Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 242: Created with wisdom, sun fish scales

Holding the electromagnetic vibrating harpoon, Chen Wangping turned to look at the drawings of the [self-filtering diving suit].

【Self-filtering diving suit】

【Use: filter air in water】

【Materials: 【Animal Skin】×5, 【Charcoal】×20, 【Fish】×5, 【Plant Fiber】×10】

[Note: It can help you move more freely underwater]

"Do you need charcoal to create materials? Is it possible to use the adsorption principle of charcoal for filtering?"

Chen Wangping glanced at the materials, flipped through the storage compartment, found the fire cow hide obtained from cutting the fire cow before, and placed it on the manufacturing table together with the Wugang oak charcoal.

When putting the fish, he thought about it, took out the blind bass that had not been used for a long time, and threw it into it.

The final plant fiber is the mugwort plant.

This kind of combination is all considered for the two points of underwater movement and filtering, and it must be very effective.

When he called out the blueprint, just when he was about to click to create, a more intense silver light appeared on the life crystal manufacturing table that was glowing with silver light and awakened intelligence. This light condensed and did not disperse. Very.

A few seconds later, the light merged into the manufacturing table, turning the entire manufacturing table silver.

【The wisdom of the manufacturing station has been successfully germinated】

[Additional special effects-intelligent creation: the best match will be made according to the characteristics of the materials invested, and reasonable prompts will be given in combination with the current territory materials]

[Remarks: The higher the frequency of wisdom creation, the easier it is for other equipment to germinate wisdom characteristics]

Chen Wangping walked to the manufacturing table, reached out and touched it, and found that even the table surface became much smoother after awakening the new special effects. He looked at the prompt, and simply took the materials and put them on the manufacturing table, and chose self-filtering diving. Click to create the blueprint of the suit.

And this time, after clicking Build, the manufacturing platform didn't rush to build it. I saw a silver light emerging from the robotic arm, sweeping towards the placed materials.

After scanning back and forth twice, a line of prompts appeared on the manufacturing table:

[It is recommended to add ten additional sun fish scales to improve the endurance effect of the crafted item]

Chen Wangping was a little puzzled, he turned over the storage compartment, and he still hadn't obtained the sun fish scales.

He walked to the fish pond and stretched out his head to look. Only then did he find that there were many sun fish scales shining in the sun at the bottom of the fish pond. Each fish scale was the size of a thumb and looked very gorgeous.

Carp King Miao noticed Chen Wangping's gaze, flicked his tail, and threw out a few bubbles. He wrapped the sunfish scales in the bubbles and floated to the surface, and said to Chen Wangping, "Ping brother, please use it, these sunfish friends. It was also just two days ago that it started to shed its scales, and the output was not much.

Chen Wangping reached out and touched the king carp seedlings and counted them. There were twelve sun fish scales in total, which was enough for this time. He picked up a sun fish scale to check the properties:

【Sun Fish Scale】

【Use: to create materials】

[Special Effects - Radiance: The equipment created by adding the sun fish scales has a chance to have the effect of light energy, which can improve the durability of the equipment by absorbing the light]

[Note: Sunfish scales are only suitable for some instruments]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping was very satisfied.

This fish is really not in vain. The scales produced are really good, and there is a chance to add additional special effects.

Just when he was about to use the sun fish scales, he suddenly saw two sun fish scales that were extra dazzling.

what is this?

Chen Wangping picked up the two sun fish scales to check, and found that they both had stars.

The description of the accompanying radiance effect has also changed from having a chance to appear to a medium chance of appearing the effect of light energy.

Look at the remarks:

[Remarks: Sunfish with serious exercise can produce higher quality sunfish scales]

Chen Wangping's hand trembled slightly as he touched King Carp Miao.


I fish, and this sunfish also fishes.

Among the sunfish co-authored to go to work, only two fish seriously radiated light, which produced high-quality sunfish scales.

Everyone else is fishing.

Chen Wangping instructed Little Tiemu to let him pay attention to see which sunfish are fishing, and come back at night to clean up.

Walking to the manufacturing table, he put the materials in and re-selected to build.

[The self-filtering diving suit is being built, it is estimated that it will take half an hour]

"The speed of building this thing is quite fast."

Chen Wangping called out the last drawing, and the underwater illuminator looked at it:

【Underwater Illuminator】

【Use: Omitted】

【Material: 【Steel Plate】×1, 【Battery】×2, 【Light Emitting Semiconductor】×1】

[Note: It can provide you with light]

"Underwater illuminator? If this thing is placed in the water, can it attract those fish that like light?"

Chen Wangping was a little moved, and he was looking forward to the effect of this thing.

He rummaged through the storage compartment to find out the steel plate and batteries and put them away. As for the light-emitting semiconductor, he found a few broken light bulbs that he had picked up in the black oil ruins and disassembled them.

The shell of this bulb is damaged, only the filament inside is not damaged, it should be usable when it is removed.

After a while, Chen Wangping found a perfect filament with systematic light ~www.readwn.com~ and placed it on the manufacturing table along with the rest of the materials, and clicked to create.

[Underwater illuminator is under construction, it is estimated that it will take ten minutes]

After arranging this, he was about to rest for a while, but when he turned his head, he saw King Carp Miao lying on the edge of the fish pond peeking at him.

Seeing that Chen Wangping found it, it didn't hide. He said that the house was a little stuffy and wanted to go out to get some air.

Chen Wangping walked over and said with a smile, "It's very dangerous outside, there's a lot of fighting." After speaking, he simply took out a tentacle of a giant octopus king and shook it, frighteningly said: "See, the enemy outside is very powerful. , you may be eaten if you are not careful, you should just stay at home honestly."

The little carp shook its tail in dissatisfaction, and turned his head to hum, saying what is there to be afraid of such a big stupid fish! If it is close, it can't even break through my power.

After speaking, the king carp fry waved his fins, and a very domineering power suddenly emerged from his body.

When this power shocked Chen Wangping, it even made his heart tremble. He subconsciously made preparations for battle, and the energy of lightning surged all over his body.

When he came back to his senses, Chen Wangping controlled his energy, and with some doubts, he called out the attributes of the king carp seedlings and looked at them. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that the king carp seedlings had a powerful special effect at some point.

[Special effect-power: During the battle, it can suppress non-royal aquatic creatures, cause mental damage, and have a chance to temporarily control their actions and behaviors. 】

[Remarks: The king carp seedlings that have recovered their origin finally brewed a trace of the king's spirit, ignoring the siege of low-level aquatic creatures]

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