Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 239: Oil plants appear!

Wasteland farming is to save the first time to the wasteland Chapter 239 Oil plants appear! No wonder there are no good fishing rods in Liu Yuwang's space device, and the co-author left the good things to his son.

Chen Wangping was refreshed and couldn't wait to try the new fishing rod.

Hanging up the communication, Chen Wangping took out the battery and the pumping unit and set it up, preparing to train here for a few hours with everyone from the Volcano Tribe, and then go back when it gets dark.

He called Xiao Yuan and instructed, "Continue to familiarize yourself with the armor first. In the previous battles, most of the time you relied on the armor to resist damage. This will not work. You must take the initiative to familiarize yourself with the armor and improve your physique."

Xiao Yuan was a little ashamed, nodded and said, "Don't worry, we'll train now."

After explaining the task, Chen Wangping stepped aside, taking advantage of the silence here, he was also ready to try to condense the lightning energy rocket.

This time, the counter-party has no blood-violent potion, so he can only touch him with hard power.

He now also has some ideas about lightning energy rockets.

Since the full version requires at least 24,000 or 5,000 points of lightning energy, can you first condense a reduced version of the lightning energy rocket with half the energy?

Even if two reduced versions are not as complete as one.

What about the three?

What about five?

As long as the condensed semi-finished product is stable enough, the card can be condensed more before it dissipates.

As soon as he said it, Chen Wangping began to try to condense a reduced version of the lightning energy rocket with the goal of 13,000 points.

After changing his thinking and adding his previous experience, he gathered very quickly.

Two hours later.

A wisp of thunder light emerged from his hand, and quickly constructed the tail of this miniature version of the thunderbolt rocket.

Chen Wangping's forehead sweated slightly, and his hands moved quickly.

After more than ten seconds, a strong electric light lit up in front of him, and a miniature version of the lightning energy rocket with a length of about 80 centimeters quickly took shape.

Even if it hasn't been launched, this thunderbolt energy rocket emits chilling fluctuations.

Although Chen Wangping was very tired at this time and felt hollowed out, he smiled with satisfaction while stepping on the battery, and tried to put away this miniature version of the Thunderbolt rocket in the storage compartment.

After putting it away, there is an extra eight-hour mark on the storage compartment, which means that this reduced version of the lightning energy rocket has an eight-hour shelf life.

Chen Wangping calculated, "It takes one hour and forty minutes to make one, and at least twenty minutes to recover energy. That is to say, one can be prepared in two hours, and four can be prepared in eight hours."

In the spirit of experimentation, he put it into the bazooka, pointed it at a free adult octopus in the distance, and pressed the launch button.


The anti-shock force of the miniature version of the Thunderbolt rocket is smaller than that of the normal large version and the full version. According to Chen Wangping's current physical strength, there is no problem with it.

The thunderbolt rocket arrived at the designated location, exploded instantly, turned into a dense ball of electric light, instantly turned the adult octopus into coke, and even blew the surrounding oil into the air, which was full of power.

Chen Wangping felt it, the power was almost half of the full version.

Then, if you save for eight hours, you can save the equivalent of two complete versions of Thunderbolt rockets.

Forgive him, don't be able to bear it.

Putting away the launch tube, Chen Wangping was very excited.

After so long, I finally succeeded in condensing the lightning energy rocket!

Seeing Chen Wangping approaching, Xiao Tieniu finally couldn't bear it any longer and shouted: "Benefactor, what kind of shell did you just launch? Why is it still charged with electricity? It's so powerful!"

"Yes, this cannonball is really powerful!"

"Blow up Fang Bie, this bastard!"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Don't worry, you have a chance to fire it. This kind of shell is called lightning shell. It is very small in number and has a stronger anti-shock force. You have to control it when you turn around."

Xiao Tieniu patted his chest and said proudly, "No problem, benefactor, fight wherever you say!"

At this time, the oil that had been blown up by the bomb and flew above the rock wall gradually fell back, and the viscous pieces fell down one by one.

At this moment, Chen Wangping squinted his eyes, suddenly jumped up, and pulled out a plant branch about forty centimeters long from a piece of oil. It was said to be a branch, but it was actually more like an aloe vera leaf, slender and thick. , the whole body is gray-black, with a petroleum black light on it.

"what is this?"

"There are still plants in here?"

"The benefactor jumped up and took it. It must be a treasure."

Seeing Chen Wangping's actions, the others jumped up one after another, grabbed the branches of plants that looked similar, and then handed them over to Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping didn't stop it either. He picked up the branch and curiously checked its attributes.

The black ones were fished out of oil again, and the leaves were still so big.

This is most likely the petroleum plant mentioned in the properties of petroleum fertilizers.

View properties:

【Continued with your son】

【Use: to improve oil quality】

[Special effect-adhesion: The succulent can absorb the remaining impurities in the finished oil, and the grade of the finished oil can be improved after grinding and inputting]

【Remarks: Susuizi who grew up in oil have adapted to this environment】

"It's really an oil plant version~www.readwn.com~ It absorbs impurities and improves the quality. It's interesting."

Chen Wangping walked over to a barrel of finished crude oil extracted by the pumping unit, and glanced at the properties. Now there is no star rating.

He put on gloves and crushed the suisui with force. When he squeezed it, he found that the juice oozing out of the thing was black and sticky, and it was very sticky.

After crushing it, he threw it into the refined crude oil together with the remaining residue and observed it carefully.

The crushed continuum fell into the finished crude oil, and did not sink to the bottom. It just floated on the surface and swayed around. After swaying for a few seconds, some fine impurities were automatically absorbed by its mucus. It is swaying, the larger the volume of this group of continuations.

After shaking for a few minutes, the follower became twice the size before it was put in, and then stopped growing, as if all the impurities that could be adsorbed had been adsorbed.

Chen Wangping reopened the properties of refined crude oil to view:

【Product Crude Oil☆】

【Usage: chemical raw material】

[Special effect-purity: pure crude oil is easier to process into high-quality products, and the quality of finished products is improved]

[Remarks: The effect of the follower seeds grown by yourself will be better]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping revealed a happy expression. This continuation child is a good thing. Not only is it easy to use, but the effect is also remarkable, and it instantly increased a star rating.

You must know that the quality of this barrel of refined crude oil has improved, so more than one or two copies can be processed.

Moreover, wild ones can raise one star, so if you grow them yourself, wouldn't the effect be better?

rush rush rush! All kinds!


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