Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 245: milky white sap

At this moment, Fang Bie was in a good mood. Looking at the black oil ruins guarded by his own people, he nodded with satisfaction.

After so many years, I can finally explore the black oil ruins alone!

Qian Hunting, Liu Yuwang, I hope you are still exploring inside, I'm here to pick peaches, hahaha!

After walking to the entrance passage, he raised his hands, and the palms continued to emit violent fluctuations, instantly blasting all the soil above the entrance, and directly releasing the poisonous gas accumulated here to the outside world.

As for the remaining poisonous gas, Fang Bie was covered with energy, and he used the power of vibration to quickly shake the poisonous gas into the sky, forcibly clearing a safe passage to enter.

"Xiao Fang, Yuan Kong, come in with me."


Seeing Fang Bie's happy look, Xiao Fang was full of worry. He has no chance to communicate now. I wonder if Brother Chen has any preparations.

He knew that the black oil ruins were empty now, and there was nothing to stop him.

With complicated thoughts, Xiao Fang followed Fang Bie into the passage of the black oil ruins.

After arriving at the square, Xiao Fang looked around and found that Chen Wangping was not here, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next second, he sucked in a breath of cold air, raised his finger to the front, and said in horror from the bottom of his heart: "City Lord, look at what that is."

On the black oil 100 meters away, ten large adult octopuses like hills attacked the crowd aggressively, making it terrifying.

Looking at the huge large adult octopus, Xiao Fang came back to his senses and was ecstatic.

Even when the giant octopus king was about to die, he had never seen such a large octopus before. These are definitely not the original ruins.

In this way, these large octopuses must have been created by Brother Chen later.

As expected of Brother Chen, he can even catalyze the production of large octopuses!

so amazing!

Contrary to Xiao Fang's happiness, Fang Bie's face changed immediately as he was facing a formidable enemy.

He immediately raised his hand and slapped the large octopus in the air.

Usually, a few slaps on a third-level powerhouse can knock them down and vomit blood.

But these slaps hit the adult octopus, but it only broke a tentacle. The large octopus didn't seem to suffer any injuries, and still aggressively slapped the other troops.


The large octopus quickly approached the square. They kept in mind Chen Wangping's idea of ​​implanting the little carp, and frantically stretched out hundreds of tentacles, slashing towards the crowd.

"All defense!"

Fang Bie shouted, jumped into the air, changed his grasp, and hit the head of the large octopus in the air. Every punch created a white fist in the air, with amazing power.

This is a cannon punch that he has practiced for many years. It can be combined with his vibration ability to hit the enemy from the air. Although it consumes a lot of money, it is very powerful. It was the trick that he used to kill the elders of the Black Knights earlier.

However, before the cannon punch hit the head of the large octopus, it was triggered in advance by the tentacles, and it snapped off seven or eight tentacles. The power was really impressive.

But it was useless. There were still a lot of tentacles left, and when they were pulled on Fang Bei's troops, they instantly swept away a large number of soldiers. Immediately after the tentacles rolled, they were immediately involved in the black oil, and the solution was instantly resolved.

Even these soldiers were not given a chance to use their abilities.

Fang Bie secretly thought something was wrong, and scolded: "Xiao Fang, didn't you say there is only one giant octopus king here! How can there be so many?"

Xiao Fang had already prepared the draft, and immediately replied: "Sir, this is not a giant octopus king, it's just a giant octopus. The giant octopus king is bigger than these, you can tell by looking at the traces of the tentacles on the shore." Gu.

"What? Isn't this the giant octopus king?"

Fang Bie turned his head to look at the traces on the shore, and indeed found that the traces were wider than these large octopus tentacles.

He secretly thought that it was not good, thinking that large octopuses are so fierce, what if the giant octopus king appeared?

I saw Fang Bie flying forward and exhorting: "I'll stop the first few, you fight back while you fight, and let the people outside bring the energy cannons and energy cannonballs over."


In fact, Fang Bie originally wanted to keep energy cannonballs as his trump card to protect his nest. After all, he had killed so many people, so he always had to guard against their counterattacks.

But now I can't keep it, I have to get the energy cannon.

He had never seen such a large beast appear in the ruins.

There must be treasures in this black oil ruins! Must be attacked!

Seeing Fang Bie's impending victory, Xiao Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated towards the entrance.

At this moment.

Chen Wangping was holding the little carp with his hands, sitting on the golden eagle and taking a ride in the dusk forest.

After staying in the black oil ruins for too long, coming out and blowing the air can clear up your thoughts.

Fang Bie has the shock ability, so adult octopuses can use the advantages of mollusks to resist, so how should I prepare in advance?

Vibration, if you are restrained, you should use shock absorption.

What shock absorber do you use?

Looking at the lush trees in the sky below, he suddenly got an inspiration, lowered his head and asked Jin Diao: "Brother Diao, when you were running around in the forest before, did you see trees with white milky milk left on the bark? "

The golden eagle thought about it for a while~www.readwn.com~ shook his head and said that he had never seen it before. It was only thinking of revenge and devouring in the dusk forest before, and didn't pay much attention to the condition of the trees.

Hearing Chen Wangping's words, the King Carp Miao raised her fins instead, and said that I had seen Brother Ping Ping before. When he and Grandpa Jiang She escaped through the stream before, he saw a tree whose bark was oozing milky white liquid.

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, he raised the king carp seedling, and touched it lightly: "Little carp, you are really lucky carp, let's go, let's find that tree first."

The golden eagle is also very curious, can trees exude milky white liquid?

Milk is also milky white, so isn't this sap also as delicious as milk?

It was full of energy, and quickly fluttered its wings and rushed towards the vicinity of the stream.

After a while, Chen Wangping arrived at the place where King Carp Miao passed by.

By the stream, this lush tree is thirty or forty meters high, with rough skin, gray-brown fruits hanging on it, and a lot of fluff inside. Some kind of large alien scratched the bark.

At this time, a thick layer of pale yellow solid has solidified at the scratched position, and there are many fallen leaves and animal hairs on it.

Seeing the solid, Chen Wangping jumped down with joy, took out his knife and aimed it at the bark and cut it vertically downwards.

Along with the knife marks, streams of radiant milky white liquid quickly flowed out.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, took out the container and connected it.

Now, don't let Fang die.

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