Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 252: Check out the harvest! ☆☆☆ class treasure!

Fortunately, nothing happened on the way home.

The golden eagle was hidden in the clouds the whole time, and the speed was extremely fast.

The current golden eagle does not seem to have improved its realm, but in fact, its ability to control wind and metal has improved a lot.

On the way back, it also knew that the control metal condensed into a semicircular cover to help Chen Wangping block the wind.

The ride experience is much better than before.

After returning to the base, Xiao Tiemu felt that Chen Wangping's breath was a little weak from a distance. He hurriedly stretched out a branch to catch Chen Wangping, and complained very much about himself. .

Thinking of this, Little Tiemu couldn't help but want to pull out his roots and practice his quick-moving skills.

Chen Wangping saw Xiao Tiemu's entanglement, and quickly reached out and touched the branches, smiling to stop him: "Don't worry, a hundred-year-old tree, you are only as old as you are, just grow slowly. It is also very important to protect the base camp. Once you have the source, you will not be able to commit it, and there will be battles in the future."

Xiao Tiemu heard Chen Wangping's comfort, so he nodded obediently, took root again, and used a branch to send Chen Wangping back to the mattress.

Chen Wangping touched the gum mattress under him, thinking that he could build more rubber armor and equip the rocket soldiers with it, which would definitely reduce some of the anti-shock force.

In this battle, the rocket soldiers played a very important role, and the work in the future battles will be more and more important.

After all, not all enemies need to use lightning energy rockets.

For most enemies, the rocket soldiers plus the standard rockets made by the manufacturing station are enough for them to drink a pot.

Soon, you will see it in the next battle against the Spirit Hall.

Leaning on the head of the bed, Chen Wangping drank the diluted fire source water and fire beef to recover from the injury. After waiting for the pain to subside, he eagerly took out Fang Zai's space ring and checked it.

People like Fang Bie might hide some things in the base camp at ordinary times.

But now the situation is so complicated, he helped Chen Wangping take the blame in just a few days and provoked so many enemies.

He definitely didn't dare to leave all his treasures in the base camp.

In this way, there must be a lot of good things in his space ring.

Chen Wangping's mental power didn't suffer any damage this time. He moved his Shentan slightly, mobilized a few condensed mental powers to drill into the space ring, and quickly broke through the traces of Fangbei and broke in.

Fang Bie is worthy of being a fifth-level powerhouse. After years of accumulation, even the space ring is much larger than others.

As soon as he entered, Chen Wangping immediately saw a thousand dan of grain. If he ate it sparingly, it would be enough for thousands of people to eat for half a month.

In addition to the food, there are also standard armors and relics of old-fashioned rifles, bullets, grenades and other weapons. Although the power is not comparable to those produced by Chen Wangping's manufacturing platform, it can just be used to arm the soldiers of the former outer city master's mansion.

Those soldiers haven't experienced much battle yet, and their loyalty is definitely not as good as those of the Volcano Tribe, and he doesn't worry about using the weapons produced by the manufacturing bench for them.

I just used these original relic weapons to fight a few battles first.

In addition to food and weapons, Fang Bie also stored more than 5,000 pieces of cotton-padded clothes. These cotton-padded clothes are not brand new, and they seem to be things he collected on purpose.

Chen Wangping frowned, turned his head and looked outside, feeling a little worried.

Fang Bie's character will not aim at nothing, why does he stock up so many cotton-padded clothes?

Could it be that he has some source of information? Will the winter near Huo Niu City be particularly cold this year?

Chen Wangping wrote this down, thinking that he should also prepare in advance.

In the wasteland winter in my memory, freezing to death is also the norm. With the white-haired disaster, no matter how strong you are, after a few hours of bone-piercing wind blowing past, all of them will turn into popsicles.

Can't be taken lightly.

Continuing to scroll down, Chen Wangping couldn't help but smile.

He finally saw the psionic crystal ball he wanted most!

In the corner of the space ring, thousands of empty psionic crystal **** are piled up in the corner, which seems to be used by Fang Bie a long time ago. Only a mere hundred or so.

But it doesn't matter. Chen Wangping is now considered to be 'returning pearls for caskets'. What he sees is the shell of the psionic crystal ball, not the psionic energy inside.

Because there were too many, he simply transferred all these psionic crystal **** to the storage compartment, and quickly counted them out. The total was [Psionic Crystal Ball (Empty)] × 1345, [Psionic Crystal Ball] × 105 .

Great harvest!

Chen Wangping looked at the distance, raised his hand and took out seven or eight conveyor belts from the storage compartment, laid them on the spot, guided the psionic crystal ball to the steel furnace, and smelted it directly into silicon plates for use.

He plans to use all of this batch of silicon plates to create secondary mechanical crystals, and to upgrade a wave of weapon technology as soon as possible.

"It is so difficult to create secondary mechanical crystals, so the technical blueprints that have been upgraded must be very good."

Chen Wangping continued to turn over contentedly.

After bypassing a pile of other personal junk, he found four or five energy cannons, but there were some cracks on them, which seemed to be damaged items.

The good energy cannons should still be in the black oil ruins, but Xiao Fang kept them.

"Energy cannon, unfortunately there is no energy bomb."

Chen Wangping was a little helpless. He successively cultivated more than 20 adult octopuses to consume Fangbei's energy bombs, but now Fangbei has not kept one for himself.

But that's fine, otherwise, the people who will endure the energy bombs may be members of the Volcano tribe.

He stretched out his hand, took out an energy cannon and put it aside, turned his head to look at it.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he looked at the energy cannon.

The whole body of the energy cannon is dark black, and it seems that the metal on the surface is oxidized seriously. The position behind the launch is an old-fashioned operation panel controlled by a circuit board. ], [cleaning the chamber], [self-exploding]

After reading the four buttons, Chen Wangping felt a little heavy.

The enemy that can be seen in front of you is the Spirit Hall, but will there be an invisible enemy? Valley

What kind of crisis did the human race in the old era face?

Any equipment will have a self-exploding module.

You can see the whole leopard at a glance.

The cruelty of war is self-evident.

Chen Wangping asked Xiao Tiemu to help grab the energy cannon, and after a careful inspection, he found that it was actually solar energy.

A solar panel that he could not understand was integrated on the circuit board on the back, which should be an energy harvesting device.

Chen Wangping looked at the energy cannon, and found that the rifling inside was blurred, and there was no trace of maintenance. He reached out and pressed the button to clear the cannon, and found that there was no response when the button was pressed.

"Looks like it's an inferior product."

Chen Wangping shook his head, transported it to the manufacturing table next to it, and clicked Analyze to see if he could parse out any drawings.

[In the analysis of the primary energy cannon, the estimated time is 30 hours]

"So long? This thing is unusual."

Chen Wangping was a little surprised, retracted his thoughts, and continued to flip the space ring.

Soon, he turned out a pile of blood-stained spoils on the side.

There are more than 70 special black armors of the Black Knights, and the strange weapons of the hunters will be all kinds of relic hunters. .

In addition to these, the most dazzling loot on the side is the purple, transparent and bright amethyst fishing rod!

This is the treasure that Liu constantly handed over to Fang!

Even if he didn't recognize it, Chen Wangping wouldn't miss it. Just by scanning it, he could see the rich purple light lingering on it, and at a glance, he knew that it was not ordinary.

Although he didn't have much strength in his hands, he still couldn't help but took out the amethyst fishing rod and played with it.

This fishing rod is not too long, only about 2.5 meters, but it feels extremely soft, and the crystal is transparent, like a work of art, which makes people love it!

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to check the properties:

【Amethyst Fishing Rod☆☆☆】

【Not available】

【Fishing range: 10m】

【Number of hooks: 2】

[Special effects-Shuishui: When fishing with an amethyst fishing rod, it can calm down the nearby 50-meter water without waves and isolate external influences]

[Special effects-fishing seedlings: The hook of the amethyst fishing rod has its own crystal light, which can greatly increase the probability of fishing seedlings]

[Special Effects - Crystal Light: Amethyst fishing rod can release dazzling light, blinding fish for five seconds]

【Without Skills】

[Note: It needs to be used with tough and firm tendons]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping reluctantly put it into the storage compartment, and said with emotion: "Amethyst fishing rod? It's still three-star, it is indeed the treasure left by Liu Yuwang, the special effect is too fierce, and it can also fish for seedlings, this is It's a treasure!"

It's just that it can't be used now.

Tough and firm tendons? Where to find this?

Ordinary animal tendons are flexible, not tough!

It seems that this is also the reason why Liu Yuwang couldn't use it, and he couldn't find any suitable accessories.

Chen Wangping stared at the amethyst fishing rod for a while, and suddenly an idea emerged in his heart, ready to try it after the injury was healed.

He continued to turn it down, and soon he found thousands of squares of sulfur, enough to make dozens of rockets, and the sulfur hidden in these squares is of high quality, all of which are excellent~www.readwn.com~ Next to the sulphur is a pile of experimental utensils that are specially used to make bombs, which are of little value to Chen Wangping.

Later, Chen Wangping found that there was a token placed in the deepest part of the space ring. The font on it was not the Xiaozhuan commonly used in the ruins, but the common text of this era. Contribution points two hundred and thirty-five.

"Land of Thunderhead? Contribution points?"

He was worried that this thing had any communication system, so he didn't take it out. He secretly wrote down the appearance of the token, ready to ask Teacher Tang when he had time.

To be honest, Chen Wangping, as a lightning power user, is still very interested in the land of lightning. His use of lightning is actually very rough now, relying on the attributes of lightning energy to attack, and his moves are also very rough. Not subtle.

It is necessary to find opportunities to systematically learn a wave.

When the spirit hall is resolved, and there will be another wave of development, I will find an opportunity to visit the land of thunder.

Of course, before you set off, you have to order some drawings of the means of transportation.

Not to mention aeroplanes, manned rockets, etc., at least a helicopter will do.

Putting away the space ring, Chen Wangping closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

As far as the current harvest is concerned, he is already very satisfied.

After all, Fang Bie just broke through the fifth level, so he must have consumed a lot of resources. In addition, he must have spent a lot of money to collect cotton-padded clothes and food. The current harvest is already very good.

This battle has been won!

A good wave of development!

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