Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 233: Express plug-ins and wireless power delivery

Looking back, Chen Wangping returned to the base, ready to see what the properties of the new equipment that he had built were.

He walked over to the manufacturing table and looked at it.

For so long, the fabrication bench has built a four-stage two-stage steam generator.

He stretched out his hand and took out a second-level steam generator to check it. From the appearance, the second-level steam generator should be larger, and the steam inlet pipe should be thicker. The overall structure has not changed much.

【Secondary steam generator☆】

[Use: A two-stage steam generator can generate electricity by consuming water vapor more efficiently]

【Maximum temperature of using water vapor: 165°C】

[Water vapor consumption rate: 40 copies/H]

【Durability: 2000/2000】

[Maximum power generation: 20kWH]

【Current Mode: No Boiler Connected】

[Steam inlet 1: No material pipe]

[Steam transfer port 1: no material pipe]

[Steam transfer port 2: no material pipe]

[Note: The secondary steam generator is more prone to failure and has lower durability]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "The power generation has directly doubled? The consumption of water vapor has only increased by one-third, and the efficiency has improved too much."

If all the steam generators in the territory are upgraded, then building oil refineries and chemical plants will not be a problem at all.

Although the durability of the second-level steam generator is a thousand less than that of the first-level steam generator, there are maintenance robots in the base now, so I don't worry about this problem at all.

Power generation is the last word!

Chen Wangping quickly calculated, "The rate at which one boiler produces water vapor is 60 parts per hour, and the secondary steam generator is 40 parts per hour, that is to say, the configuration needs to be readjusted, and two boilers are equipped with three secondary steams. If the generator is out, the consumption of coal will definitely increase.”

After calculating these, he plans to read the remaining two attributes first, and then go to the underground river to resettle.

The appearance of the secondary utility pole is very different from that before the upgrade. Not only the pole body has become much thicker, but also there are many more coils for wireless power transmission on the pole head, which looks quite beautiful, going round and round.

【Secondary telephone pole】

[Special effect-wireless connection: The secondary pole can wirelessly transmit power to devices within five meters, and the durability will be doubled when there are too many connected devices]

[Special effects - automatic connection: omitted]

[Special effects - automatic expansion: After the nodes are delineated, the first-level poles can automatically expand and contract the height, matching the cable (length 5m-20m)]

【Cable length: 100m】

【Durability: 2000/2000】

[Remarks: Secondary poles will help you better plan your base]

After reading the properties, Chen Wangping couldn't wait to insert the secondary utility pole next to him, and connected the circuit to the manufacturing station beside him in sight.


I saw a low humming sound from the coil above the secondary utility pole. The sound flashed by, and then, a wireless transmission channel that was invisible to the naked eye but had a light yellow current in Chen Wangping's field of vision was successfully constructed.

The manufacturing table lights up instantly and enters the working state.

Chen Wangping simply tested how many devices it was connected to before calling it too much, and raised his hand to connect all the nearby manufacturing stations in operation.

When it was connected to the sixth operating manufacturing station, a line of prompts appeared on the secondary pole: [Too many wireless connection devices currently], and the durability consumption speed has been doubled.

Chen Wangping hurriedly tore off a manufacturing platform, and the prompt on the secondary telephone pole disappeared.

Knowing the critical point, then the next wiring is easy.

Chen Wangping finally picked up the first-level speed plug-in and checked it.

The appearance of the first-level speed plug-in is light blue, and it looks no different from the first-level energy-saving plug-in except for the color. The interface at the bottom also shines with metal light, which is much lighter.

[First-class speed plug-in]

【Use: Improve production efficiency】

[Special effect-speed: After inserting the slot, the production speed of the device will be increased by 20% but the power consumption of the device will be increased by 50% (each device can be installed with up to two similar plug-ins)]

[Durability: 1000/1000]

[Note: The speed plug-in is suitable for use when there is excess energy]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping weighed the first-level speed plug-in and frowned.

Increase efficiency by a fifth, but increase power consumption by half?

Thinking about it carefully, this speed plug-in is currently far less useful than the energy-saving plug-in.

If there is so much power, wouldn't it be good to build a few more similar devices?

In other words, the most suitable use of this speed plugin is on devices that are precious and cannot be added any more.

But now there seems to be no such production equipment in the base.

Chen Wangping shook his head, stretched out his hand and inserted the first-level speed plug-in into the manufacturing bench that was going to be used to upgrade the second-level steam generator.

"Let's plug it in here first to try the effect. However, since this thing is the same as the energy-saving plug-in, let's build the energy-saving plug-in first. The use of this speed plug-in is to be determined, and there is no need to continue to build it at the moment."

Inserted on the manufacturing table ~www.readwn.com~ A light blue light appeared on the manufacturing table, and a line of prompts also appeared:

[The first-level speed plug-in has been loaded]

On the loaded manufacturing table, the remaining fifty minutes of the second-stage steam generator construction process was immediately shortened to forty minutes, a fifth of the reduction.

Likewise, power consumption has increased from two kilowatts to three kilowatts.

Chen Wangping retracted his gaze and walked towards the underground river with the secondary steam generator and the secondary telephone pole.

He is not ready to replace these first-level telephone poles on the road. Anyway, the ability of the second-level improvement is wireless transmission at the node. There is no difference between using the first-level or the second-level on the road, and the resources should be used on the blade.

After arriving at the underground river, it happened that it was time for the sunfish to get off work, and the conveyor belt moved slowly.

Perhaps because of the recent good workouts, these sunfish looked a little tired, but their bodies had grown a lot.

However, their efforts are also very fruitful. The Metasequoia saplings by the underground river are like half-year-old children. They are growing very fast. The one that was first planted is now eight or nine meters high. Mao, the purification ability is very strong.

Just when Chen Wangping was about to set up the secondary steam generator, he suddenly heard the sound of diving.

Turning his head to look, only then did he find that when the sunfish were passing by the Metasequoia tree, a few daring sunfish suddenly jumped up. In cooperation with each other, they tore off several large Metasequoia leaves and shared it with joy, and they deliberately left a whole piece of Metasequoia leaf uneaten, which should have been reserved for the little carp.

Chen Wangping smiled. There are no fools who can live in this era. All of them can find a way that is more suitable for them in the nearby environment.

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