Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 251: Don't kill!

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

As soon as Chen Wangping saw the smile on Fang Bie's face, he immediately realized something was wrong. He raised his hand and stabbed the harpoon several times, completely emptying Fang Bie's health.

At this moment, Fang Bie's body fell down, but a spiritual body exactly like him emerged from his corpse.

What's even more bizarre is that the whole body of this spiritual body is flickering with illusory shadows, a little like staring at the fan blades, as if the whole body is constantly vibrating, and the whole body is full of energy!

After seeing this scene, Chen Wangping had expected it in his heart. He pulled out a huge thunder cage with both hands and smashed it towards Fang Bie.

But the original Outer City Lord soldiers who saw this scene on the ground were in a state of collapse. They were shocked and angry. They raised their guns and attacked Fang Bie more violently.

"Spiritual Hall! This is the person in the spiritual hall!"

"City Lord Fang is actually a person from the Spirit Hall!"

"Damn it, my family was killed by the Lingdian!"

"Kill him to death!"

When Chen Wangping saw this scene, he immediately said loudly: "Everyone has seen it, this is the real traitor! Xiao Fang has been in ambush for many years, just to reveal the true face of this lackey in the Spirit Hall!"

Hearing Chen Wangping's words, Xiao Fang's nose felt a little sour, and he could see that the doubts in the eyes of the competent subordinates beside him were much less, instead he was full of admiration.

He never thought that Chen Wangping would not forget to help him straighten his image and restore his reputation in the face of the enemy.

Xiao Fang silently made up his mind in his heart, wait for Fang not to die, he must control all the troops of the outer city master's mansion, and fight for Brother Chen wholeheartedly!

A few seconds later, the spiritual body Fang didn't look down at the state of his body. He first stretched out his hand in satisfaction to feel it, then frantically looked forward and said, "Chen Wangping! Thinking of using it on your body today, fortunately your body is not bad, it can make up for some of my losses."

Chen Wangping snorted coldly, no wonder Fang don't give up resistance, co-authoring with him is to preserve his energy as much as possible, and use it to concentrate on the spiritual body.

But is the spiritual body useful?

In the blink of an eye, the thunder cage in Chen Wangping's hand smashed into Fang Bie's spiritual body. As soon as he approached it, his spiritual body trembled violently, which was obviously greatly affected.

But at this time, Fang Bie didn't stay at all, his body slipped out like a fish, very flexible.

His combat experience is much better than those in the previous spiritual halls. Knowing that Chen Wangping's thunder and lightning ability is to restrain himself, he simply does not fight directly, and mainly adopts guerrilla warfare.

Slip into the air, Fang Bie turned his head and glanced at the soldiers who were still shooting at him. His eyes were full of disdain. I saw him raise his hand and aim at the soldiers who were continuing to shoot.

But in the next second, all the soldiers in the front row seemed to have been blown up alive. They exploded on the spot, blood all over their bodies flying around, and the tragic scene immediately scared the soldiers behind. .

Immediately afterwards, Fang Bie smashed Chen Wangping with a fist from a distance.


Chen Wangping suddenly felt as if he had suffered a heavy hammer on his chest, and smashed him three or four steps backwards, his HP was madly draining more than 900 points. He secretly thought to himself, "What's the situation? After Fang Bie became a spiritual body, his ability to control supernatural powers has been enhanced?"

Before Chen Wangping could come up with a countermeasure, Fang Bie seemed to be moving faster than before, and erratically revolved around Chen Wangping, occasionally throwing punches at him, even if he was weakened by 6%. Ten, the damage is still very high.

In just a few seconds, Chen Wangping's counterattack hit a loach-like square in just a few seconds.

But Fang Bie punched Chen Wangping four or five times like a punching bag.

Although the rubber outer armor can reduce the damage by 60%, it only helps Chen Wangping to be able to deal with the fifth-level side with the strength of the third-level.

If you want to defeat Fangfei, just relying on rubber armor is not enough!

Fang Bie surrounded Chen Wangping like a ghost, smashing his fists from a distance and laughing loudly: "If you insist on forcing me, I am in the mid-fifth level in this state! What are you using to fight me? Honestly. , maybe I can keep a whole corpse of you." After finishing speaking, he slammed another punch at Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping knew that this was not the way to go. If he continued to consume it, he would be beaten to death. If it weren't for the extra 1,000 HP that he was super strong, he would now have to think about running away.

He raised his head and glanced at the golden eagle, then suddenly turned and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

Seeing Chen Wangping's embarrassed appearance, Fang Bie felt that his revenge had been avenged, and said with an angry smile: "Haha, it's useless, I am invincible in spirit and body!" After speaking, he continued to follow and found Chen Wangping. When his feet slipped on the black oil, he raised his hand and punched Chen Wangping again.

But as everyone knows, this is a flaw that Chen Wangping deliberately sold!

At this moment, the golden eagle in the air roared angrily, shrank its claws, and shrunk its body into a streamlined shape, with its wings lingering with a milky white airflow that seemed to be real, don't grab it.

Fang Bie glanced at the golden eagle's attack, ignored it directly, and continued to smash his fist.

Relying on his spiritual body, he didn't pay any attention to the physical attack of the golden eagle at all.

Chen Wangping on the ground also turned around suddenly, only to see the sleeves in his hands crack open, and a fishing rod with a miniature transparent bait suddenly poked in the direction at a very fast speed.

"Give me death!"

Chen Wangping shook his wrist violently, grabbed the special soul bait and touched Fang Bei in an instant, shattering it.


The soul bait exploded in the air like a crystal, and the scattered starlight instantly enveloped Fang Bie, putting a transparent cover on him.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Bie's mental body uncontrollably slid down toward the ground at an extremely fast speed.

"What the **** is this!"

Fang Bie was terrified and wanted to control the power to lift himself up, but he found that he could only mobilize the power of shock in his body, and he couldn't control the power of shock at all. Valley

Can't beat it with force!

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, the secret passage really worked!

As early as when he got the soul bait, he discovered that the description of the soul bait didn't just say fish, but prey.

As long as it is an enemy, it is a prey!

He delayed for dozens of seconds just to meet the conditions for using soul bait.

Now that he used it, Fang Bie was in a situation where he couldn't use his skills!

Ten seconds is enough to kill him!

Chen Wangping let out a long whistle, his fists suddenly raised, his body was surging with lightning power, and he slammed two punches directly at Fang Bie Mianmen.

But at this moment, Fang Bie was not afraid at all. He was experienced. In just a few seconds, he felt that the energy that bound him was rapidly diminishing, and in a few seconds, he would be able to get out of trouble.

At that time, the winner is still himself!

In just six seconds, he, a third-level lightning power user, can still kill himself?

Fang Bie looked at Chen Wangping with a wicked smile, and said with a big laugh, "If I were you, I would take advantage of these few seconds to escape, and maybe I could win a piece of my life! Six seconds? You want to kill me too? Dreaming! "

Chen Wangping didn't talk to him, instead, a bear hugged Fang Bie.

The next second, the milky white airflow on the golden eagle's wings disappeared, revealing the hundreds of connected batteries on its back. Immediately after, it flapped its wings and threw the batteries around Chen Wangping, turning around and flying away.

Chen Wangping looked at the batteries around him and roared, "Six seconds? Three seconds is enough!".

"Zi La Z La Zi La"

I saw Chen Wangping's whole body flashing with light, and he was instantly connected to hundreds of batteries, releasing all the lightning energy in his body with a bang.

The black oil ruins instantly lit up!

The strong current is like substance, very dazzling. The thick Razer accompanied by the dense thunder cage instantly locks Fang Bie in it. The countless electromagnetic radiation makes Fang Bie's mental body sizzle like a fragment, and it flashes violently. .

"No—impossible! You—how could you release such a level of lightning! You are only level three!!"

Chen Wangping snorted coldly, "Do you understand that quantitative changes cause qualitative changes? Go to hell!"

"I'm not reconciled! I'm level five!"

After just two seconds, Fang Bie's mental body was like a snowman in the sun, melting quickly, and then dissolving in countless electric currents, leaving no trace, not even a single extra sentence.

At this moment, a line of words with lightning effects appeared floating.

[Lightning tender seedling energy storage upper limit +10%]

[Max HP+500]

Chen Wangping glanced at the prompt and smiled with satisfaction.

Although his whole body is now weak, and his skin is chapped again because he has been subjected to too much electric current, the harvest this time is also huge.

Not to mention that the golden eagle found an opportunity before, and has already obtained the space ring on Fang Bie's corpse. The double bonus of the upper limit of energy storage and the upper limit of life value alone is completely worth it!

10% energy storage cap!

Chen Wangping's lightning energy limit exceeded 19,000 points in an instant~www.readwn.com~ was only 800 points away from 20,000 points.

He could feel that 20,000 points was another threshold.

The upper limit of life value has also increased by 500 points, which is equivalent to one tenth.

In this way, even if the super strong special effects pass, the life guarantee is greatly improved.

After thinking about this, he put his hands down weakly and fell towards the ground.

Seeing this, the golden eagle flew over immediately, caught Chen Wangping, and flew out of the black oil ruins.

This was also explained by Chen Wangping before.

Once you encounter a situation where you lose your combat power, leave the Heiyou Ruins immediately and go back to the base to recover from your injuries.

After all, it is entirely possible that there are spies hiding in the Spirit Hall among these soldiers below, so be careful.

Xiao Fang watched the golden eagle fly outside, knowing what it meant, he was not in a hurry, turned around, and shouted at the soldiers: "Everyone, the dog of the Lingdian is now dead, our outer city master's mansion. It is also time to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and follow Chen, Chen, and Lord Chen together, for, for."

He didn't do anything for a long time.

When Chen Wangping heard this, he turned around and said with all his strength, "Everyone, let's fight for a better tomorrow together!"

Immediately, there were shouts everywhere in the black oil ruins:

"Fight for! A better tomorrow!"

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