Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 241: Electromagnetic shock harpoon!

the next day.

Before Chen Wangping opened his eyes, he heard the sound of the communicator and reached out to pick it up.

Xiao Fang's deliberately lowered voice immediately came: "Brother Chen, I haven't found a chance at night. Now Fang don't let me come out and order troops to have a chance to communicate. To make a long story short, I found more than 20 energy cannons in the hunter's club's lair yesterday, but He doesn't plan to bring it in today, it's an opportunity, the other party's strength should be stable at the fifth level, completely crushing the fourth-level powerhouse, don't do it rashly, we expect to enter at noon, that's all."

After hurriedly speaking, Xiao Fang hung up the communication.

Chen Wangping frowned, Fang Bie was already level five.

This is a little troublesome.

As for the twenty-odd energy cannons that Xiao Fang mentioned, he was also a little worried.

Chen Wangping had also seen the power of the energy cannon. If he was hit, he would have to take off half of his skin if he didn't die.

"No, Fang Bie can't be so easy to explore, he has to use up the energy cannon."

Chen Wangping thought for a while, came up with a plan, got up and took a picture of the radio:

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow there will be thunderstorms near Huo Niu City, with a wind force of 2 to 3

【Tips for Wasteland】

Try to upgrade the life technology tree, it will bring you some surprises.

【Indescribable Tips】

The greater the risk, the greater the reward

【The sound of the wind】

"Second brother, isn't this one of yours? Why did you jump like this all of a sudden? Did you signal it?"

"Of course, how would he dare to do this without my permission? First, clear the power of Huoniu City, so that Tang Huoniu will be left alone."

"I didn't expect that second child, you still have this level of calculation. Why don't you call him back. Together the three of us, we can conquer Huo Niu City abruptly, how about it?"

"Thirdest, I don't need you to dictate my affairs, I have my own calculations."

"Haha, second child, second child, pretending to be a paper tiger with me, then don't listen to you at all now, you can't call back, you trash."


After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping turned to look in the direction of the Lingdian and shook his head.

Don't look at the radio, the two of them were arguing as if they were about to fight.

But if you really did it yourself, the two would still be together.

Leave them alone, take advantage of Fang Bie's attention, and hurry up to develop.

Since the wasteland tips say to try the life technology tree, then just try it.

He looked at the rain outside, walked to the life crystal manufacturing table, and took down the life crystals he made yesterday.

Opening the technology tree, Chen Wangping thought about it.

Agriculture and animal husbandry should be of little help now.

Since there are many oil field environments in the black oil ruins, maybe fishery technology will have miraculous effects.

Just upgrade this to see.

After spending 500 first-level life crystals, the fishery technology tree lights up one level higher, and lines of prompts appear:

[Congratulations on your successful upgrade of fishery technology]

[You have unlocked the fishery series [Self-filtering diving suit] blueprint, [Underwater Illuminator] blueprint, [Electromagnetic Shock Harpoon] blueprint]

Looking at the three new blueprints that appeared, Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, "Electromagnetic shock harpoon? Fishery Technology has developed a close-up weapon?"

He was overjoyed, and immediately clicked on the drawing of the electromagnetic shock harpoon to check:

【Electromagnetic Shock Harpoon】

【Material: 【Steel Plate】×5, 【Circuit Board】×2, 【Magnetic Coil】×30, 【Battery】×5, 【Copper Plate】×5】

【Building method: Manual】

【Remarks: The electromagnetic shock harpoon made by yourself is more convenient】

"There are actually five batteries in the building material?"

Chen Wangping didn't look at the other drawings for the time being. He simply took out all the materials and started to build them by hand according to the method on the drawings. Considering the electrical conductivity problem, he deliberately took out the red copper plate.

When determining the length, he deliberately set the length of the harpoon to two meters two, so that it can be used as a gun to poke.

One inch long and one inch strong.

And he doesn't worry about others robbing the harpoon with electromagnetic effect, the electricity is over.

After working for a full hour, with the disappearance of the light blue light, an electromagnetic vibrating harpoon about two meters long slowly appeared. The whole body of the harpoon was dark black. The front opening was similar to that of a trident. There is not much space between the forks, just enough to be used for discharge. There is an inconspicuous button at the handshake. I don't know the use for the time being. It is heavy and imposing.

【Electromagnetic Shock Harpoon☆☆】

【Use: Melee weapon】

[Current attack form: no shock]

[Special effect-conductivity: After the lightning energy is injected, the electromagnetic oscillating harpoon has an electric field within 30 centimeters of the whole body. When attacking, it can conduct conductive attacks through any conductor]

[Special effect-electric shock: After injecting lightning energy, the head end of the electromagnetic shock harpoon will release high-energy current, causing electric shock damage]

[Special effect - Electromagnetic shock: After the shock mode is turned on, the head end of the electromagnetic shock harpoon will vibrate at a high frequency, generating shock waves in the water, causing stun damage to the fish]

【Durability: 3000/3000】

[Remarks: The built-in battery capacity of the electromagnetic shock harpoon is small, and it is recommended to continuously inject electricity when using it]

"Conduction, shock, these two special effects are all practical!"

Chen Wangping held the electromagnetic shock harpoon in both hands, walked to the entrance of the cave, and pressed the electromagnetic shock button.


With the buzzing sound, the head end of the electromagnetic vibrating harpoon suddenly became blurred. Looking closely, the harpoon at the head end was oscillating rapidly at a high frequency at this time, just because the oscillation frequency was too high~www.readwn.com~ If the naked eye does not catch it in time, it will be very blurry.

Chen Wangping set up an electromagnetic vibrating harpoon and gently poked it towards the rock wall beside him.


As soon as the electromagnetic vibration harpoon touched the rock wall, it made a collision sound, and it shook countless stone powders. Within a few seconds, the electromagnetic vibration harpoon sank deeply into the rock wall, and the speed was very fast, and the edge of the immersion was very smooth. , it is hard to imagine that this is a trace inserted with a harpoon.

[Insufficient energy, please replenish in time]

Looking at the prompt that appeared on the electromagnetic shock harpoon, Chen Wangping hurriedly injected lightning energy.


Just like the description of the special effect, after the energy is injected, an invisible electric field lingers on the harpoon, and the dead leaves blown by the wind are instantly scorched.

Immediately afterwards, the tip of the harpoon also began to discharge, and sizzling electric snakes lingered between them.

He once again stabbed the rock wall with his harpoon.

"Clap clap"

The electric current blasts away the nearby dust and gravel in an instant, and the conductivity is very high.

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, and he deliberately raised his hand and threw a few electric arrows to test it.

From the results, under the same energy, the power of harpoon conduction is higher, which also means that the energy loss is smaller.

Think about it too, the conductivity of metal must be much higher than that of air, and its power will naturally be greater.

After seeing the effect, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "With this good thing, the odds of winning will be even greater."

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