Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 240: A rare opportunity

The purpose of farming in the wasteland is to save the first time in the wasteland. Chapter 240 The opportunity is rare and fast. Chen Wangping found the seeds of Xusuizi in the branches recovered by everyone.

The seeds of Xusuizi look a bit like the inside of a mangosteen. They are divided into several petals. The whole body is black and shiny, and it is obvious that the oil content is very high.

【Continued with the seeds】

[Plot required for planting: 1 oil plot]

【Result time: 30 days】

[Result frequency: single]

[Remarks: Continuum does not need light to grow, just need to absorb oil, whether it is waste or finished product]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

This Suizi is quite unfussy. He doesn't need sunlight, he just needs to draw oil.

In this way, so much waste oil in the channel or in the black oil ruins can be used to grow oil plants.

Perfect use.

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Tieniu also saw the joy on Chen Wangping's face, and immediately gathered everyone present to help salvage this special-shaped branch.

Although the two of them don't know what this thing is for, as long as the benefactor is happy.

With the help of everyone, Chen Wangping has harvested [Xu Suizi] × 48 and [Xu Suizi Seed × 22] in this wave, and he can plant a good wave when he goes back.

Everyone continued to train for an hour. Seeing that their bodies were about to lose their strength, they left the Heiyou Ruins together.

Before going out, Chen Wangping specially sent the golden eagle to take a look at the situation nearby, but there was no one around the black oil ruins.

Just when he felt strange, the communicator rang again.

After being connected, Tang Xihe said anxiously: "Brother Ping, don't stay in the black oil ruins for a long time, just now Fang don't release the news, saying that tomorrow he will lead the team to explore the black oil ruins in person, and he also said that the onlookers died and saw a murderer. One, please leave quickly."

Chen Wangping smiled and comforted: "I just said why there were no people outside when I came out, so please don't help me drive them away, next time I meet you, thank him well, don't worry, we'll leave now. ."

Tang Xihe breathed a sigh of relief, "The Black Knights and the Hunter Club have completely lost their power in Huo Niu City, but I got the news that the die-hard loyalists who are already rich in hunting rushed to the rest of the city to report the news, I don't know the hunter. Will the powerhouses from other cities rush over, it would be great if they could fight and lose both.”

Chen Wangping shook his head and said, "That's all for later. If there is no benefit, the people from the rest of the city will not come over to confront Fang Bie. If you want to kill Fang Bie, you can only rely on yourself."

Tang Xihe agreed: "That's right, then you can go back quickly, I will continue to practice, I feel that it won't take long before I can break through to the fourth level, you have to work hard!"

Chen Wangping smiled, "Don't worry, I won't be slower than you."

After hanging up the communication, the group quickly left here in a truck, and before leaving, they deliberately cleaned up to cover up the traces.

After returning to the No. 7 mine, Chen Wangping set aside a shelter for them to rest in the back mountain, and then connected the wires and water pipes.

The beds and furniture were directly arranged to be processed with wood on the manufacturing table, and a large number of natural and pollution-free log beds with zero formaldehyde were quickly created.

It's a pity that the mattress is still not processed, whether it is palm or latex.

You can't make a pile of springs wrapped in cloth as a mattress.

Fortunately, the people of the volcano tribe are not picky people. They are very happy to see such a convenient electric light and a water source that can be easily reached.

Xiao Tieniu laughed while taking a bath, "Benefactor, you are so good! You don't have to water yourself when you take a shower, it's so comfortable."

Xiao Yuan also agreed: "Brother Chen, you are more comfortable than in Huo Niu City. No wonder you don't live in the city. Water and electricity are so convenient."

Only then did Chen Wangping realize that he hadn't considered the issue of water and electricity for the Volcano tribe before.

Mainly because I am used to using it every day, I can't imagine the usual living conditions of the people of the volcano tribe.

He smiled and said, "Xiao Yuan, after I'm done working for a while, I'll also think of a way. First, water the tribe to make life easier for everyone."

Hearing this, Xiao Yuan was moved: "Brother Chen, I will thank you for everyone in the tribe first, don't worry, now that we are in good health, more and more sulfur mines must be dug."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "Don't talk about that, just eat something to sleep and rest early, and don't go to the Heiyou Ruins tomorrow, you all should be ready for battle at any time."

Everyone in the volcano tribe immediately patted their chests and shouted: "Yes!", all of them were very imposing.

Back at the base, Chen Wangping glanced at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

If Fang Bie entered the black oil ruins tomorrow morning, it would be exactly eight hours in the past.

He wanted to stay up all night to condense a reduced version of the lightning energy rockets, and take the four rockets to solve the problem.

But just as he was about to start condensing, Chen Wangping felt Shentan trembling violently, and there was pain in his head. He shook his head violently, walked to the faucet, washed his face, and calmed himself down.


You can't be so impulsive.

Today, I tried to visualize the rockets for a long time. In addition, I stayed in the black oil ruins for so long. Now I am at the most exhausted time, both mentally and physically. If I stay up all night and condense the rockets all night, then The odds of winning the battle are very low.

He returned to the bed and reflected on his own: "The successive victories have made me a little buoyant, that side might have already reached the fifth level, and now he is secretive, so he simply let him fish in the black oil ruins first. Get something and talk about it."

As for now, I'd better go to sleep to restore my spirit and physical strength. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At this moment.

In the main mansion of the outer city, Fang Bie was sitting on the front chair with blood all over his body, and Xiao Fang and Yuan Kong were sitting on either side.

Fang Bie waved his hand, indicating that the kitchen was ready to serve food. He turned his head and asked, "Xiao Fang, how was the injury of the giant octopus king before you left?"

Xiao Fang didn't dare to think too much, and immediately replied: "I was hit by a relic weapon, but it doesn't look like the injury is very serious, and the counterattack is very powerful."

Yuan Kong smiled and said: "City lord, you are so powerful now that entering the black oil ruins to kill them must be like chopping melons and vegetables. Even money hunting can't stop you."

After listening to the confidant's praise, and the power of today's day, Fang Bian smiled rarely, took a sip of the wine glass, and said with a smile: "Actually, I want to continue to keep a low profile, but there is no way, people are good by People are bullying, I can only kill them all, Xiao Fang, how did you get today?"

Xiao Fanghui reported: "It is still being counted. At present, more than 30,000 gold coins have been harvested from Huo Niu City, and there are more than a thousand copies of food, armor and weapons that they are preparing to lay down the ruins. There are 112 sets of A, 8 sets of energy cannons from the Hunter Club, a total of 22 rounds of various cannonballs, and some special gains.”

Fang Bie nodded with satisfaction, "Don't rush to bring them, these are all good things, and we'll talk about the situation of the black oil ruins tomorrow."

Xiao Fang felt relieved after hearing this, but fortunately, Fang didn't want to be a big boss at this time, and didn't plan to use these resources immediately.

At this moment, he was secretly anxious, thinking that he had to find an opportunity to pass the news to Brother Chen. The best thing to do is to seize the opportunity of Fang Bie's entrustment tomorrow, without energy cannonballs, and kill him in one fell swoop.

But time is so tight, does Brother Chen have time?


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