Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 262: Marine tanks and capsules!

Immediately afterwards, one by one light and shadow that seemed to be substantial appeared.

Tanks, shells, and two thumb-sized capsules, one purple and one green, look very tech-savvy.

The light and shadow stopped in the air, and the drawings of these lights and shadows appeared immediately below.

[You have unlocked the [Standard Cannonball] blueprint, [Tank] blueprint, [Violet Capsule] blueprint, and [Slow Capsule] blueprint of the weapon series]


Chen Wangping glanced at the big guy in the light and shadow, and couldn't wait to open the tank blueprint to check it.

This thing is much more powerful than any machine gun car.

The second-level mechanical crystal is really good. It gave such a powerful blueprint!

【Land Battle Tank】

[Use: Battle Land Overlord]

[Attached attack devices: flamethrower, heavy artillery, heavy machine gun]

【Material: 【Integrated Circuit】×30, 【Internal Combustion Engine】×30, 【Gear Set】×50, 【Steel】×100】

[Building method: manufacturing table/handmade]

[Remarks: The only disadvantage of land tanks is that they move slowly]

Land battle tank!

And it's a large tank with heavy artillery attached!

After reading the drawings, Chen Wangping felt a little pain in his liver.

My goodness, this thing is too expensive to build.

It takes 100 pieces of steel alone, let alone 30 integrated circuit boards. Now the output of plastic is so low that it takes 25 minutes to produce one. After saving so long, it is just enough. Build a land battle tank.

It seems necessary to increase the number of oil refineries and chemical plants.

At present, energy-saving plug-ins are used one after another, and the electricity in the home is much more abundant.

"Since the land battle tank has its own heavy artillery, then the standard shell should be used for it."

Chen Wangping clicked on the second standard cannonball blueprint to view the properties:

【Standard shells】

【Use: Tank Ammo】

【Material: 【Explosive】×10, 【Plastic】×5, 【Steel】×10】

[Building method: manufacturing table/handmade]

[Note: Standard shells mainly rely on physical impact for damage]

Chen Wangping: "..."

A shell costs five plastics.

Without petroleum gas, it would be impossible to move an inch.

However, the more you spend, the stronger the effect.

Now that the rocket has been successfully visualized, the next step is to try to visualize the standard shell.

He walked to the manufacturing station, ready to build a standard shell first to see the situation.

Just as he was about to build it, Chen Wangping stopped moving his hands. He turned his head to see that a few shock steel plates had been smelted in the furnace next to him. He walked over quickly to check the properties:

【Shengang Steel Plate ☆☆】

[Use: to create materials]

[Special effects-vibration stacking: After the shock iron is smelted into shock steel, it can not only transmit vibration, but also superimpose part of the vibration, greatly improving the vibration-related properties of the crafting equipment]

[Remarks: There is no such material as shock steel in nature]

The built shock steel looks a bit like the previous Lianzhen gem, but the texture on the surface is more complicated, and at a glance, it is known that it is not ordinary.

Chen Wangping placed Zhengang upright on the ground, facing one end of Zhengang, and tried to punch a few times in succession.



Several long cracks appeared on the ground.

Chen Wangping estimated that according to his previous strength, each punch alone could not cause such a big crack, that is to say, Zhen Gang fused several punches of his own frequency, and then transmitted it to the ground.

Kind of interesting.


If you use this thing to make standard shells, will it be able to concentrate the force of the standard shells when they collide and cause more damage.

The remarks have already reminded that the damage caused by standard shells is physical damage, which is very suitable for shock steel to play a role.

Chen Wangping took ten pieces of shock steel, placed them on the manufacturing table along with other materials, and clicked on the blueprint of the standard shell to start building.

[Standard shells are being built, it is estimated to take one hour]

Standing on the edge of another manufacturing table, he thought for a while. Although the quality of shock steel is very high, the number is relatively small, and secondly, if the ability to transmit shock is used in defense, it will become a disadvantage, and shock can not be used. Steel to build tanks.

Just made of normal high-quality steel.

[The land battle tank is being built, it is estimated that it will take ten hours]

Tanks don't take that long to build, just get some sleep.

After arranging this, he continued to click on the other two new drawings to check.

Both drawings are capsules and look interesting.

【Toxic Capsules】

【Use: Throwing Object】

【Material: 【Heavy Oil】×5, 【IC Board】×1, 【Steel】×2】

[Building method: manufacturing table]

[Remarks: Please use with caution, large-scale use in the same place may lead to the spread of pollution]

【Slow Capsule】

【Use: Throwing Object】

【Material: 【Crude Oil】×1, 【IC Board】×2, 【Steel】×1】

[Building method: manufacturing table]

[Remarks: It can stick to the enemy, and waste oil can be used when manufacturing]

Toxic Capsules are purple, Slow Capsules are green, and it looks like it should be a series item.

After reading the drawings, Chen Wangping smiled with satisfaction.

Heavy oil is finally useful.

Although this usage is very crude.

Just use it as a poison.

As for the remarks, Chen Wangping ignored it for the time being.

Development first, governance later.

If this thing has a good effect on the spiritual hall, what if the pollution spreads to the place where the spiritual hall is stationed.

Kill the enemy and solve the problem.

In addition, the deceleration capsule also gave him a surprise.

There is only one way to solve the waste oil before, and that is to grow oil plants.

But first, the oil field is a little far away, and he has not started planting oil plants. Second, he will also produce some waste oil at home, which is useless and cannot be thrown around.

Well now, just use the waste and make it into a speed reduction capsule.

Chen Wangping turned his hands and took out five parts of heavy oil and one part of waste oil, and began to build two kinds of capsules with integrated circuit boards and steel.

[The highly toxic capsule is being built, it is estimated to take half an hour]

[The deceleration capsule is under construction~www.readwn.com~Estimated time is half an hour]

After arranging all the processes, he nodded with satisfaction.

From the analysis of the materials required for the drawings, oil has become a necessity for construction. Presumably, the energy series technology and production series technology must also use integrated circuit boards, and the plastic output must be increased.

Fortunately, now that the black oil remains are taken down, there is no need to worry about the oil problem.

After thinking for a while, Chen Wangping walked to the standard cannonball manufacturing station, began to learn the building process, and prepared to visualize the standard cannonball.

After half an hour, the two capsules were created.

Seeing the prompt, Chen Wangping raised his head and shook his head, but he looked back helplessly.

The crafting process of this cannonball is more complicated than that of rockets, and it is even more difficult to learn.

Just take it slow.

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