Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 263: Shock Steel Cannonball!

Chen Wangping took out the two made capsules and looked at them.

The shape of the capsule is the same as the one in the phantom, very small.

【Slow Capsule】

【Number of times you can use: 1】

[Special effect - mass deceleration: After the throw hits the ground, it will cause 50% mass deceleration to creatures within 50 meters of the landing site, and the effect lasts for three minutes (cannot be superimposed with other deceleration effects)]

[Remarks: The deceleration capsule does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy]

【Toxic Capsules】

【Number of times you can use: 1】

[Special effect-Very poisonous: After the throw hits the ground, it will cause 500 points of poison gas damage per second to creatures within 20 meters of the landing site, which can last for ten seconds]

[Negative special effects-poison: After use, it will cause slight pollution to the land within the range of the landing site, and the pollution will increase after multiple stacking]

[Note: It is more suitable for use in the enemy's lair]

After reading the attributes of these two things, Chen Wangping was quite satisfied.

The range of the deceleration capsule is much larger than expected. I didn't expect that such a small action could cause a 50-meter deceleration, and it's still 50%, which is equivalent to breaking a leg.

As for the issue of not distinguishing between the enemy and me, Chen Wangping is not worried. He is alone on his side, and it will definitely take advantage of it when using it in a group attack.

Moreover, you must know that this thing is not a technology like a force field, it will only slow down the creature.

As long as the enemy slows down, whether you shoot or fire, your accuracy will be greatly improved.

That's the key.

As for the poisonous capsule, the damage of this thing is also very fierce, and it is 5,000 points in ten seconds.

If it is thrown continuously, the damage will be directly exposed.

It's just that the range is a bit small, only twenty meters in a radius. If it encounters a fast-moving enemy, it will run out.

Like Chen Wangping's current speed, he ran out in a blink of an eye in a radius of twenty meters.

But it doesn't matter, since two capsules suddenly appeared on the technology tree, it means that these two things can be used together.

Turn back and throw the slow down first, then throw the poison, and see how the enemy runs.

Chen Wangping put away the two capsules, and continued to arrange tasks on the manufacturing table. He was going to produce the speed-reducing capsules and the highly toxic capsules in a ratio of one to two, and use them together when they were used.

Make fifty or sixty first and prepare them.

After studying these two properties, the standard shells over there will also be manufactured.

Chen Wangping stood beside the manufacturing table, after watching the final finishing process on the manufacturing table, he reached out and fished it out.

The standard shells don't look big, they look like bamboo shoots, about 20 centimeters in diameter, and there are many symbols on them, which look very strange and heavy to hold.

【Standard shells ☆☆ (Steel version)】

[Small area damage: 5000 points~10000 points (+5000 points)]

[Damage Type: Physical Damage]

[Special effect - shock stacking: After the shock steel shell hits the enemy, the shock energy accumulated during the flight will be released together, the shrapnel will cause an additional 50% damage, and the attack range will increase by an additional 50 meters]

[Special Effects-Precision: The accuracy of standard shells with integrated circuit boards can be controlled within ten meters of the target]

【Remarks: Launch! Then blow up! 】

"Hahaha! Thanks to the third hall master, this Zhengang addition is too timely!"

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to arrange another standard cannonball construction process, and he stood by and studied hard.

This standard shell is much better than the rocket in terms of accuracy and damage. Once it is visualized and combined with lightning energy, the power is not to mention.

A few hours later, Chen Wangping's eyes were red, and he fell on the bed tiredly. He wanted to try again to recall the knowledge he just saw, but he was really tired today. Shentan's concussion injury was not completely healed. Can fall asleep.

Late at night, thousands of miles away.

The second hall master of Lingdian shook his hand, frowned and looked at the tent next to him, thinking something was wrong.

Isn't the third child just going to investigate a party's news?

Why haven't you come back for so long?

Or, the third child is deflated?

The second hall master raised his hand and summoned the elder, explained the situation, and asked the elder to talk about his thoughts.

The first elder was full of white hair, short in stature, and was holding a cane, but the light in his eyes proved that he was not a good-natured man. He always turned to the second hall master. After hearing the current situation, the first elder smiled. , "It's actually very simple. Some people in the hall are the people of the third hall master. Only two blood sacrifices are needed. According to the amount of energy they provide, the current strength of the third hall master can be estimated."

The second hall master frowned, the blood sacrifice was to consume his own strength, but he had never thought about this path before.

But looking at it now, there is no blood sacrifice, and the third hall master has not returned, nor will he bring the news back.

The temperature is getting lower and lower right now, and it is almost winter.

If the winter thunder disappears, the elder brother is trapped in the land of thunder, and it will be troublesome to find reinforcements at that time.

Gotta act asap.

He nodded, "Just do as you said, call someone over for the blood sacrifice, and see what the situation is with the third child, and what's the use of hiding."

The first elder nodded, and soon brought a Dharma protector of the third hall master.

When he first came here, the Dharma Protector had a lot of caution in his eyes, and said in his mouth, "I have seen the second hall master, the first elder, where is the third hall master? I am responsible for the third hall master in a straight line."

The second hall master was too lazy to pay attention to him and waved his hand.

The elder next to him smiled and turned his head: "Don't worry, you will see him soon." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stabbed the guardian to death with a crutch in his hand, raised his hand and took out a formation plate. sacrifice it in blood.

After the blood sacrifice to the protector, a strong blood energy and spiritual energy lingered on the array plate.

The second hall master grabbed the spiritual energy and analyzed it, and frowned: "The other end of this spiritual energy is connected to the third child, but the quality and quantity of this spiritual energy are obviously much less than before~www.readwn.com~ It seems that the third child is really down today, and the clone must be gone, strange, Fang Bie's strength will be so strong?"

The first elder shook his head and said, "Could it be that Tang Huoniu has recovered? It's over now, and he certainly won't be willing to be injured."

The second hall master nodded slowly, "I can't rule out the possibility, it seems that the big formation should be activated sooner." Speaking of which, he chuckled lightly, "In the end, although Fang Bie betrayed, he can be considered a helper. We are very busy, and we have cut off a lot of resistance forces in Huo Niu City, so the Myriad Spirit Array will definitely be no problem.”

The first elder smiled and said: "The second hall master has devised a strategy, and this time he will definitely be able to break through the sixth level from the seventh research institute."

The second hall master smiled and said: "Let's kill Tang Huo Niu, let's go to rush the big formation, the time is almost up, I want to see how Huo Niu City will deal with it, and try to get this matter before the winter completely comes. over!"

The first elder nodded, "Don't worry, the second hall master, in this Huo Niu City, no one can stop the great formation of ten thousand spirits, they will become fertilizer, my hall ten thousand lives!"

At night, countless rustling sounds sounded all over the vicinity of Huo Niu City.

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