Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 246: Excellent performance!

The golden eagle did not understand what this thing was at this time.

Seeing that Chen Wangping had collected it in the past, it thought it was a good thing, and immediately flew happily to the tree next to it, scratching on the tree with a few claws, scratching a pile of milky white liquid, bowing its head and about to bite it.

Chen Wangping didn't pay attention, the golden eagle had already taken a full mouth and was just about to swallow it.

He hurriedly shouted: "Wait, don't eat it, it's rubber, it's made with force, you can't eat it."

Jin Diao froze for a moment, looked up at Chen Wangping with an aggrieved face, opened his mouth to spit out the large lump of rubber stock solution, and stood beside him grumbling, thinking that it was no wonder that this thing was so unpalatable, with an astringent taste.

Chen Wangping reluctantly touched the head of the golden eagle and warned, "Don't worry, I'll bake some fish for you when I get home. This rubber stock solution is used to deal with other things. Help me find some traces and put these buckets away. full.

After listening to the King Carp Miao, he leaned on the edge of the water box curiously and looked at it.

Chen Wang flatly packed a bucket of rubber stock solution, and looked forward to putting it in the storage compartment to check the properties:

【Natural rubber stock solution☆】

【Use: make rubber】

[Special effect-purity: The first batch of rubber stock solution that has not been collected can produce higher quality rubber]

【Remarks: Natural rubber stock solution can be turned into natural rubber only after simple processing】

That's it, natural rubber!

The shock absorption effect of natural rubber is full, and it is also convenient to process.

Not to mention processing it into armor, just processing it into a whole big cover is enough to block a lot of vibrations!

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "I didn't expect that the natural rubber stock solution here still has stars, and the quality is very good."

It seems that no one has come to collect rubber. These rubber trees may have grown for hundreds of years, and each of them produces a lot of rubber. Every rubber tapping port continuously produces natural rubber stock solution.

He and Jindiao had a busy meal, and spent two hours collecting thirty-three barrels of natural rubber stock solution. After cutting it, the rate of rubber production from these trees also slowed down.

Because he was worried that other people would pass by, Chen Wangping didn't leave any buckets behind, and followed the golden eagle to mend the wounds to cover up the traces.

In fact, he really wanted to cut down a few trees to see if the saplings would explode, but it would take time for the saplings to grow to the point of rubber production. Second, the quality of these rubber trees is very high, so it would be too wasteful to cut them directly.

Simply put some effort into tapping the glue yourself, and then cut it after no glue can be produced.

Putting away the natural rubber stock solution, Chen Wangping rushed back to the base in a good mood.

After arriving at the base, it was already dark.

As soon as the golden eagle landed, it beeped to indicate that it was very hungry, very hungry, and wanted to eat delicious food!

Chen Wangping smiled, set up a charcoal fire, took a few fish and spread the seasoning on it.

After finishing this, he walked to the manufacturing station that had germinated wisdom, took out a bucket of natural rubber stock solution and put it on it, trying to let it analyze.

After the placement, the silver light on the manufacturing table flickered, and the light constantly scanned the natural rubber stock solution, and soon a line of prompts appeared:

[The analysis is successful, and the finished natural rubber can be manufactured]

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction and clicked the build button.

【It is estimated that it will take half an hour during the processing of finished natural rubber】

"This little thing is very fast to process. After you have natural rubber, you can sleep on a latex pillow in the future, and you can even try to make a pure latex mattress."

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction. Yesterday, he thought he had nothing to make a mattress, but today he found a rubber tree.

After waiting for half an hour, a large piece of milky white natural rubber slowly appeared at the outlet.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to pick it up and check the properties:

【Finished natural rubber☆】

【Usage: Raw materials for manufactured products】

【Special effect-buffering: natural rubber has a strong buffering force】

[Special effects - fragrance: natural rubber that has undergone simple processing has a fragrance that can greatly improve sleep quality]

【Remarks: Natural rubber is not suitable for complex processing】

After reading the properties, he picked up the natural rubber and smelled it. Sure enough, he smelled a faint fragrance, and it felt quite good when pressed.

Chen Wangping put the large block of 40 cm thick natural rubber on the ground, raised his fist and smashed it down hard.


The fist hit the rubber block, and the projectile it hit flew to the side. The force was not fully released at all, and there was no trace on the ground.

Looking at the natural rubber block, there is only a fist mark, and the structure has not been damaged. It has completely withstood the force of the frontal attack, and its performance is very excellent.

Of course, Chen Wangping also knew the shortcomings of natural rubber blocks. He cut a piece of natural rubber and tried to burn it with a flame. As soon as it was heated, he smelled a burning smell, which soon turned into a mass of coke.

"It seems that you should be careful not to touch the high temperature when fighting. This thing will be useless once it burns at high temperature."

In addition to being afraid of high temperature, he raised his hand and released an electric arrow with 200 points of lightning energy towards the natural rubber block.


The electric arrow with 200 points of energy failed to break through the insulation of the natural rubber block, and was blocked in front by it, and had no choice but to explode.

Chen Wangping frowned~www.readwn.com~ increased the lightning energy little by little, and finally tested that it would take at least 2,000 points of lightning energy to penetrate a 40 cm thick block of natural rubber.

He thought silently in his heart, "It seems that the natural rubber tree must be kept secret, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is used by the enemy to make special insulating armor."

Of course, this is something that will happen later. At least in the current situation, even the spiritual hall has not been able to discover the insulating properties of natural rubber. In the previous battles, they only used wood as an insulating material.

The purpose of this thing is not so easy to imagine.

After researching this material, Chen Wangping walked to the manufacturing platform and quickly drew a few drawings. One was a humanoid 50 cm thick and bulky outer armor. This thing is used for long-range defense against shock power and has little flexibility. , the inside is rubber, the outside is fire cowhide, and the other is a ten-centimeter-thick rubber filler block, which is stuffed into the gap of the water turtle shell before the battle. It does not affect the flexibility of the battle. It is regarded as the inner armor. The remaining two Zhang is a latex pillow and a latex mattress, you can try it out tonight.

The silver light flickered, and the manufacturing table began to process according to the blueprint.

Chen Wangping was also busy and hungry, so he walked over to the charcoal fire to pick up the grilled fish and ate it slowly.

After eating and drinking, he took out the Spirit Summoning Potion and used it in combination with the tonic, trying to improve his strength, thinking silently in his heart: "I don't know if I can get the silicon plate after killing Fang Bie, if not, We have to start with the spirit hall earlier, after all, we have to hurry up with the second-level mechanical crystal, and hurry up and click on the fourth-level weapon technology tree to visualize."

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