab it!"

Chen Wangping grabbed the mud ball while shouting.

After getting closer, he found that the mud ball looked like a non-Newtonian fluid beating on the sound, and it moved very flexibly.

And when the golden eagle grabbed it, its sharp claws closed and they didn't get anything, just like it was caught in the water.

"What is this?"

Chen Wangping's figure flickered, blocking in front of the black mud ball, raising his hand to condense countless electric lights, blocking the way of the black mud ball.

Unexpectedly, the black mud ball found its way immediately, and it turned into a pool of water-like liquid and penetrated into the soil.

Chen Wangping smiled, "You're all here, can I still let you run away? Little Tiemu, lift up this piece of soil!"

With an order, the small iron wood branches stretched out and quickly lifted all the nearby five meters of soil.

Chen Wangping seized the opportunity, suddenly pulled his hands apart, and condensed a hollow ball of lightning inside, which firmly sealed the black mud ball inside.

The black mud ball poked its head out of the soil and tried to sprint around, but every time it touched the lightning ball, there was a sizzling sound, and its figure shrank a little. The mud ball seems to have used up its energy, shrinking on the soil and no longer moving.

At this time, the system light finally appeared on the black mud ball.

【Petrophilic bacteria】

【Use: Devour oil】

[Special effect - oil-loving: oil-loving bacteria can decompose oil, and the produced substances can be used as plant fertilizers, but will cause animal mutation]

[Special Effect - Fear of Electricity: Petroleum-loving bacteria are afraid of electric current]

[Remarks: This is an extremely special group of bacteria born in the remains of black oil]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping patted the oil-loving bacteria with great interest, "Petroleum-loving bacteria? This thing should be the black thing on the giant octopus king. Co-authoring this thing is used to make plant fertilizers. ."

However, now the oil is so precious, how can there be excess to decompose it, just put it away first, and see if there is anything that can be used in the future.

Putting away the oil-loving bacteria, Chen Wangping turned around and looked at the giant octopus king. After finding that the oil-loving bacteria was gone, the entire body of the giant octopus king emitted a faint glow.

It's all edible!

He couldn't wait to reach out and touch the giant octopus king to check the attributes:

【Giant Octopus King】

【Use: Foodstuffs】

[Special effect - crude oil resistance: The coexistence of giant octopus king and black oil naturally evolved the natural ability to resist crude oil poisonous gas. After eating, the resistance to sulfide and hydrocarbon toxins can be moderately increased, up to 50%. ]

[Picture supplementary information: The giant octopus king was originally just an oil-digging octopus the size of a washbasin. After accidentally acquiring the oil-loving bacteria, it devoured all the oil-loving octopuses of the same kind and turned into a giant octopus king in one fell swoop, and then sought to break through the black oil remains. opportunity! 】

[Picture recommended practice: Spicy Fried Octopus]

[Note: The clone of the giant octopus king is still swimming in the black oil~]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping couldn't wait to point to the tentacles of the giant octopus king, and shouted to the golden eagle: "Diaobao, cut this tentacle into three-centimeter-thick slices, I'll heat the oil and eat spicy fried octopus."

The golden eagle was watching the giant octopus king eating steel bars at this time. Hearing the order, without saying a word, he flapped his wings and rolled up his tentacles. Then, wind blades rolled up with the metal pieces.


Pieces of thin and uniform octopus meat fell like rain, which looked quite pleasing to the eye.

Chen Wangping smiled, the golden eagle was strangely playful.

In terms of special effects, the giant octopus king is much more effective than the juvenile octopus. After eating it, it can directly resist half of the toxin damage~www.readwn.com~ and it not only improves the resistance of crude oil gas, but also the sulfide resistance. sex.

This means that after the people of the Volcano Tribe eat the giant octopus king, the stay time for collecting sulfur is immediately extended, and the damage they receive is much less.

This giant octopus king is conservatively estimated to have more than 1,000 kilograms, which is enough for the people of the volcano tribe to eat.

Right now, it is to try to eat how much meat of the giant octopus king before raising the resistance to 50%.

He glanced at the slightly overcast sky, and simply texted Tang Xihe and asked her to come and have an octopus meal together.

Not long after Tang Xihe got up, he came over happily when he heard the news.

Seeing her going out, Aunt Ren specially warned: "Do you want to bring more people? The city has been a little chaotic these days, and a lot of people died there last night."

Tang Xihe waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, the staff can stay here, and I'll be back when I go. Besides, Fang Bie hasn't gotten what he wants, so he won't shoot at us, and the rest of the forces are not looking at us, Fang Bie This black pot is solid."

Aunt Ren also listened to what Tang Xihe said, and agreed and praised: "I didn't expect Chen Wangping to be so capable at such a young age, so he could easily turn his attention to Fang Bie, Xihe, if you're fine tonight. Don't come back, the bedding is not dry yet."

Tang Xihe: "...that hasn't been washed yet?"

Auntie Ren rolled her eyes at Tang Xihe, raised her hand to condense a water bomb and threw it on her bed, waiting for the water bomb to explode, then smiled and said: "Okay, the bed is soaked, you have no place at night. Go to bed, find a place to sleep by yourself."

Tang Xihe: "........."

Forget it, eat octopus meat~

Such a big octopus, how delicious the meat is!

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