Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 231: Sending the Spirit Hall to the Black Pot

When Tang Xihe arrived near the No. 7 mine, he could smell an attractive aroma of fried pork with chili peppers from a distance, and this aroma was different from fried pork and beef with chili peppers.

The spicy fried octopus meat has a strong umami taste, and the smell alone makes people drool.

"smell good!"

Tang Xihe ran to the back mountain along the fragrance while shouting.

But as soon as she arrived at the back mountain, she was startled by the huge giant guard robot, and the flames lingered around her, and she almost shot.

The giant guard robot did not make a move, or did not respond at all, and continued to patrol the route mechanically.

Chen Wangping turned over the big iron spoon and poured out a large pot full of fried octopus feet with chili peppers. First, he gave one-third of it to the golden eagle, and then shouted with a smile, "Don't be stunned, come and eat the meat."

"I'm coming."

Tang Xihe ran over, pointed at the giant guard robot and said curiously, "Brother Ping, you found this in the ruins too? Why is it so new?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "The circuit board was found in the ruins. I thought of some ways to recreate a mechanical body. The intelligence is not high, so I can only patrol on a fixed route."

Tang Xihe gave a thumbs up and said: "It's already very powerful! I heard that there are not many forces in the middle with mechanical puppets, and most of them are incomplete. I heard from my aunt before that there is a ruin in the south that is full of intelligent machines. Puppets, there are no living people, people nearby all use crystal mines to exchange small-scale relic technology products such as radars or detectors with that faction."

Chen Wangping asked curiously, "Can radars be produced only in the ruins? I think there are so many types of abilities, so there should be mechanical manufacturing abilities, right? With so many people, is it possible that they can live by the ruins?"

Tang Xihe shook his head, "It's not that easy, even if there are a few awakening machines that create abilities, how many things can be made? How many people can use them? Besides, there are ruins everywhere now, near every city. There are several relics, and there are relics of production, who will create their own research and technology."

Chen Wangping frowned and said nothing. He took out his chopsticks and handed it to Tang Xihe and said, "Don't talk about this, let's eat first, eat as much as possible. After eating the meat of this giant octopus king, it can improve the resistance to poisonous gas. Eat as much as you can."

Tang Xihe's eyes lit up after hearing this. He picked up a piece of octopus foot with chopsticks, turned his head with a smile and said, "Diaobao's technology has recently improved, and the thickness is so uniform."

The golden eagle straightened out his chest proudly, lowered his head and continued to eat his share.

Chen Wangping also picked up a piece of octopus foot meat and chewed it. The fried octopus foot meat tasted quite chewy. It tasted like king oyster mushrooms. Garlic and spicy flavors fill the mouth.

The spiciness of Chaotian pepper effectively removes the peculiar smell and fishy smell carried on the octopus foot meat, and also awakens its unique umami, which makes it taste unique.

Eating and chatting, the morning time passed quickly.

In order to pile up the resistance, Chen Wangping fry the octopus feet in four pots with a total of 60 pounds. After eating, he also changed the way of grilling and deep-frying. .

At the end of the meal, he finally waited for the prompt:

[The crude oil resistance has been increased to 50%]

Judging from the amount of food he ate, Tang Xihe was only more or less than himself, and the effect should be similar.

Full of food and drink, he lay on the chair empty.

According to what I remember, there is no such thing as a ruler who dominates the world in this era, and all territories are divided according to their strength. In the ruins, you can live with the help of various facilities of the ancient ruins. The strength is in the middle, and the fifth-level powerhouse like Tang Huoniu can only occupy remote places. There will be spies from other wasteland organizations in the established city, such as the fishing club and hunter club, which are all large organizations. Power, most of the cities will have it, and further down, the powerhouses of the third and fourth levels cannot support the city at all, they can only choose to rely on the powerhouses or organizations, and seek the opportunity to become rich overnight in the ruins.

It can be said that this wasteland is very deformed.

Chen Wangping frowned deeply after thinking about it.

Tang Xihe turned his head and was about to talk to him when he happened to see this scene. He walked behind him distressedly, reached out and gently rubbed his head, "Is the wound hurting again? You worked so hard today and it was delicious. Yes, I'll learn how to cook with Aunt Ren when I go back and cook something delicious for you to try."

Chen Wangping felt Tang Xi and his warm little hands, and immediately relaxed a lot, and said with a smile, "No need, it's enough if I can cook."

After being rubbed by Tang Xihe for a while, he really felt refreshed and thought silently, "First solve the problem, then go to the black oil ruins to kill the giant octopus king clone, and by the way, establish a good oil extraction After building enough rockets, kill the Spirit Palace to ensure the stability of Huo Niu City, wait for the development of the technology tree to explore the seventh research institute, and take the opportunity to visit the central part."

take it easy.

After careful calculation, I have only been in this era for less than a month, and I have lived a fuller life than in the past few years.

Chen Wangping was enjoying it when he suddenly saw Xiao Fang's light spot on the radar, and was rapidly approaching him.

After a while, Xiao Fang anxiously rushed to the entrance of the mine. Before he could speak, he saw the golden eagle coming to lead the way, so he followed behind the golden eagle to the back mountain~www.readwn.com~ Smelling the fragrance everywhere, Xiao Fang He couldn't hold back his saliva, and then said anxiously: "Brother Chen, Fang Bie's command suffered heavy losses last night. Three generals of the same rank as Zhao Sheng died, and there was no hand or foot left, so he couldn't even find revenge. When I got to the target, I was very angry, and I called me early this morning to take Zhao Sheng back to defend, what should I do?"

Chen Wangping got up and filled a large bowl of grilled octopus foot slices, poured chili sauce, and handed it to Xiao Fang: "Don't worry, while eating, why did you promise Fang anything else?"

Xiao Fang took the grilled octopus and replied while eating: "I can only promise to come down, I said that this is called Zhao Sheng to go together."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "No problem, you can leave the space device behind later. I will shoot you a few times at your clothes. You can go back and report that Zhao Sheng is missing."

Xiao Fang didn't understand, and asked in confusion, "Is this all it takes?"

Tang Xihe understood it, and explained with a smile: "Since three generals can die, what does it matter if one Zhao Sheng is killed? And Fang Bie has no one to use now, even if he has doubts about you, he must I'll take care of you after this matter is over, Brother Ping's method is fine."

Chen Wangping nodded and said, "That's right, the rest of the forces don't trust him so easily, you can just go back to work with confidence."

Xiao Fang suddenly realized and said with admiration: "So that's the case, Brother Chen is amazing! Then I'll go back to my life and pass the news." After speaking, he left the space device and stood there.

Chen Wangping took a sniper rifle with special effects and fired two shots at Xiao Fang's clothes, deliberately leaving traces of spiritual energy.

Seeing that the traces were ready, Xiao Fang happily held the meat in one hand and drove quickly towards Huo Niu City, feeling very relaxed.

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