Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 232: a blessing in disguise

Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe continued to chat for a while.

Suddenly, Tang Xihe closed his eyes and felt it for a while, and said thoughtfully and doubtfully: "Brother Ping, close your eyes and look at your Shentan, is there something wrong? I just felt a hint of leakage. Mental power, this mental power is somewhat familiar, could it be yours?"

When Chen Wangping heard the words, he immediately closed his eyes and felt his Shentan carefully.

With such a feeling, he realized that the edge of his Shentan had been damaged a lot under the blessing of the last **** potion, and there were traces of cracks on the edge. The cracks flowed out towards the outside.

Fortunately, there are lightning tender sprouts sitting in the body. At this time, there are countless tiny currents on the lightning tender sprouts, trying to involve the free mental power and prevent them from leaking out.

Chen Wangping felt it for a while, and was a little frightened to find that because Shentan lost control, the spiritual power that was leaked out was out of control and there was no feeling at all.

If it wasn't for Tang Xihe to say it, he wouldn't know when he would find out about it, and it would be even more troublesome to recover from the injury.

He didn't have time to say more, and immediately took out the elixir and iron ball and began to atomize to absorb mental power. Seeing Tang Xihe's worried appearance, he poured another bottle of elixir and called Tang Xihe to absorb it together.

It's still the same sentence, I can't absorb it all by myself in a short period of time, so I can improve it together with two people, and then go to the Lingdian and Fangbie to grab the good stuff and come back!

At the same time as the atomization, Chen Wangping explained the situation of his Shentan to Tang Xihe.

Tang Xihe comforted: "Don't worry, although your Shentan has been damaged, it is a blessing in disguise, and the upper limit of Shentan has also increased. Now you only need to use the potency of the potion to repair Shentan, and then restart Filling in the mental fog, the background will be much improved than before, I said in the book before that many people have chosen to use this method to break the bottleneck and seek opportunities for breakthroughs.”

Chen Wangping understood it, meaning that he could only hold a hundred strands of spiritual mist in the Shentan before, but now that the edge of the Shentan has expanded, it may be able to accommodate a hundred and fifty strands of mental mist, so that the foundation will be more stable. help in future practice.

That sounds pretty good.

Then start fixing it!

Soon, the two sat opposite each other on the back mountain and practiced hard.

Bottles of god-calling potions turned into spiritual mist and poured into the two people's pools, and their strength steadily increased.

Not long after, Xiao Fang returned to the Outer City Lord's Mansion with the muzzle on his clothes, and stumbled all the way into Fang's other secret room.

Fang Bie was dealing with affairs at this time. Seeing Xiao Fang's appearance, he was dissatisfied and said, "What are you panicking about? Why are you the only one who came back?"

Xiao Fang lay on the ground and began to cry, "Sir, I originally called for Zhao Sheng to go back together, but as soon as I got out of the woods, I heard gunshots, General Zhao fell on the spot, and there were many bullet holes around me. I was just about to rescue General Zhao, but then a bunch of people in the spirit hall appeared, and they shot fiercely.

Fang Bie patted the table angrily, raised his hand to attract Xiao Fang, and felt it carefully, and immediately found the breath of the spirit hall on the bullet holes in Xiao Fang's clothes, and he believed Xiao Fang's words in his heart. Seven eighty eight.

He couldn't be more clear about the psychic aura of the Spirit Hall, which could not be faked at all.

Moreover, if it is really like what Xiao Fang said, if the people in the Spirit Palace shoot long-range attacks, it means that the worst situation has arisen.

The three hall masters are back!

He had specifically inquired before that the third hall master was best at combining psionic energy with relic firearms, with unique attacks. Valley

This is trouble.

Letting go of Xiao Fang, Fang Bie was pacing in the secret room, his brows furrowed, "Right now, Lingdian is also involved, and they don't contact me anymore, is it possible that they are starting to doubt me? No, it seems that I can't be there. I'm sitting still, I'm going to fight back."

He turned his head and shouted at Xiao Fang: "Okay, you're still crying if you don't die, pack up, and prepare to go with me to clean up the hunters first. Only some diehards in the money hunt will resist the hunters. Kill it and it's over."

When Xiao Fang heard Fang Bie say that, he couldn't help admiring Chen Wangping even more. He immediately nodded and said yes, ran out to change his clothes, and started to lead the team.

Moreover, thanks to the counterattack of several major forces in Huo Niu City, apart from Xiao Fang, there is only one confidant general named Yuan Kong left in the main mansion of the outer city.

The two generals brought soldiers from the original six general battalions.

Even if Yuan Kong is a direct confidant, his ability is there to support up to two battalions of soldiers.

This means that Xiao Fang can affect the soldiers of the four battalions.

Eliminate the other party's chips more than 10%!

eight hours later.

At the back of the base, Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe blushed ~www.readwn.com~ feeling a little heavy and dizzy.

Tang Xihe said softly: "Let's be here today, we won't be able to absorb it no matter how much atomized it is."

Chen Wangping nodded, put away the iron ball, and glanced at the storage compartment. During these eight hours, the two of them consumed a total of twelve jars of divine elixir. Among them, because of repairing the Shentan, he absorbed more than Tang Xihe. More soon.

Although it consumes a lot, fortunately, Shentan has almost been repaired. There are only seven or eight cracks left that need to be repaired. It will be almost the same again tomorrow.

Moreover, even if it has not been repaired, Chen Wangping can already feel that the Shentan has expanded by nearly half, and now it can accommodate at least 150 spiritual mists, and the control of lightning energy has also improved.

A blessing in disguise!

Seeing that it was getting late, Tang Xihe said with a smile: "It's so late, I'm going back to the city first. At present, there is no news from my uncle still in the dialysis room. I have to go back and have a look."

Seeing this, Chen Wangping didn't stop him. First, he took out a bunch of yellow plain eggs and white-feather quail eggs, and handed them to her along with mugwort sprouts, "Take this back and let Auntie Ren fry it for you for breakfast, and look at your mental strength tomorrow. Digest the situation, we will practice again as soon as possible, are you also about to advance?"

Tang Xihe accepted the egg with a smile, nodded and said, "It's almost too soon. The ruby ​​you gave last time worked very well, and now you can break through with a little mental power."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Then get in touch again to help you break through as soon as possible."

Tang Xihe smiled, suddenly came over and hugged Chen Wangping, hehe smiled, turned around and waved at the golden eagle, and hurried towards Huo Niu City on a bicycle, his back was very handsome.

Under the moonlight, the figure on the motorcycle stretched very long.

Longer than Chen Wangping's eyes.

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