Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 238: Amethyst fishing rod?

On top of the black oil, the giant octopus king clone was completely injured by this burst of rockets, and he couldn't adjust his posture when flying in the air.

The golden eagle seized the opportunity, quickly flew over and pinched the head of the giant octopus king clone with one paw, stretched out its claws and chopped off all its tentacles, and flew near Chen Wangping with an octopus head.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and squeezed the octopus head. After thinking about it, he simply pinched it to death.

He had thought about raising this thing, but since this giant octopus king betrayed once, he would definitely betray a second time. Killing is the easiest.

As for the waste oil here, it is enough to leave it to the oil-loving bacteria that work honestly.

After pinching to death, a red light flashed in his field of vision, and he was pleasantly surprised to find another blood crystal. He put it in the storage compartment, checked the properties, and found that it was exactly the same as the previous one, "Strange, giant octopus. Wang himself did not explode the blood crystal, but the two clones each came out with one."

Chen Wangping put away his thoughts, pointed to the adult octopus in the distance and commanded: "The armor is already worn, go to war with confidence!"


Xiao Tieniu led the team with a roar and charged towards the group of adult octopuses with the stone stick in his hand, with an amazing momentum.

During the battle, the adult octopus couldn't even smash a white spot when its tentacle was thrown on the armor, and instead was caught by the tentacle.

Several people worked together to hold an adult octopus, and smashed it down with several stone sticks, immediately smashing it into flesh.

With the bonus of the armor, it is easier for them to exert their own strength, and with the strong protection of the armor, the sense of security during the battle is also exponentially increased, and the morale is amazing!

Chen Wangping nodded in relief and turned to look at the surrounding terrain.

Only after looking at it did I realize that maybe because the previous oil outbreak was too violent, all the buildings were smashed into pieces, the bricks and tiles were mixed into the oil and flowed around, and the vision was pitch black, and all valuable things were seen. not.

Looking at the viscous oil, he had a headache. It was too troublesome to fish out the good things in the building after sinking.

Forget it, let's just put the pumping unit here and slowly pump it, and then I will tell the person in charge of the salvage what it is.

Judging from the current situation, it is necessary to solve the problem before arranging the oil pumping here, and there is another problem. There is no electricity, let alone the sun, and there is no water. If you want to arrange the oil pumping unit, you must Solve power problems.

Chen Wangping frowned, "If you can encircle the ground outside, or open up another road, and use pipes to divert water from the nearby Yongjiang River, it is still possible to build a steam generator to generate electricity. The current secondary steam generator generates power. It is 20kW, and the power of the pumping unit is 5kW, so it is enough to build seven or eight secondary steam generators.”

"In addition, a fish pond can be built near the pump, which is specially used for fishing. It can not only be eaten by the people of the volcano tribe, but also used as a building material for first-class life crystals."

I have to say that the more people there are, the easier it is to do things, and it is easy to arrange things everywhere.

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping turned his head to look and found that the people in the volcano tribe had killed all the adult octopuses. After the death of the giant octopus king clone, these adult octopuses seemed to have lost their heads. Like flies, and their intelligence itself is a little low, they only have some instinctive escaping moves when facing threats.

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu were stuck at the two ends of the square, and they quickly killed most of the adult octopuses.

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar, and now there are only a few dozen red dots of adult octopuses fleeing.

At this time, the golden eagles were about to go to catch them, but Chen Wangping raised his hand to stop them and said, "No need to catch them, keep them to breed for a while, and there will be new octopuses to catch later."

This thing is the same as fishing, and there will always be people guarding here, and there will be no more octopuses as large as the giant octopus king.

Soon, blood-stained Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu approached excitedly and shouted at Chen Wangping: "Benefactor, this armor is too powerful. After that tentacle knocked me down just now, I fell to the ground. There's nothing on the ground."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Treasure it well, everyone, please rest for a while. I'll teach you how to make this octopus whisker."

After counting the harvest, a total of seventy-six adult octopuses were harvested in this wave, enough for the entire volcano tribe to eat for half a month.

Great harvest!

Soon, Chen Wangping distributed a little salt and chili noodles to each of them, raised a charcoal fire, and told them to control the heat and just grill the octopus.

This is the easiest way to eat, and it is easy for others to learn it. After a few bites, they all cried out.

For the people of the volcano tribe, this kind of aquatic meat is definitely a rare delicacy, not to mention that after eating this octopus meat can also improve the resistance to poisonous gas, one eats more than one.

While he was eating, Chen Wangping's communicator rang.

He picked up the communication, and Tang Xihe on the other end said anxiously: "Where are you? Don't enter the city now. The city has already begun to clean up the rest of the Black Knights, and some hunters will be backbones. He also mercilessly dealt with it at the time of the attack. Now many people have fled outside Huo Niu City~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping wondered: "Is uncle still out? If this continues, the population loss of Huo Niu City will be very serious. "

Tang Xihe said helplessly: "I went to the dialysis room just now and found that my uncle's breath was steadily increasing, but he didn't mean to wake up, so I didn't dare to interrupt the separation rashly, and now Fang Bie is only targeting If the hunters will attack the Black Knights, it will have no effect on the civilians."

Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that Fang Bie has no brains at all. I'm in the black oil ruins now. I'm very safe. Don't worry."

Tang Xihe said in surprise: "You went in again, didn't it say that the poisonous gas was very heavy? And I just heard that there was a baby there, a big bird grabbed and attracted a lot of exotic animals and loose people, now think about it, Co-authoring is done by golden eagles."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "It'll be fine after cleaning, but you don't need to come here, wait for my news."

Tang Xihe said: "Okay, then remember to contact me before you enter the city. Don't confront Fang Bie directly, his strength has improved a lot, and two hidden elders in the Black Knights were slapped by him. Shooting to death, the method is cruel."

Chen Wangping frowned and asked, "Shooting in public? This is different from his previous style. What happened?"

Tang Xihe wondered: "I don't know, apart from those two forces, Liu Changchun, who was at the fishing club half an hour ago, has already surrendered. He also gave him the amethyst fishing rod his father had left him before to save his life. "

Hearing this, Chen Wangping was shocked, "Amethyst fishing rod? Amethyst can also be used as a fishing rod?"

Don't you know how to fish? It's such a waste for him.

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